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- Legolas' POV -
Pain. That's all I feel. I cry out as the pain grows, it feels like it's spreading all over my body. My eyes haven't opened, but I feel something soft grab my hand and squeeze. Another hand grasps mine. Holding it tightly. I open one eye and see my father, in a more disheveled state than the last time I saw him. He seems as if he's gotten little rest, as if he's stressed about something I know nothing about. I turn to him
"Father, why do you look as you do? What have I missed?"
"Legolas, you've been out for three days. I've been worried." He responds in a weak, shaky voice. He seems as if he's ready to collapse, physically and emotionally.
"Father, please, get some rest. It pains me to see you like this."
"I can not do as you ask Legolas, I have matters to take care of. You, just rest. I'll come visit you again soon."
"Father! Please! Get some rest! Or at least relax!"
I call out to no avail. He ignores my comment and walks out the door. I sigh and see a beautiful, young elf girl walk in after he leaves.
"Hello amin taren, how are you feeling?" (My prince)
She asks me, with a tone of worry.
"I'm feeling great, thanks."
I try to sit up, but then I cry out in pain. It all burns. The elf girl runs to my side and gently pushes me back down onto the bed.
"No amin taren! You mustn't sit up!"
I let her push me back down, and once I am positioned back on the bed I ask her
"What is your name nessa edhel?" (Young elf)
"My name is Meldamiriel Ringwen, it's a pleasure to meet you Prince Legolas"
"A pleasure to meet you as well Melda. It is alright if I call you that?"
"Oh, yes! Everyone does. I will leave you to rest amin taren."
After saying this she leaves me. I can't stop thinking about her now. She's absolutely beautiful.

- Meldamiriel's POV -
I can't believe they want me to take care of the Prince of Mirkwood. I can't do that!! What if I make a mistake and King Thranduil gets mad at me!! That would just end my life, just right then and there.

Speak of the devil, here he comes. King Thranduil. He approaches me, looking as horrible as he has ever since he got here.
"Melda, how is my son doing?"
"He is doing well, he should be better in 2-3 days. But you my king, must relax, rest. I do not mean to offend, but you don't look your best. I suggest rest my king."
"Who are you to tell me what to do?!"
"Your son, Prince Legolas, what would he want for you?"
"I wish to speak with you no more.."
With that, he walks away. 'That went well.' I thought.


I'm running, for reasons I don't know what are. I see the Prince, but then, he disappears. Just as quickly as he had appeared. I keep running, trying desperately to find him. I run into someone, and we both fall. I quickly say an apology in elvish, and I see the man I ran into standing above me, with an extended hand. I took it, and he pulled me up.
I breathed
He whispered, inching closer to my face. I stepped back and felt myself hit a tree. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. He kept inching closer, closer, and closer.
"Legolas... Stop, your fath-"
"My father doesn't matter, I want you.. That's what matters" he cut me off in a voice barely audible to human ears, but audible for my elf ones. After saying those words, he kissed me. His soft, warm lips felt amazing against mine. He started to kiss harder, with more passion. I returned the kiss. We moved rhythmically with each other, kissing with the same amount of passion...

I quickly spring up out of bed. I am sweating, and panting. I touch my lips, where he had kissed me. I could still feel his warm lips. I could still taste him in my mouth. I still feel his passion. His warmth.

I have to take a walk to get him out of my mind. I don't know why I care about him so much, I really only just met him. I can't be falling for him, can I?
I walk around the garden and the view of the stars is breathtaking. The many beautiful shining stars. I remember my father telling me that the stars are the souls of our loved ones. That they watch over us, guard us, and protect us. I wonder if my parents are watching me now? Guarding me. Protecting me.

I hear quiet graceful footsteps, and I turn my head to King Thranduil.
"Can't sleep?" He asks me, although I feel as if he already knows the answer.
"Yes, I had a dream, a dream that felt too real."
"What did you dream of my dear?"
"I dreamt of Legolas... My king, I do not mean to suggest I harbor feelings for your son-"
"You lie... There is something." He states cutting me off.
"Pardon?" I say, my voice shaky and nervous. Which I know he senses.
"You feel something for him, even if it is still yet a spark. Given time, this spark of fondness toward him will grow into a flame. A burning desire that cannot be satisfied."
"Are you suggesting I stay away from him to prevent the growing of my feelings?" I say in defeat, knowing that I can't deny what he says isn't true.
"No, I'm suggesting you spend time with him. Trust him, and he will trust you. Care for him, and he will do the same. I can not tell my son who to love, I have tried once before and I only added onto the burn of rejection. I can not tell him what his heart says. Only he can. I must go, I have matters to attend to. Thank you Meldamiriel, for your honesty." After saying this he walks away. I am left to ponder his words. Wondering what they mean, and why he told me all he did. If I really grow to love Legolas, what about him. Will he grow to love me?

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