Chapter 63 - Judith?

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We finally pull up to the Alexandrian gates. They open and Daryl and I are still the last ones. Once he stops I get out and see Carl standing their. He's only a few steps away and before I could move I feel his arms arms me.

"Oh my god are you ok?!" He asked while holding me. I move my arms and wrap them around his waist. I don't know how but he managed to hold me tighter.

"Carl I can't breath." I manage to spit out. He let's go slightly but not much.

"Sorry." He saids. I sink my head into his neck holding him as he held me. He pulls away after a while and moves his hand to my face. He cups my right cheek and leans in. Our kiss was long and something I never thought I'd be able to have again. I kiss back passionately as does Carl. After he pulls away he takes my hand.

"Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." He said and runs over to his dad. They hug and he runs back over to me.

"Do you wanna see Ethan?" He asked holding my hand as we interlaced our fingers together.

"Yeah." I said and we walk to Maggie's house. She must have been watching him. Carl knocks on the door and Maggie opens.

"Jess!" She yells and hugs me tightly.

"Hey Maggie." I say hugging her back.

"He's in here." She said and showed us to the living room. He was laying on the ground with toys around him. I smile and run over to him picking him up hugging my baby. He giggles while I hold him close to my chest which makes me giggle back.

"I'm back. I love you so much." I whisper having a tear run down my cheek. At this moment I realized how much I missed him and why I needed to keep going. For him. For Carl. For Daryl. I needed them and they needed me too. Carl came up behind me and held onto me as I held Ethan.

"Awh you guys are so cute." Maggie said sitting on her couch.

"Thanks Mags." I say.

"Well we should get going. You should sleep." Carl said. I nod and we leave Maggie's house. We get back to ours and I haven't let go of Ethan yet.

"Carl, could you take Ethan for a sec I gotta do something." I said.

"Sure, let me see him." He said. I leave to go to the bathroom. After I'm finished I go back to the living room to see Ethan and Carl sitting on the couch.

"Hey." I said and at next to him.

"Hey, ready for bed?" He asked

"It's like 6 o'clock?" I ask

"Yes but I know you haven't slept in forever and neither have I." He said

"Why haven't you slept?" I asked

"I was worried about you." He said.

"I know, I'm sorry. Your right, let's get some rest." I said. Ethan just woke up from a nap so he was wide awake. I figured Michonne could watch him so I head over to her and Ricks with Carl. We get their and I knock holding Ethan.

"Jessie!" Judith shouts grabbing onto my legs holding on very tight.

"Hi Judith. Where is Michonne?" I ask

"In daddy's room." She said.

"Thank you." I say and me and Carl go upstairs to Ricks room. Carl picked up Judith and she was telling him about her new coloring book. It was so cute. I'm guessing she spent more time with him while I was gone because usually she jumps to him first but today it was me. Anyway we get to his room and before me or Carl could knock Judith grabs on the door and opens it.

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