Chapter 52 - You Know Who.

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up to Carl calling my name. I jump up and grab my gun. I see him pointing a gun at some guys head.

"Who the hell is this?" I ask

"Well, I wanted to talk to Rick but he's busy with someone at the moment so I figured one of you could help me." This guy said. He had a beard and look pretty young. He was surprisingly calm for someone who has two guns in their face.

"What's you name?" I asked

"Jesus." He said and I scoffed.

"Yeah and I'm Moses, name asshole." I say back making Carl laugh slightly.

"My real name is Paul, but I'm serious when I say people call me Jesus." He said back.

"What the hell are you doing in our house?" Carl asked

"Just waiting." He said. Me and Carl drag him over to Ricks house. I slam on the door and Rick opens it with his shirt off and only wearing pants. I see Michonne on the stairs struggling to put her shirt on.

"Well once you two are done living la vida local up in here take this asshole back to the cell and have someone on watch!" I scold Rick.

"I'm sorry, I'll get someone on watch." He said not looking at me.

"Good." I said and we waited until Rick came back with handcuffs. He put them on Jesus and took him away. Me and Carl go back to the house. As soon as I go inside I immediately go to check on Ethan. I open the door of his room and he's sound asleep. I sigh with relief and shut the door. Me and Carl go back up to our room. I take my gun off my holster and set it next to me on the small night stand.

"How the hell did he get in here?" I say as me and Carl get comfortable.

"Hell if I would know. But don't worry, I'll protect you." He said kissing my cheek.

"I'm not worried about me smart ass, I'm worried about Ethan." I say back

"I know. He'll be ok as long as we're here Jess. You know that." He said before falling asleep. I eventually fell asleep as well after thinking about the crazy ass day I just had.


I woke up and Carl wasn't there. I get up to Ethan's room and he is awake. I look down at him and he smiles at me. I smile back picking him up. I go to the kitchen to make him a bottle and see a note.

Went to Ricks house. Talking about you know who... Be there soon.


It read and I get him a bottle and head over to Ricks. I still had my pjs on but I didn't care. I knock on the door and Maggie answers.

"Hey we're all in the dining room, come in." She said and I followed her inside. I see Rick, Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Tara, Sasha, and Carol all sitting around waiting.

"Haven't seen y'all in a while." I said looking at Abraham and Rosita especially.

"Yeah, but back to business. What are we gonna do about Jesus?" He asked looking at Rick as I sat next to Carl.

"I'm going to get him, told me last night something y'all wanna hear." Rick said sitting up. He came back with Jesus not handcuffed or anything. I put my hand down to where my gun usually was but I remember I forgot it back at the house.
I thought as he came into the room. He told us about his group, how they have a Hill Top. I was honestly not caring so I just starred at Ethan playing with my hair. I smiled at him trying to eat it so I pulled it out of his reach and his looks sad. I chuckle at his face and play with him in my lap. Sooner or later Rick takes Jesus back to his cell and comes back.

"Ok can you all leave now? Except Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, Carl, and Jessica." He said and the rest left. Rick sits down and starts to speak.

"We need to talk about Shane." He saids

"What's there to talk about?" I speak up

"What should we do with em?" Rick asked

"Douch bag like him, I say we get rid of him. After what happened at the barn-" Daryl said but I cut him off

"We don't need to discuss what happened at the barn Daryl. We need to discuss now." I say

"Well what do you suggest then?" Rick asked

"I don't want him here Rick. Around Ethan especially. I don't trust him. I get he's an old friend but he's dangerous. And you can't fight me on that." I said sternly. He sighed and looked away

"Yeah, I know. I know." He said looking down.

"Well, why don't we treat him as a prisoner. I know it sounds weird but think about it. He'll have to earn his place back with this group. Now with Jesus we got a whole new cluster fuck going on and we'll need the reinforcement." Carl said. I smile at when he said cluster fuck because he got that from me.

"Watch your mouth son." Rick said and I scoffed

"Come on officer smart ass, don't start that being a dad crap." I say with a grin. Everyone laughs at my comment but it suddenly goes back to seriousness.

"Well I think that's our only option. Besides killing him." Carol said

"Yeah, but if he comes anywhere near Ethan, I will put a bullet through his brain." I said standing up.

"Fair enough." Rick said quietly. We all disperse in different directions. Me and Carl head back to the house and I get dressed while he changed Ethan. After I was done I make sure I have my gun on me. I usually don't carry it anymore but with Shane and Jesus I'm not taking any chances. I go down to his room to see him and Carl playing together. I smile at them while standing at the doorway.

"Your a good dad Carl." I say causing him to look up at me.

"Thanks Jess. I just want the best for him being in this shit whole of a world." He said

"Oh Carl, this world may be a shit whole but at least I have you and Ethan. And nothing will ever change that." I said sitting on the ground next to him.

"I hope so." He said and I lean over kissing his cheek getting up.

"Come on, I wanna do something today." I said standing up.

"Like?" He asked

"Go outside the wall, we haven't been in forever and I need to make sure I still can kill." I said

"I'm sure you can still kill walkers Jess. No doubt about it." He said smiling.

"Just wanna be safe. So let's go give him to Carol." I said referring to Ethan. He nods and we drop Ethan off at Carols. We each got two weapon choices while in the armory. I totally forgot about something and so I run back to the house.

"I'll be right back!" I yell. I make it back and see it hanging on the wall in the living room.

My crossbow.

I haven't used it in the longest time. So I carefully pull it off the wall and sling it over my shoulder. I don't remember the last time I carried it. So I head back over to see Carl standing at the gate.

"Got you a pistol. Since I figured you were getting your crossbow." He said handing me the gun.

"Thanks." I said putting it in my holster on safety.

"Ready?" He asked

"I hope so." I said and the gate opened

"Let's go." He said and we walk outside.

The Mistake Or Miracle? *Completed* Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin