Chapter 1 : The Note

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I roll over on my bed. I stretch and moan from my exhaustion. I went to a party last night, and everything was a blur. I look over at my clock. "Shit" I say out loud. I'm late. Dad didn't wake me up. He must have left early. Oh well, fuck it.

I hop out of bed , slip my feet into my slippers and walk into my bathroom. I scrub my face, brush my teeth, and throw my hair up into a messy bun.

Bacon walks in pouting. Dad must have forgotten to feed him. I kick him over to the side. "Wait , I'll feed you later" I say to him. He goes and jumps onto my bed and lays down.

I throw on some slightly worn black skinny jeans and a fitted white shirt with my red vans. I grab my phone and run downstairs. I fill Bacon's bowl up, grab a banana and my skateboard, and walk out.


I get to the front of the school; Fauna and Frankie were waiting on me. Perfect timing. I stop my skateboard and jump off, flipping it into my hand; some pro moves. They wave and say "sup" in unison. I hate it when they do that. It freaks me out.

We all walk into the building, skateboards in hands. We are 15 minutes late. Mr.Steinhitch (We call him StinkBitch) was waiting in the lobby for us. Like he knew when we would arrive. He had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot. He looked down at his watch. Like we cared. We were already were assigned all-day In School Suspension yesterday. What else could he possibly do? We completely ignored him and walked past him , continuing our conversation. "Eliza, Fauna Marie, and Franklin , where are you going?" We all hated our real names and he knew that. But he still continued to call us by our full names. Frankie hated it the most. He was annoyed. He turned around and snapped back "What ?!". Me and Fauna snickered behind him. StinkBitch stood there with a shocked face. He finally replied with "Excuse me? Franklin, it's 'Yes Sir'". Fauna already knew what was about to happen. Frankie had tried to jump forward at StinkBitch, but Fauna realized what was about to happen, so she held him back by his chest. Thank God for their weird twin mind-reading powers.

StinkBitch jumped back surprised. He knew what was good for himself so he walked away and yelled back at us that we need to be in detention hall for In School Suspension by 9:30, it was already 9:23.

We all walk down the hallway. Frankie was still pissed off. We reached our lockers and of course mine is jammed. I try the combination a few times, then I begin kicking, punching, and yelling at it. Some teachers even came out of their classrooms to see what the ruckus was about. I gave them all dirty looks and they all went back into their classrooms. Not even bothering to get involved.

I finally get my locker open and
a note falls out, onto my feet. Frankie and Fauna look at the note with their curious hazel eyes. I open it up, slowly. It has, what seems like, a poem on the page. "Ha! Somebody's got a secret admirer!" Frankie laughed along with Fauna. "Shut the hell up" I muttered out as they continued to laugh. I read it aloud:

"Dearest Liz,

Your beauty is outstanding.
As I watch you from a distance.
The way your beautiful hair blows in the wind.
The way you roll your eyes at any person with authority.
The way you curse out freshmen in your way.
The way you ride you skateboard along the school railings.
I love you for you, my dear. But soon, you'll love me too, my dearest Liz.


The only words I could manage out were "What the fuck?!" Fauna was crying because she was laughing so hard. "Someone has a stalker" Frankie said. And sadly I had to agree. But who would know how my hair flows in the wind, where I ride my skateboard? I ripped the note up with anger and said to myself "Oh my fucking gosh, I have a creeper."

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