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- Melda's POV -
I look in the mirror at the dress and my hair. My hair is put into a braided bun with lose strands at the sides. It may sound beautiful, but I hate it. Not the hairstyle, it's lovely. I hate my hair. I asked the lady doing my hair if she could cut it, but she refused saying the same thing my mother always said. I pull my hair out of the braids and bun. I pick up some scissors and start cutting. When I finish it's still long, but short. I love it. I braid the bangs a little, and admire my piece of art. It's beautiful. A part of me doesn't want to go to this party, I don't want to see him, Legolas. I don't want to see Daechir. I don't want to see people. I want to lock myself up and think, but I have to go. Both Daechir and Legolas want me to, but right now, Legolas' opinion doesn't matter.
~~ Time Skip ~~
The party decorations are beautiful, whoever decorated the room is very skilled. There are beautiful lights hanging from the ceiling made of the prettiest, shiniest glass. The tables are clothed in a pure white cloth, with a fancy blue candle in the middle. The blue flowers on the walls and tables smell and look beautiful. I can't help but stare.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
I voice from behind me startles me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see Thranduil. He actually looks better, he must have rested.
"Yes, it is very beautiful indeed, and you my king are looking much better."
"Yes, I took yours and Legolas' advice and got some rest. I am feeling much better as well."
"Good, you are going to need the energy and strength."
"Yes, I will... Someone's looking for you."
After that he turns around and walks away. Confused as I was, I turn around and elbow Daechir in the stomach. He grunts at the pain.
"Oh my gosh! Daechir! Sorry, I had no idea you were there."
"Haha, it's fine Melda, I'm okay."
He gives me a big, warmhearted smile. I smile back, even bigger. Then his eyes fall on my hair.
"Melda! Your hair! You cut it.."
"Yea, I didn't like it long. What do you think?"
"It's beautiful. You look beautiful."
"Well thank you."
He smiles and walks away to another guy and starts talking to him. Then, Legolas approaches me. This isn't going to go well.
"Mel, you cut your hair.. It looks amazing. It suits you well."
I glare at him and start walking away. He has a look of confusion on his face. Then he follows me.
"Hey! Mel! What did I do? Did I say something?"
I keep walking, ignoring him. I walk out onto the patio and lean on the railing. He follows after me and leans on the railing to my right. He turns to me.
"Care to explain what that was Mel?!"
He has a look of anger and confusion. I finally give him an answer.
"Daechir told me. You are not what I thought you were. I wish to not see you again."
He has a look of hurt and I hear his breath hitch in his throat. He turns his gaze away from me and looks out. He starts to breathe heavily, then responds with a shaky voice.
"What.. Did he tell.. you?"
The pauses in his voice make it clear he doesn't want to know the answer. I tell him everything Daechir told me.
"Mel, there's more to the story, please let me explain.."
"NO! Legolas Greenleaf, I don't care for an explanation, I don't want to see you right now. So if you would please leave me alone!"
"Mel, plea..
"Legolas! Auta!" (Go)
"Vee' lle merna, Meldameriel. Amin'll auta, namaarie melamin.." (As you want, Meldamiriel. I shall go, farewell my love.)
I flinch at his words, does he mean that. No, Melda, it doesn't matter. You don't need him. I walk back into the party and decided to hang with Deachir. I approach him and his friends. I say a quiet hello as he introduces me to his friends. I don't remember the names, I was too busy watching Legolas. He walks over to a table and sits down. He looks at the table, and glances up meeting my eyes. His eyes reflect great sadness, so much I have to look away. I laugh at a joke Daechir tells, but I can't get the damn blonde elf out of my head. I glance back over at Legolas, he is talking to another elf. The elf is tall, as all elves are. He has black hair and brown eyes. He's very handsome. The man puts his arm around Legolas and pats him on the back. Then he hands him a drink, Legolas accepts it and downs it faster than an elf should. He flinches from the strong alcohol, and the man hands him another. He downs that one just as fast as the first. Flinching again from the strong alcohol. He gets up out of his seat and the man leads him somewhere, then Deachir's voice brings me back to reality.
"Melda? You okay?"
"Yea, I'm fine."
I smile at him and his friends before excusing myself to go to the bathroom. I walk to the bathroom and glance in the mirror. I did look beautiful, but the the thoughts of Legolas returned. The hurt in his eyes replaying over and over in my mind. I remember his words. 'Vee' lle merna, Meldameriel. Amin'll auta, namaarie melamin..'
No, I can't think about him. Think about Daechir. I smile at myself in the mirror and go back out, while walking back to Daechir and his friends I see Legolas and that black haired elf from earlier. I now see that this elf is slightly taller than Legolas. He has his arm around Legolas who has a drink in his hand while he is talking to another elf. The elf Legolas was talking to is about the same height as Legolas. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. The black haired elf from earlier notices me watching, and narrows his eyes at me. His grip on Legolas seems to tighten slightly, then he looks away and back to Legolas. He joins in their conversation, but looks back at me with a death glare. I look away and quickly walk back to Daechir. What have I gotten myself into.

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