Chapter 28 - Seperated

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Back when the governor just got killed
Glenn's P.O.V
As we headed back from the run we heard a loud boom. We ran to the prison and as we got closer I could see the guard tower blown up. There was a tank, walkers, and dead bodies everywhere.
"We have to see if anyone's still here!" I yelled and Maggie and Kirsten nod as we run up to the prison.
"Don't go to far, if we don't find them we leave." I said and they nod. We scope around the prison and I walk over to the gated garden opening the door seeing this lady lying on the ground.
"Maggie! Kirsten!" I yelled pointing my gun at the women.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as Kirsten ran up.
"I can't find Maggie." She said and I was a little nervous
"She knows her way around this prison well find her but for now we got a bigger problem." I said still pointing the gun at her.
"Who the hells is this bitch?" Kirsten said pulling out her gun.
"Just kill me." She said still laying there
"Do you have any weapons?" I asked and she pulled out her gun handing it to me. I give to Kirsten to hold and she puts it in her side still holding her gun.
"What's your name?" I asked
"It doesn't matter." She replied
"It does." I said back
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"I didn't know how he was." She said until I saw a herd of walkers coming closer.
"We gotta go!" I yelled as Tara and Kirsten run with me.
"MAGGIE!" I yelled getting no reply.
"MAGGIE!" I yelled again with again no reply.
"Glenn we have to go!" Kirsten yelled pulling my arm away form the prison. Away from Maggie. Away from everyone.

Back when Carl, Jessica, Rick, and Michonne. I know it's confusing to keep track of the times, I'm sorry it will be clear soon.
Carl's P.O.V
I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Jessica kept trying to talk to me but I just wanted to be alone. When Michonne said their was a town nearby I was glad cause my feet were killing me, we had no food or water, and it was getting late. We finally made it to the small town and found a house that didn't look too bad. We looked around to make sure it was clear and we went inside. Dad put the couch against the door and he laid down on it. I tied the door to the window to keep it closed just incase. The governor beat him up badly and he looks terrible. He slid on the couch even though their was a bedroom but he could barely move anymore. All that was here was stale cereal. There was a master bedroom and one other room and it was a teenage boys. Me and Jessica were sharing that room. Michonne took the bedroom since dad couldn't even get up. Michonne went out to look through the the other houses around for any food. So it was just me, Jess, and dad. He passed out on the couch right away. I was reading a comic book in the bed when Jessica came into the room.
"How was it?" I asked
"Amazing, the best stale cereal I've ever had." She said sitting next to me as I put the comic next to me.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I replied and she tilted her head on my shoulder.
"I'm tiered." She said and I grabbed her hand holding it.
"Why don't you go to bed?" I asked going closer to her. She lifted her head up as I got closer and kissed her. She puts her hands around my neck and I grab her waist. She gets on top of me not breaking our kiss. After the kiss she just smiles as did I.
"I though you were tiered?" I asked sarcastically
"I am, but that doesn't mean I can't kiss you." She said pulling me back again. She pulls away and looks into my eyes. She grabbed my hat taking it off tossing it in the floor.
"Hey I like that hat." I said sarcastically
"I bet you like this better." She said kissing me again.
"Dam it your always right." I said pulling away after our kiss.
"You want to?" She asked
"Can we?" I asked back
"I mean Ricks asleep and Michonne said she wouldn't be back for a while so we got time." She replied
"Are you sure?" I asked and she nods her head. She grabs the end of my shirt pulling it off. I do the same to her revealing her bra. I kiss her neck over and over lightly. She moans softly as I slip my hands up her waist to her back. I unhook her bra causing her to shiver a little bit.
"Are you ok?" I asked and she nods
"Your hands are just a little cold." She replied. She started to kiss me again and slid her hand slowly down from my neck to my hips. She grabbed my pants slightly tugging them and I let go of her unbuckling my belt. She pushed me on the bed after I got the belt off and started to kiss me. She unbuttoned my jeans sliding them slowly off.
"You turn." She said and I unbuttoned her pants sliding them down her legs as she was still on top of me. I grab her hips pushing her on the side of me getting on top of her now. She smirked at me and I smirked back.
"You said my turn right?" I said and she just smiled.
"I did." She replied. I pulled of her underwear and she started to pull my boxers off at the same time. I look up at her asking her for permission and she nods. I inch closer to her and push into her. Her back arched up and she gripped the sheets.
"Are you ok?" I asked still pushing in and out of her.
"Yeah, keep going." She said and I got a little but faster. She moaned softly over and over. I pull out knowing I was about to cum. 
"What's wrong?" She asked sitting up until she saw and just nodded
"Never mind." She said as I cleaned it away. I grab my shirt putting it back on and she did the same. After we were dressed we laid in the bed together. She put her head on my chest and I put my arm around her waist.
"I love you." I whisper in her ear. She leans up kissing me passionately for a while until letting go.
"I hate you." She said and I just shook my head smiling.
"Why now?" I asked sarcastically
"Cause you took my virginity in the fucking apocolypse." She replied and I laugh slightly.
"So? You did the same thing to me." I replied and she breathed heavy one more time before passing out on my chest. I stared up at the ceiling thinking.

I just had sex with Jessica. Was all I thought about until I remembered something.

Daryl's gonna kill me when we find them again.

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