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- Melda's POV -

I wake up in the morning feeling slightly exhausted, but well rested at the same time. I go to check on Prince Legolas and when I get to him I see he is still asleep, but he looks well. His face is less pale and he looks like he's never been injured in the first place. 'He looks so peaceful, and hot.. Wait! Where did that come from! I can't possibly be falling for him!'

I see him start to stir, I stop staring and pretend to be doing something in the corner of the room. Then I hear his smooth, deep voice..
"Hello, Melda."
"Hello, Amin taren. How do you feel?" (My prince) I respond.
"Better, the pain is gone."
"Good. If you don't mind me asking, how did this happen? You're the Prince of Mirkwood, how did something like this happen to you?"
"Well, it's a long story.."
"I've got time.."
I pull up a chair and sit on it, gesturing for him to speak and tell his story.
"Well, it all started a few days ago.. It was night, and I was asleep.."
~~ Time skip after he tells the story ~~
"Any theories on who could've done this?"
"I actually do have one theory.."
"Well, let's hear it."
"There's a story behind it, so I'll start with that. Her name is Volgana, she's an evil dragon queen. Long ago, when I was young, she and my father were friends, or best friends. They trusted each other with their lives, until Volgana betrayed my father for a man named Terrance. Volgana and Terrance had been friends long before my father and her were. Terrance did not approve of my father, but why should that stop Volgana from befriending him? Well, Volgana was Terrance's wife, and he hated the idea of an elf king stealing his girl. So he made her betray him. This made Volgana angry. Not at Terrance, but at my father. Why? My father had apparently had some feelings for her, and she thought he was trying to split her and Terrance apart. A war started between them, Volgana, Terrance, her son Timithious, and her dragon army. My father and I fought against them, and in the battle my father killed her husband, and I killed her son. Both were accidental, I didn't mean any harm towards her son. I'm guessing she's come back for revenge. Revenge on both my father, and me."
I'd never heard Legolas speak so much, he usually says small sentences.. I was shocked at the story, I never thought that Legolas would be that, well, violent. I know he's killed before, it's just hard to comprehend him actually killing someone. I don't doubt his abilities, I know he's fully capable of killing someone. I know he's done it before. It's just he's so sweet, and kind. The thought of him causing a young boy to die..
"Uhh.. Mel?"
"Oh.. Yea. Uh, Wow, that's harsh.. For both sides. What does she plan to do to you?"
"I don't know, she's destroyed Mirkwood, something my father and I both love, what else could she take from us."
"Well, does she hate one of you more than the other?"
"That I'm not sure of.. If she did, then she would kill the other. If she hates my father more, she will kill me. If she hates me more, she will kill my father. All for revenge."
"I see, rest now Amin taren, I will be back to check on you later."
"Mel, just call me Legolas."
"Alright.. Legolas."

After that I leave with a huge smile on my face. He wants me to call him by his name! Not by formalities! Wait a second! He called me Mel! Twice! Does that mean he likes me?! I smile at the thought, but the smile soon fades when I remember his words 'If she hates my father more, she will KILL ME. If she hates me more, she will KILL MY FATHER.' either way, Legolas will get hurt. Either way I get hurt. If Legolas dies, I will be devastated. If King Thranduil dies, Legolas would be devastated, hurting me aswell. I am scared for his safety. I am scared he will die. Maybe King Thranduil will know more about this Volgana person.

I am walking, not paying attention to what is in front of me. Too lost in my train of thought to pay attention. Then, I accidentally run into someone. I say a quick apology and look up so see the man's hand outstretched to help me up. I take it and thank him. He's actually quite handsome, brown eyes, brown hair, tan skin, and a slender well-built body. He snaps me out of my thoughts with his sweet melodic voice.
"Hey, What's your name?"
"Oh.. Hi, I'm Meldameriel, but you can just call me Melda."
"Well, that's a pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm Daechir. It's a pleasure to meet you Melda."
I blush at his comment. This guy is so sweet, and handsome.
"Oh, thank you, your name is.. Uh, cool too."
Ugh, why couldn't I come up with anything better..
"Haha, thanks Melda, I'll see you around cutie!"
He gives a wink and walks away. 'He's so handsome, how can I like him this soon. What about Legolas? I guess I like both of them, but Daechir is so sweet and nice'

- Legolas' POV -

Melda is sweet, kind. I can tell she genuinely cares about me, but I can't like her. Father would never allow it. Or would he? He would not let me like Tauriel, why would he let me like her. I wish I could love a girl, instead of possibly being forced into marrying a princess, but I am not really a prince anymore. Am I? My kingdom is destroyed. Destroyed. I have lost everything. My kingdom. I have no home. No people. I am nothing now. Nothing! My father and I are nothing. I've been attacked by orks and they beat me. Almost killed me. I have never seen myself bleed so much. I've never been hurt this bad. I never thought I was invincible, but I never drew blood from a battle, or at least as much as I did. If Volgana is after me, trying to kill me. Will death be my fate? Will this be my last battle? All the battles I've fought, all the battles I've won, everything I've done. Will these days be my last? Will this be my final battle?

I'm. Not. Ready. There's so much I haven't done. So much I have left to do. I have never felt love for another, except for that of my father. I want to find love. If I am nearing the end, will I achieve everything I have striven for before I die? Will I make father proud?

I have never been so afraid of death in my entire life.

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