Ch. 13: The Party

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I stood there for a minute analyzing my appearance. Fauna had done magic. My hair was straight as a bone but it was beautiful, with a piece of it bobby-pinned back with a gorgeous fake black rose. My makeup was perfect. My dress hugged my body just right. It exposed the curves that I didn't even know I had. I took a mirror selfie with my phone. I wasn't gonna upload it or nothing, I just thought this moment should last forever.

Fauna came down the stairs and she looked stunning. She had curled her untamable, brown hair. She had on light makeup that brought out her beautiful hazel eyes. She wore a flowy yellow dress with purple flower designs and black wedges. "Wow. You look amazing, bitch" I said as I laughed. "Thanks." She smiled and gave me the finger and walked into the kitchen. I followed her. We turned on the kitchen tv and snacked on chips, while waiting for the party to start. Fauna finally got up and cut the radio on. She turned it up to the max. My eardrums were bumping. "Crooked Smile" was playing through the speakers. I could barely hear the tv, so I just cut it off. Fauna had disappeared after she cut the radio on. I went looking for her. I found her dancing with her eyes closed in the livingroom. I laughed at her as she (and her curls) bounced around to the beat. There was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock: 8:13. Right on time. I opened the door and Gary Fuller and his girlfriend, Abby, walked in. Both holding liquor bottles. They were followed by 12 other people. "WOOOOO, let's fucking party, man!" Gary said as he walked in. The other people behind him cheered. I even cheered too. I left the door open because I didn't wanna come back and forth.

I had a few tequila shots and didn't even feel buzzed. I had lost Fauna around 9 when more people started coming. Then I found her grinding on her 4th grade crush, Richard. He was a ManWhore. I went to the backyard and Quincy, Frankie, and some other people where back there smoking weed. It smelled great. I sat back there with them for awhile and took a few puffs. I came back in the house with my eyes redder than a hot stove. Some guy walked past me and slapped me on the ass. "Hey sexy" was all I heard. Fuck it. I was sexy. So what?

I had finally found Fauna, but she was making out with Richard. She must have been drunk.

My high wore off around 10-ish. But I still had the munchies. I started walking around with the chip bowl and a 2 liter of Dr.Pepper. I finished it in 15 minutes. Someone had pulled my arm and started dancing with me. Their face was a blur, but whoever he was, he smelled good, so I danced with him. He lowered his hands to my ass and I let them stay there for a while until I felt uncomfortable because I didn't know who he was. I slapped his hands and walked away. I had to pee. I walked into the bathroom and Jasmine (school slut) was giving Gerald Tenser a blowjob. I didn't really care. I just had to pee. I shooed them out so I could use the bathroom. I pissed out so much alcohol and Dr.Pepper than my body felt 9 lbs lighter after getting off the toilet. I washed my hands and walked out.

Then a thought came into my mind: Where's Lenny? I started looking for him.

Livingroom: No Lenny

Diningroom: No Lenny

Kitchen: No Lenny

Bedrooms: No Lenny

Bathrooms: No Lenny

Front and Backyard: No Lenny

Roof: No Lenny

He was one of the first people I invited and he didn't come. How fucking disrespectful. I was so angry. That jerk-off blew my party all because I liked him? How ignorant. I was so "love-angry" that I went up to the nearest boy and started making out with him. He smelled bad. Like cigarettes and baby piss. I released my lips and walked away. The boy stood there. I think he was high. I was about to cry. I needed someone to talk to. I started looking for Fauna. But, when I found her, she and Richard were practically having sex on the dance floor. Grinding, sweating, making out. She couldn't really help right now. I ran upstairs, crying. I went into my room and closed the door. I laid on my back staring at the ceiling. I wiped my tears.

I heard a faint knock at my door but I ignored it. I heard my door open. I looked up and it was:


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