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- Melda's POV -
I jolt awake to the sound of Legolas screaming. The sun is up and light is coming through the windows. I shake him, but he doesn't seem to wake. He continues to scream and he starts violently turning back and forth.
I shake him harder and his eyes shoot open and he sits up faster than you can say hello. He's sweating and panting, must've been a nightmare.
I hold him in my arms and his arms slowly come around me.
"What was it about?"
I say just above a whisper.
"My father, you, Volgana... She killed my father before me, then she tried to kill you, but she saw a better option. She turned you against me and you tried to kill me. I will not discuss the rest."
"I will never try to kill you, I love you too much for that."
He pulls me closer, comforted by my words. He then pulls away.
"I will go get us breakfast, wait here Mel."
So I watch him leave. I wait, and wait, and wait. He doesn't return. I get up, get changed, do my hair. Nothing. Confusion hits me, where is he? I leave the room to go find him and see what's taking him so long. I make my way to the kitchen, he isn't there. I turn to a chef in the kitchen.
"Has Legolas come through here?"
"Umm.. Hmm.."
She turned to a friend of hers and asked her, then she turned back to me.
"He got two plates of breakfast about ten minutes ago."
"Which way did he go?"
"That way."
She pointed the way I just came, after thanking them I walk down the hall and back to his room. Nothing. This is weird. I see Faerveren coming down the hall.
"Faerveren! Have you seen Legolas?"
"No, I haven't, why do you ask?"
"He went to get me breakfast and never returned. The chefs say he came back this way, but he's nowhere."
"Okay, that's odd. I will go ask around and look. Keep asking people, keep looking."
I nod and ask three maids, Daechir, Candir, and four guards. Nothing. I walk down the hall from Legolas' room to the kitchen, no clues. I see Faerveren again.
"Faerveren, anything?"
"Nothing, nobody has seen him. This is getting weird. Tell everyone you run into to look for him, he can not be missing."
I nod and keep walking, but before Faerveren gets too far away, I find something.
"Faerveren! Come quick!"
I hear him run down the hallway, but my eyes don't leave the scene. It's a room, but the door is open. Inside the room are cleaning supplies, sheets, pillows, etc. That's not what bothers me though, there are two broken plates on the floor, the food that was once on them scattered everywhere. My hand goes to my mouth in horror when I see blood covering the broken shards of the plates. Faerveren runs off and rings the bell signaling that there's an intruder. People run through the hallways to get to safety, but everything moves in slow motion to me. A tear escapes my eye, my lover, my Legolas, is gone. Captured, by none other than Volgana herself. Anger rages in me like a storm. I sprint to my room and grab all my weapons, I run back down and see a group of soldiers, Faerveren, and Candir planning what to do. I interrupt them
"We go find him! That's what we do!"
"But how?"
Faerveren inquires
"Volgana probably took him. So, we find her."
Before we can decide if it is a good idea, a baby dragon flies through the window carrying a note. I take the note from him, and he flies away. I read the note, it says

I see you have noticed your prince is gone. Well, do not worry. He will be fine, at least you should hope so. I will return him to you if you give me one thing, my son and daughter. I could care less if you do not know who they are, or where they are. You will not be getting your precious prince back until they are returned to me. It is your decision to make.
Good luck!
- Queen Volgana of the Dragons

Things just got a lot worse.
"We have to find him!"
"Maybe it will be easier if we just give her the children.."
Candir utters
"Yea, one problem there Candir.. WE DO NOT KNOW WHO THE CHILDREN ARE!"
Faerveren shouts.
"We go look for him, Now!"
I call out. Faerveren nods his head in agreement, so do the guards. We walk out in search of my love.

- Legolas' POV -
I wake up and feel pain. I look down at my stomach and see many tears in my tunic. Well, it's not like I've never been here before. I remember the ork attack, but it feels like decades ago. I try to move around, but I hear the quiet clinking of metal and my hands are still restricted above my head. I pull on the restraints, they don't budge. Poor Mel, she's going to be worried about me. I'm worried about her, if she comes here, Volagana may take her too. Oh how I wish Mel was here. It's cold, wet, quiet. If Mel was here, I would be warm. The dampness would be nothing to me. She would talk, so it wouldn't be so quiet. I shiver at the cold, the rips in my clothes not helping. Some of my blonde hair falls into my face, and I can't move it out. I try flipping my head, to no avail. I try blowing it, nope. If only Mel were here, she would move it out of my face. Mel.. I feel something hot and wet sliding down my face. Tears. Tears for her, the woman I love. I wish I could wake up and it would all be a dream. I never got captured. She would kiss me and tell me everything's okay, she would hold me in her arms and tell me never to leave her. I would listen, because I would never want to leave her. I know how females are thought to be weak, emotional. In this relationship, I'm the weak one, but I guess I have the right too be. I've lost my father, mother. I've killed people I regret killing. I've lost my kingdom. I'm not the good guy really, but she still loves me. Her love for me is a mystery, something I can't comprehend, something I can not try to understand. I love her, she loves me. That's all that matters to me in this dark, evil, corrupt world. I know it's selfish, but I want her. Right now. I want her to hold me, brush my hair out of my face and kiss me. Kiss me how she always does. Gentle, yet passionate.

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