Chapter 44 - Your What?

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Jessica's P.O.V

I took Daryl up stairs into me and Carl's room.

"What are we doing?" He asked

"Just sit Daryl." I said

"I'm good."

"Sit." I say and he sat down on the bed. I sit down next to him and I speak.

"You remember when I told you about how Ron kissed me and Carl pushed him about a month ago?" I start


"Well that night stuff happened." I continue

"What kinda stuff?" He asked nervously and already mad

"Ok before I tell you promise me you won't flip?" I say

"Jessica." He starts but I finish

"Daryl. I've had a rough day and telling you today may not be the smartest thing but it needs to be done." I say

"Tell me." He saids

"Promise!" I ask

"I promise." He replies.

"I'm pregnant." I say just barley loud enough from a whisper.

"Your what?!" He yelled standing up

"Daryl you promised!"

"I promised I wouldn't flip not that I wouldn't kill Carl!" He yelled

"It's not his fault!" I yelled back

"Well unless I'm new here you need a dick to have a baby and I'm pretty sure he's got one!"

"Daryl! Stop!" I yelled back. He paces back and forth until he spoke again.

"You wanted this to happen?" He asked

"I mean I didn't WANT it to happen but now that it did I'm ok with it." I admit

"Ok." He said

"Ok?" I ask back

"Your ok with having a baby?" He asked

"I mean after what happened to Lori I." I couldn't finish because he stopped me.

"That won't happen to you Jessica. I won't let it." He said protective.

"I hope not." I said

"It won't." He said back and started to leave

"Daryl." I stopped him

"Don't hurt Carl please." I said and he doesn't respond. He leaves and about a minute later Carl comes up.

"He looked like you just shot him." He said sitting down next to me.

"I basically did." I say

"Is he gonna kill me?" He asked

"No." I reply

"Good." He replied breathing out heavy.

"Relax Carl he wouldn't hurt you even if I didn't want the baby." I said

"He wouldn't?"



"Because I know my brother. And I know he couldn't hurt someone I cared about like that." I said.

•7 month time skip•

Everyone has been super nice to me since I've gotten bigger. Carl keeps trying to tell me how I look beautiful even though I got this huge ass lump on my stomach now. I've been taking the vitamins and shit like that. I've gotten better after Kirsten's death. I have one more month till I'm due and I'm so nervous. Daryl checks on me everyday before leaving with Aron. Carl tries to comfort me but honestly I get bored as fuck just sitting around. I sleep a lot now and barely get up. Judith is about a toddler now and is super cute. She can say a few words but not a whole sentence. A few weeks again Pete that Doctor guy went crazy and killed Dianne's husband so she's kinda upset still. She made Rick kill him after he came back covered in guys from killing the walkers that came in from someone's dumb ass leaving the gate open. Thankfully no one got hurt. Rick killed Pete at Dianne's request so it was done. The baby is always kicking me which is a bitch because when I'm tryna sleep she/he's like NOPE! Carl laughs every time I tell him that because he thinks it's funny. We stocked up on baby supplies and thankfully found a store that was full so we were good on all that stuff. My back always hurts from it but it's worth it. One day we were all inside our houses until we heard a loud crash from outside. We all rush outside to see one of the guard towers fell. We all panic not knowing what to do. Rick makes Carl stay with me as they go around trying to gather everyone before it was too late. I was terrified and I grab some binoculars and see my worst fear. There was what looked like thousands of walkers. Coming from every direction I could see. I give Carl the binoculars and he looks scarred as well. He grabs Judith and we go to the window only to see walkers everywhere already inside. We rush to cover the door and I look out for Daryl, Rick, Michonne, and anyone. I see them running killing walkers. I manage to get their attention and let them in through the back door we had. Rick, Michonne, Ron, Jesses, Sam, and Gabriel all run inside. I guess Rick went back for Jesse and her kids finding Gabriel along the way.

"How are we going to get through them?" I asked

"We can't." Ron said

"Yes we can." Rick said. We made a plan to use the sheets, cover ourselves with guts, and walk through them to the cars. It was only like 2 so we made the plan wait until later so we stayed inside the house waiting. We didn't want it to be lighter out because Rick said they would notice. I was terrified. Last time I killed or came near a walker I threw up and the idea of covering misled with their guts doesn't sound very appealing. It's pretty dark now and so we head out with the guys from two walkers we got from the back. We cut holes in the sheets and put them over us.

"What about Judith?" I asked

"I'll take her to the church. It's safe their." Gabriel said

"No." Rick said

"Rick, please. We don't have time to argue this." I said. He finally nods and we put her under Gabriel's sheet cover as he holds her. We walk outside all gosling hands just incase. I held Carl and Sam's hand as we walked out. It was working for a while until Sam just stopped.

"Sam come on we have to go. You can do this." Jesses whispered to him. He looked like a ghost. This kid was gonna get us killed. He started to shake and he won't let go of my hand. I try pulling away until a walker comes up behind Sam biting his neck. A chain of walkers go behind them. Jesse goes down as well and I almost fall until Rick chops off Sam's arm so I could get away. I nod in thanks as Carl grabs my hand tighter. We turn around and I see Ron with a gun. He pulled it back and aimed it at Rick.

"You ruined my family." He said tearing up.

"Ron please." I beg

"No." He said but Michonne comes up behind him stabbing his chest but his gun went off in the direction me and Carl were in. I could see the gun now coming my way but Carl pushes me and I see the bullet hit his face and he falls back. I almost flip. I see him go down and Rick immediately runs over to him. He picks him up and we run to the medical room where Denise and a few others were hiding from the walkers. Me and Michonne follow and we cover Rick as he runs with Carl. I was crying and shooting walkers at the same time. We kept killing until we see her open the door and Rick puts Carl in the table. Right as me and Michonne enter the room I felt a tight pain in my stomach. I bend over grabbing my stomach. Rick is sweating bullets and after Michonne took off his sheet she did the same for me as I was bent over in pain.

"What's happing?!" I ask yelling at the same time trying not to be too loud to cause walkers to hear. I feel water start to drop down my leg and I look down to see my pants soaked.

"Your water broke." Michonne said and Denise looks over at me.

"Get her in the other room. You know how to deliver a baby Alex I have to help Carl or this baby won't have a father!" Denise said and I panicked.

"No I need Carl here I can't do it without him!" I yell before this guys grabs my arm taking me into another room.

"No please I have to be with him I can't do this now!?!?" I yelled

"Jessica you have no choice!" Michonne said. She helped me on this bed and told me to hold on.

"I'll be right back." She said.

I saw her run out and kiss Carl's forehead and come back into me.

"Jessica he'll be ok but you need to worry about your baby!" Michonne said.

"But I need him!" I yelled

"Jessica please do it for him then! Give him another reason to live. For you. For your baby." She said. I nod and I grab her hand.

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