Ch. 19: Jail Visit

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I ran to Ricky's car and began driving to the police station, which was across town. While I was at a stoplight I called Frankie.


"Lenny just got arrested. Meet me at the police station."

"What the hell happened? What did he do?"

"Just meet me at the police station. Bring Fauna too."

"That's all the way across town."

"Please, Frankie."

"Fine. We are on our way."


I was on Chimer Drive. I was half way there.

I got there 15 minutes later. I double parked behind the police station and went through the side door. I marched up to the front desk and there was a chubby black woman behind the desk, writing something down on a post-it note. "Hi, I'm here for Lenard Travis." I said while tapping my nails on the desk. She slowly looked up at me and rolled her eyes. "Just tell me what the hell he was arrested for!" I yelled at her. I had no time for attitudes right now. I had already had an idea of why they arrested him, but I wanted confirmation. She raised her eyebrow and turned to her computer screen. "Name?" She asked me without looking at me. I just said his damn name. "Lenard Travis." I said with an aggravated tone. She typed on her keyboard. "Lenard Travis was brought in 20 minutes ago for assault against Jacob Letterman. His trial date is tomorrow at 10 am. His bail is set at $1,500." She said reading from her computer screen.

Shit. $1,500?! All I had in my bank account was $400. "What happened?" said a familiar voice. I turned around to see Fauna, Frankie, Quincy, Maria, Eric, Mandy, and Sandra. The whole crew was here. Thank god. I needed some support. Or at least $1,500. "What happened?" Sandra repeated. "Remember that guy that was texting me and harassing me? Well Lenny found out who it was and went to his house and beat his ass." I said looking at the floor. They all burst out laughing. I admit it was kinda funny. But it wasn't funny that he was in jail. "Guys. Come on. His bail is set at $1,500. His trial is tomorrow at 10." I said with my hands on my hips. They all stopped laughing when I said "$1,500.". "None of us have that type of money right now.." Maria said with a slight pout. Everyone let out grunts to show they agreed. Damn. I turned around to face the lady again. "Can we see him?" I asked "Sure. He's in cell 43. I'll have the security escort you." She said while pressing down on red button next to her keyboard. In less than a minute a husky, tan man came into the lobby. His badge read: Darius Yalette. "Yalette, escort them to cell 43." She said to the guard. He nodded then motioned us to follow him. We followed him through the door and into a dim-lit hallway. Eric saw his Uncle Freddy in one of the cells and stopped to see him. He said he'd catch up with us later.

We finally reached cell 43. Lenny was sitting on a grey, steel bench. He was leaning over with his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair. "Hey baby!" I said to him through the metal bars. He looked up, jumped up and smiled. He reached his arms through the bars and grabbed my waist. He kissed my forehead. I blushed. He let go then gave everyone else dap through the bars. "Why are y'all here?" He said looking at me in particular. "To check on you, fool." Frankie said with a smirk. Lenny let out a very attractive chuckle. "We heard you beat Letterman's ass." Mandy said while smiling. "Well yeah.." Lenny said while looking off. "Baby, we can't bail you out because we don't have money. But we'll be at your trial tomorrow." I said with a pout. I felt really bad that we couldn't bail him out but we will be at his trial tomorrow. "It's fine. I need some alone time anyway." He said with a grin.

I gave him one last kiss through the bars and left.

I miss him already. 😔

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