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- Melda's POV -
I wake up to a light knocking on the door. I get up quickly and open it to see Faerveren.
"Hello Faerveren, do you need something?"
"No, I came to ask if you saw Legolas last night."
"Why do you ask?"
"We can't find him. He's gone missing."
"What?! I did go into his room last night, I'm sorry. He was there though."
"I'm not mad, if you see him, tell us okay. If we don't find him soon, we're going to go out and start searching for him. Accepting the scenario that he's been taken captive."
"I will keep my eyes peeled for him."
"Good, I will leave you to it Melda."
He walks away. I shut the door and feel my heart start to beat crazy fast. He's gone missing. How? I hear a groan from the bathroom in my room. I approach it slowly. I open the door slowly and quietly and see Legolas leaning over the toilet. Why is he here? I would ask him, but he is clearly hungover. I go over and pull his hair behind him as he throws up again. I'm surprised by how soft his hair is. It looks beautiful, but feels twice as wonderful as it looks.
"Legolas, you had me worried for a second. I thought you had gone missing. Faerveren told me you were missing and.."
"Mel, forgive my rudeness, but I have a horrible headache, could you please shut up."
He interrupts my rambling and looks up to me with tired eyes.
I immediately shut up, as he requested. He throws up again. I hold his hair back with one hand and rub his back with the other. I grab the hair tie I just realized I had on my wrist and tie his hair into a messy bun. He throws up for hopefully the last time and starts breathing heavily. I get up and go to the sink. I grab a cup and fill it with water. After it's full I hand it to him. He drinks a little bit of it. After swishing it around his mouth for a bit, he spits it out. Then he takes another sip and does the same. He gets up off the floor and washes his hands he throws away the cup and goes out of the bathroom, I follow him out. He walks over to the bed and collapses on it. I have to go tell the others I found him.
"Legolas, I will be right back, I must tell the others you are okay."
"Alright, come back though. Preferably with some food."
His voice is muffled from his head being buried in the pillows and blankets. I giggle a little as I leave. I walk down the hallway and see Candir.
"Candir, I have found Legolas. He is okay, just a little.. Hungover."
Candir looks towards me expecting to see Legolas with me. When he doesn't he questions me.
"Good, where did you find him? Where is he now?"
"I found him in my bathroom, he is in my bedroom. He will be fine, trust me."
"That is the thing, I don't trust you, neither should.."
King Thranduil interrupts him before he can finish.
"Candir, she will take care of him."
Candir nods and walks away, King Thranduil turns toward me, smiles, and keeps walking. I go to the kitchen. I grab some bread, fruit, and water. Then return to Legolas. I put the tray before him, and he sits up to eat. I sit on the edge of the bed watching him. When he finishes he looks up at me, then voices his thoughts.
"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me.."
"I thought I did too, but I've heard that there's more to the story. I want to know Legolas, I don't want to hate you."
I grab his hand and hold it. He seems to think about it for a second, then he tells the story.
"Okay, I will tell you, but remember Daechir doesn't know this yet. Daechir's adopted parents were evil. They hated my father and I, and were friends with Volgana. They wanted to get revenge for her. They as in his mother, father, two sisters and brother. Since Daechir was adopted they kept him out of it, but we didn't know that. To get revenge on us for Volgana, they took someone my father and I both loved. My sister. Her name was Cíthel. She was beautiful, her hair was as white as the snow, eyes as green as the shiniest Emerald. I loved her. After we found her missing, we knew exactly where to look. We went to them and demanded them to give Cíthel back. After they refused, the arguing started, arguing soon turned to fighting. After we had killed almost all of them, we spared Daechir thinking he knew where she would be. After we found out he had no part in it, we let him go. He stayed in Mirkwood and fought with us. Unfortunately, we never saw Cíthel again. We've never seen her since that day."
"Wow, so Daechir's family is to blame for the whole incident?"
"Mostly, we started the fight, but they took.. Cíthel."
He looks up at me and continues.
"I miss her, she was lovely, kind, intelligent. My father misses her too, after her disappearance he swore to never lose another. He made sure I was always protected. Just recently he loosened the heavy guarding on me, that's when we were attacked, and he almost lost me."
He looks down, I pull him towards me and embrace him. He hugs back and tightly squeezes me to him. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of being in his arms. He lets go and we back away from each other, then I decide to ask him what I wanted to earlier.
"Why were you in my bathroom?"
His face flushes red and I find it a bit cute. I smile and laugh a little.
"Oh, uhh, I woke up last night from a nightmare and I came here to see if you were okay. Then I was too tired to go back, so I fell asleep on the floor."
I laugh a little at his reaction, his face was still red and that made me laugh.
"What are you laughing about?"
He says with a huge smile on his face as he tries to hold back a laugh of his own.
"Your face is funny."
He laughs after I say that. This is why I like him.. No, this is why I love him.

All That Matters [LEGOLAS FANFICTION] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon