Chapter 43 - Relax

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Carl's P.O.V

After we found out about Kirsten Jessica just dropped. I ran behind her trying to comfort her but I knew it wasn't much of a use. Daryl walked up with Aron and came over to her. Without saying a word we both helped her up and walked her inside as she cried. We couldn't make it to our room so we sat on the couch. I sat with her and she immediately clung onto me putting her head into my neck. She wrapped her arms around my neck holding on tight. I put my arms around her back and held her. Daryl went into the kitchen giving us some privacy. After about 20 minutes she finally calmed down a little bit and Daryl came in. I stood up and left so he could talk to her without me there.

Daryl's P.O.V

Carl got up and I sat down next to Jessica. She put her head on my shoulder still crying slightly. I put my arm behind her pulling her closer. She finally composer herself to speak.

"I want to go to bed." She said between her breaths. It was only late afternoon so it wasn't exactly time for that but I didn't want to brother her about it. I stood up and stuck out my hand for her to grab. She grabbed it and I helped her up off the couch. We took go to the stairs but before she steps on the first one she falls forward. I catch her before she hits the ground.

"Carl get Denise!" I yelled for Carl because I knew he was in the kitchen. I hear him run outside the house whirl I pick her up in my arms carrying her back to the couch. Denise, Carl, and two other guys run in.

"Bring her to the medical room!" She yelled and I followed them carrying Jessica outside to find everyone starring. Rick, Michonne, Maggie, and Glenn follow us. We rush inside and I lay her on this table. Denise starts doing whatever she does and I leave. They were taking her blood and other stuff I didn't know about. I go outside to the group starring at me. Rick comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. I said nothing.

"She'll be ok Daryl." He said but I didn't say anything. The doctor finally came out like 10 minutes later.

"Daryl?" She asked and I turn around

"What happened?" I asked

"She'll be ok. She's just in some sort of state. She just needs to sleep for a while. I'm sure she will wake up soon." She said.

"Can I see her?" I asked. She nodded and I went inside. She was now in this room lying on a bed. She looked super pale and sick. I reach over and kiss her forehead. I walk out to see Carl talking to Denise.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" I asked

"Soon Daryl." She said and with that I went outside. Everyone was gone but now Dianne was there. I walk past her to the house.

"I'm sorry Daryl." She said

"Yeah. That's all we all are these days." I said walking away.

"Daryl!" She called back. I stop and turn around

"I'm serious. Whatever's wrong with her, she'll get through it. She's like you." She said and I just turn around and go back.

Carl's P.O.V

After what happened I knew I had to tell Denise about the baby. If Jessica wasn't ok, then how could the baby be feeling? I knew I had to tell Denise because what do I know about a baby's health? Oh ya none. So I pull her aside and tell her. She was shocked like I figured but surprisingly stayed calm.

"You can't tell Daryl." I said right after.

"Ok but if she doesn't wake up soon.." She saids but I stop her

"No don't finish. I got it." I said and with that I left.

*The next Morning*

I woke up and immediately went over to see Jessica. She was awake.

"Jessica!" I yelled scaring her and I hugged her tightly.

"Hey Carl." She said quietly.

"What happened?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"I don't know. Daryl was helping me go up to our room so I could lay down and that was the last thing I remember." She said

"How do you feel now?" I asked

"Better, but my head is pounding." She replied

"I figured it would be." Denise said coming in.

"Here take this it should help." She said handing Jessica some pills and a glass of water.

"And take these." She said handing Jessica some jar of vitamins.

"How did you?" She asked but I cut her off

"I had to tell her Jess. I didn't want anything to happen to the baby." I said and she nods.

"You should tell Daryl soon." She said to me and Jessica.

"I know. I'm just trying to figure out how." Jess replied

"Well it needs to be soon. You are going to have more symptoms coming up. You've been pregnant for how long?" She asked

"About a month?" She saids looking at me.

"Yes I think so." I reply

"Well your vomiting will increase and you'll start to eat more. You'll be much more tried and not wanting to do your normal everyday things. So tell him soon before it's too late." She said and left.

"When?" She asked me

"Well, let's just show him your awake first." I said and I helped her up and we went back to the house. Thankfully no one was outside so they didn't see us.

"Wait here." I said and she stood on the porch waiting. I walk inside and everyone is sitting around. Maggie and Glenn are over as well.

"Carl where did you go?" My dad asked

"Brought back someone." I said and went outside grabbing Jessica's hand leading her inside. Everyone jumped up and came over to us.

"You ok?" Maggie and Michonne asked her.

"I am now." She replied. Daryl came up to her and hugged her.

"Hey Daryl." She said smiling.

"You scared the hell outta me." He said

"My bad." She said still smiling.

"If you guys don't mind I need to talk to Daryl. And Carl needs to talk to Rick." She saids and everyone exchanges looks then leaves. I see Maggie look at me weird and I nod and she nodded leaving. She knew. Daryl and my dad looked so confused. She looked at me one more time before grabbing Daryl's arm leading him into a different room. 

"Carl?" My dad asked.

"Just sit." I said. He sat down and I sat down too.

"So the night of that party when I pushed Ron." I start


"Me and Jessica did some stuff after that back at the house." I say not looking at him.

"Carl?" He asked again

"Well, she's uh she's pregnant." I manage to spit out. He doesn't say anything. He looks at me. Then the floor.

"Congrats Carl." He said and I was shocked

"What?" I asked confused

"You'll be a good dad." He said standing up and patting my shoulder walking away. My mind was literally blown to what just happened. He was cool with it? What the hell is happing?! I hear Jessica and Daryl yelling and I start to sweat. He's gonna kill me.

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