Chapter 74 - Pray For Me.

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"He's outside, waiting." I said

"For what?" She asked. I smile and look back at Daryl as he opened the door to have Carl walk in with a car seat.

"Why did you take the baby out of the car seat silly?" She asked

"Because theirs only room for one baby in a car seat made for one." I said as he set her down next to me. Maggie's eyes go wide as she stares at the baby I pull out of the car seat.

"This is Ariana Aloe." I smile

"You had twins!?" She asked and me and Carl give small smiles. "Omg omg omg I'm gonna have a panic attack!! This is great!" She said. After me and Carl told her everything that happened she went back home with Glenn. I made Rick, Daryl, and Michonne stay behind for a minute to talk.

"With the twins we'll need more supplies. We only set up the guest room which is now the girls room for one baby. We'll need another crib, more clothes, way more formula, another bouncer since we only have Ethan's, another stroller and if you could find a double one that would be great-" I was naming off things we would need to help us with the twins. We only had prepared for one baby so now having to double everything they'd have to go on a run. Rick and Daryl already agreed to go so I was telling them what I needed as Michonne wrote them a list.

"Woah woah woah slow down I can't write that fast." Michonne joked.

"Sorry, but it's already 3 and by the time you reach the baby store in that mall we went to dress shopping and get everything it will be late." I said. They were going to that mall I went to dress shopping because I remembered passing a baby store in the way and it looked decent. I hoped anyway. After we finished the long list they left immediately in the biggest truck we had. We had Michonne let everyone know we had twins and she came back with Ethan and Judith. Me and Carl were sitting on the couch each feeding a baby. Judith immediately ran inside our house and stopped in her tracks seeing me and Carl each holding a baby.

"Jessie, Carl you had two babies!?" She asked getting bug eyed. Me, Carl, and Michonne all laugh at her comment.

"We had twins Judy." Carl said

"Can I see them?" She asked moving cautiously towards us.

"Well they are eating right now Judith but once their done and we burp them you can hold one. Maybe both if your brother will let you." I smile and Carl chuckles

"It's fine, but you ok with it? I mean they aren't even a day old." He said

"I'm a big girl Carl I can handle it!" She said making me and Michonne laugh.

"I know you are Judith." He said back. Michonne took Judith and Ethan into his room so the twins could eat in peace. Once they were done and burped we put them both in the same crib for now. Since they were so small it wasn't a huge deal but they were hopeful gonna have separate ones soon. Me and Carl had prepared the guest room into the babies room a while ago. It wasn't something crazy but with the pictures he took, he quickly pinned them all around their wall. It had a changing table and Ethan's old bouncer in the corner with a drawer of clothes that would soon be fuller than it should. We took Ethan's old baby monitor and put it in the girls room. We slowly shut the door and sigh before plopping on the couch. By now it was 5:45 and me and Carl were both hungry. We slip into Ethan's room to see Michonne reading to Judith and Ethan playing with some toys on the ground.

"Hi!" She smiled running over to Carl immediately jumping onto him. He picked her up and moved the small strands of hair behind her ear.

"Hi Judith." He smiled.

"Where's the babies?" She asked

"Sleeping, so we have to be extra quiet ok?" I whispered and she nodded.

"Carl when is daddy gonna be back?" She asked

"In a little while Judith. Would you guys like me to stay till they get back? I'll make dinner." Michonne offered

"You sure?" I asked

"Of course, your gonna need to relax as much as you can." She said as I picked up Ethan off the ground earning a small laugh from him.

"Thank you, Judith why don't you go help Michonne make dinner? You'll be staying here till your daddy gets back with Uncle Daryl." I said

"Ok!" She said and her and Michonne went into the kitchen. Me and Carl sit on the couch again as I held Ethan in my lap. He was sucking on a toy with his three small baby teeth he now had.

"How did we go from one baby to three in one day?" I breathed out sarcastically.

"I don't know Jess. I don't know." Carl sighed back just as sarcastic.

"Do you think we'll be able to handle it? The twins and Ethan?" I asked

"I'm sure. We have everyone here to help as well." He said putting a hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, I'm just hoping we can sleep tonight." I said

"Me too, but don't worry. I'm here for you and your here for me. Nothing to worry about." He said

"Except for the fact theirs dead people right outside the gate." I said

"Except that." He replied back. Soon Michonne made dinner for us and we ate. She took Judith back to her and Ricks and left. It was just me and Carl.

And Ethan.

And Lila.

And Ariana.

Someone pray for me?

The Mistake Or Miracle? *Completed* Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ