There was a collective gasp when Lucian brought his knee full force into Christian’s groin. Not even Christian was strong enough to take pain like that. His entire face contorted as he slumped in Seth’s grasp.

            “What’s going on out here?”

            Everyone turned wide on eyes on Mr. Jeffries. Seth let go of Christian, and he dropped to his knees.

            “Just helping a friend,” Lucian answered.

            “Looks to me like you were hurting him,” Mr. Jeffries observed.

            “No way,” Seth said. “I stopped him from hitting the ground.”

            Mr. Jeffries knitted his eyebrows together. “How’s that?”

            “I don’t think he got a good breakfast this morning. He almost fainted, but I grabbed him in time to keep him from hitting the ground,” Seth explained.

            “Lucky for him you were there,” Lucian agreed.

            Mr. Jeffries peered into Christian’s pale face. “Christian, do you have a different version of the events?”

            “No, sir. Seth stopped me from hitting the ground.”

            Fallon snorted. Leave it to Christian to find a way to lie without actually lying. Lucian winked at her.

            “Maybe you should go to the nurse,” Mr. Jeffries suggested.

            “I don’t need to go to the nurse,” Christian assured him.

            “Then everyone get to class,” Mr. Jeffries repeated as the second bell rang. “Now.”

            Fallon and Seth filed into the class followed by Christian. As she took her seat, she caught sight of the concerned look Angelica fixed on Christian. With as focused as she’d been on Tarilyn, she’d forgotten about the need to deal with Angelica. Maybe it was time to remind her of her debt.

            When they came out of first period, Lucian was already leaning against the opposite wall.

            “Where’s Griffin?” Tarilyn asked.

            “Look, you need to remember which twin you’re dating,” Fallon snapped. “Just because they look the same doesn’t make them the same person.”

            “I know that.”

            “Then get over the idea that Griffin’s going to be the same kind of boyfriend Lucian is and just accept him.”

            “I do accept him.”

            While Tarilyn scurried down the hall, Fallon slid into Lucian’s waiting arms.

            “Too bad that isn’t quite the last of her yet,” he said and then grinned. “Ah, poor Church still looks a little pale.”

            Fallon gave into a giggle. “I can’t believe you kicked him in the crotch. Isn’t that against some kind of guy code or something?”

            “In my defense, I thought the guy was a eunuch. Besides those are human codes. They don’t apply to angels and demons.”

The Unholy Trinity III: The Final BattleWhere stories live. Discover now