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- Legolas' POV -
I have been walking for hours, no sign of my father, or any elves. I keep my eyes peeled for anything, a simple movement. I keep my ears open for a simple sound. But I hear nothing but the crunch of the leaves under my feet, and the soft flowing of water.

I stop by a stream to get some water. All this traveling has made me thirsty. I bend down to the stream and cup my hands. I submerge them in the clear, cool water of the stream. I raise my hands up to my mouth and drink the water. It isn't the best water, but it'll do. I submerge my hands again and raise them to my mouth. Before I can drink, I hear a sound. I hear the crunch of leaves. As if someone is walking. Then I hear the crack of a broken twig. I slowly reach behind me to grab my swords. I feel the top of my blade, and wrap my fingers around it. I gently pull them from their scabbards and put them out in front of me.

I hear another snap of a twig. Then quiet footsteps behind me. I turn my head to investigate. But seeing nothing I turn my head back around, lowering my swords. Then I hear someone drawing their sword. I quickly swing myself, and my swords around. I hear the clang of two swords meeting. Looking up, I see the face of my enemy. An ork.

I rise to my feet and detach his head from his shoulders before he even has the time to block my attack. I look around me to see I am surrounded by orks. We all stop, looking at each other. Then looking at the fallen ork. Then back to each other.

Before I can comprehend his actions, and ork charges toward me. I sidestep out of the way, but he manages to cut my arm. I cry out in pain. Turning around I stab the ork in the chest, he freezes and I pull the sword out. He falls to the ground limp. This makes the rest angry. They all charge at me together. I start to attack them. Slowly killing some. After killing about five I start to feel overwhelmed and outnumbered. I know in the back of my head, I can't do this on my own. I need help.  But where am I going to get help?

An ork breaks my train of thought by stabbing me, straight through my stomach. I look down and see blood all over my tunic and his sword. I feel blood in my mouth and going down my chin. My hand reaches up and wipes my chin. Looking down at my hand I see blood. That makes me angry.

I look up at the ork with a deadly glare. Gripping my swords tighter, I cut off his head and stab the ork next to him. Pulling my sword out I feel a pain in my side. I had been stabbed again. The ork who stabbed me smiles and twists the blade inside me. I screamed out in agony. This made the rest of them laugh, making me angry. I would not be humiliated like this.

He pulls the blade out of me, deadly mistake. I start attacking anything nearby me. Any ork who comes near me meets the same fate as the previous one. Death. The number of orks starts going down rapidly, till there's just me, and a huge ork. He looks angry.

He charges me, and I block his attack. The stab wounds now feel like they're on fire. It's horribly painful. I try to attack him, but I feel a pain in my side. I grab my side, and feel cold metal, a blade. I had been stabbed for the third time. I knew at this point I was going to die. But I continue to fight. If I am to die, I want to kill this ork first. I want to die in peace. Not in the presence of these wretched creatures.

I stab the ork who just stabbed me, causing him to pull his blade out of me. I make a quiet cry of pain, and continue my fight with the bigger one. I try to ignore the pain from my three stab wounds as I fight, but it's getting harder the more I fight. The pain is great, and is something I've never felt before.

I finally stab the giant ork and he falls to the ground, dead. I run from the battle scene. But I can't run far, my wounds hurt so bad. My lungs feel like they're going to burst.

I collapse as I'm running, the pain finally too great for my aching body. I look down at all the wounds, and it's shocking. I've never bled this bad. My tunic is red from all the blood, and there are three holes in my tunic. One on my stomach, one on my upper right side, and one on my lower right side. The tips of my blond hair are red from touching the blood.

I do my best to crawl over to a nearby tree and lean against it. I'm so weak. I'm in so much pain. Tears start slipping from my eyes. I know I'm going to die, but I want to die in the arms of my father. I want him to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Actually I don't even care who it is. I want someone to find me and hold me. Tell me everything will be okay. But nobody is out in this forest, nobody will find me. Hold me. I will die alone.

My vision starts to blur. My body going numb. If this is death. It's peaceful. Quiet. All I hear are the birds singing around me. The wind blowing through the trees, and the crunching of leaves. Crunching of leaves? Someone is walking toward me, but I'm too weak to open my eyes. Just as I hear a faint voice call my name, everything goes black. I can only guess who is walking toward me.

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