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I wake up to someone shaking me, telling me it's time to wake up. Then I hear someone open the curtains and light floods the room. Legolas. I sit up and see breakfast on the nightstand next to the bed. It has a bowl of fresh fruit, a vase with flowers, a fork, and a glass of water. Then I notice a small note, it says

I made you breakfast! Yes, I picked the flowers this morning. I thought you would like them. When you are ready, Ionwë and I are outside in the garden.
I love you, Meldameriel!
~ Legolas

I eat my breakfast and get ready. I rush outside to see him and Ionwë in the homeowners garden. Ionwë is crying and Legolas is trying to quiet him. I approach the two and Legolas look up and smiles before turning back to Ionwë. After quieting the young boy he turns to me.
"You should hold him."
He brings Ionwë towards me.
"No, Legolas, you hold him. I am not good with children. Legolas! Stop! NOO!"
I shriek as he puts Ionwë in my arms.
"I will drop him! Take him back!"
"No you will not Mel, put your arms here."
Then he puts me arms where they should go. One under the boy's bottom, and the other on his back. Ionwë stares at me, then he relaxes in my arms. I look at Legolas and he smiles at me. I give him a glare which makes him chuckle. Soon enough, I give Ionwë back to Legolas, and we're on the move again. We reach Rivendell by nightfall and I couldn't be happier at returning home.

~~ One Week Later ~~
I wake up in the middle of the night to Ionwë's crying. Of course, he's only 6 months old so he cries a lot. He also sleeps in Legolas' room, which is also the room I sleep in, because of this some of my clothes and other belongings have moved themselves into Legolas' room. Now Legolas stands by Ionwë's crib and sings to him. Every time Legolas sings a new song. Some in elvish, some in english. His voice never a ceases to amaze me, and Ionwë's crying soon ceases when he sings. Ionwë's crying never used to bother me, but it does now. I want to sleep and not have Ionwë bother me. I know Legolas cares and loves him, but I may need to start sleeping alone again. This is what parenting will be like. Ionwë soon falls back asleep and Legolas lays next to me.
"I am sorry about him Mela. He has been traumatized ever since the ork attack on his village. He has nightmares. If you would sleep better on your own, you
may return to you room."
"No, Legolas, I am fine. Goodnight."
I turn away from him and I hear him sigh. I feel him raise his arm above me to wrap it around me. Then he draws it back. He lays on his back staring at the ceiling. He inhales deeply and exhales before standing up and walking outside onto the balcony. Then I fall asleep.
I wake up to hear Ionwë laughing. I look to see Legolas still asleep, I turn to Ionwë and he's laughing at the butterfly on his nose. Legolas left the balcony door open. I get up and go to the bathroom to get changed. Then I hear Legolas' strained voice.
"Mel... Mel! MELDAMERIEL!"
I rush into the room to see him sitting up. One leg hanging off the bed and the other bent. His elbow leans on his knee with his hand through his hair. The other hand clenching his chest. He doesn't look up at me. Ionwë starts crying at his fear and Legolas screams as if he's in pain. I run to Legolas and embrace him. He wraps his arms around me as Ionwë cries louder. Legolas gets up and cradles him, whispering about how it was just a dream and that he's okay. I hear a knock at the door and Legolas goes to answer it with Ionwë. I go back into the bathroom and work on my hair. Then I feel strong arms around me and blonde hair falls down my shoulders as a small weights rests on my left shoulder.
"Legolas.. You had a nightmare.."
"Yes, I did. What of it?"
"You screamed my name."
"I am afraid to lose you, Mela. Do not be troubled, I am well."
"Is this the first one you have had?"
His head retracts from my shoulder, and his arms leave my waist. I turn around to face him, and his face makes his lies obvious.
"It is the first, the only one so far."
He looks me in the eyes but his quickly dart away, finding my gaze uncomfortable.
"Do not lie Legolas! This is not the only one is it? You have had more?!"
He sighs and looks down.
"Yes, I have had them ever since Ionwë was given to me. I dream of you. Of Volgana taking you away. Of me betraying you for my own good. Mel, I am truly sorry for keeping this from you, I did not wish for you to worry."
He turns away so he doesn't face me, but I grab his shoulders and turn him back around. He looks me in the eyes then drops his gaze. I lift his chin to make him meet my eyes.
"Legolas Greenleaf, I will always worry about you. Even when this is over, I fear for your life, and your safety. I do not want to lose you. If you ever have nightmares again, wake me up. I will help you."
"Thank you Mel."
He kisses me, I kiss back. His lips never feel bad. His kisses never get old. Every time he kisses me I feel alive. He starts to kiss harder and I feel him deepen the kiss. His hands on my back and in my hair. My arms around his neck, and hands tangled in his hair. He pulls away for air and look me in the eyes, then Ionwë comes to mind.
"Where is Ionwë?"
"Faerveren is watching him for the day.."
"Oh, okay."
My lips touch his again, and I start to fumble with his clothes. He pulls away quickly and grabs my hands.
"Not yet, mela. Patience."
"Ugh! Come on Legolas! Please."
He walks out of the bathroom and in front of the window. I follow him.
"No, I can not allow myself to disgrace you in such a way."
"What if I give you permission?"
I wrap my arms around his waist and push myself against him.
"Patience, mela. For my sake, I ask you to wait. I am not ready."
"Fine, I will wait, until when exactly?"
He turns around to face me and grabs my hands.
I pout, and he chuckles at my expression. He pecks me softy on the lips and gathers up clothes to change. After he changes clothes he goes to the mirror and starts on his hair. He does the braid on the top of his head first. Once the braid is out of his eyesight, I see him fumble. He turns to me and I read his mind. I walk over and braid his hair while he does the one on the right side.
"Legolas, you really should wear your hair down more often."
"Now that I know you prefer it that way, I will. Not today though. I feel a battle coming."
I finish the braid and start the one on the left. He finishes the right, and watches me braid. His eyes seemingly mesmerized by my movements. Once I finish, he grabs my hands. He kisses each and every knuckle. Then, he kisses my cheek.
"Mel, I have things to do today. I am sorry to split from you, but I trust you can handle yourself?"
"Yes, I can. Good luck, with whatever you are working on."
He smiles and walks out the door. I sigh and plop down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I want him. I want him bad, but I'll wait. I'll play his game, I'll do what he wants. If he takes too long to place a ring on my finger, I might just go crazy with lust. Lust for him.

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