Chapter 27 - Not One Good Day

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"Uh em." I turn around to see Daryl standing their crossing his arms starring at me and Carl. I pull away and let go of his hand.
"Yes Daryl?" I asked annoyed
"Glenn, Kirsten, and Maggie are going on a run." He replied and I was still confused
"Ok and?"
"I'm just letting you know, ok." He said and I nodded
"Sorry, thanks for telling me." I said and he nodded turning around going back inside.
"You gonna talk to me now?" I asked looking at Carl
"No." He replied and I just shook my head smiling
"Your sarcasm kills me." I said pulling him closer to me.
"So does yours" he replied kissing me again. After I finished helping him with his chores we headed back inside. Once we get inside I see Kirsten talking to Rick.
"Hey." I said walking up to them
"So your going on run?" I ask
"Yup, it's about time." She replied and I nodded walking away.
"Oh if you could look for some baby clothes for Judith." I asked her before she walked out the door
"Sure." She replied leaving the prison with Glenn and Maggie. Daryl opened the gate for them and they left as I went over to Beth and Judith.
"Hey Beth." I said sitting down next to her on the stair case.
"Got her to sleep." She said holding Judith
"Good." I said standing up
"Want me to put her down?" I asked
"No I got it." She said and I nodded walking over to Carl who was talking to Rick.
"Hey Jessica." Rick said
"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Rick and he looked surprised
"Yeah." He said and he walked away form Carl and followed me outside. I shut the door behind us and I started to talk
"Rick, what are we gonna do about Merle?" I asked
"I don't know, what do you wants to do?" He asked
"I don't want him here around Judith and everyone. And plus my dad hasn't retaliated with us for months and I'm afraid he's planning something." I admitted to Rick
"Why would he attack us?"
"Uh hello? We have Merle and the prison. Which is two things he wants well, at least one thing anyway."
"Well what do you except us to do?" He asked me
"I honestly don't know, I'm just afraid and I wanted to talk to you cause Carl and Daryl wouldn't understand." I admitted
"I get it." He replies
"Come on, let's go back inside." He said and I followed him back inside.
^3 hours later^
Third P.O.V
Maggie, Glenn, and Kirsten were at a Big lots going around looking for whatever they could find. Back at the prison everyone was inside as Hershel was up in the guard tower waiting for them to get back. Rick, Daryl, Carol, Jessica, and Carl were discussing what to do about the governor aka Daryl, Merle, and Jessica's dad.
Carl's P.O.V
We were all talking about what to do about this asshole.
"We have to end this." Daryl said
"How? Going back their is like a death sentence." Jessica said
"Let's just go blow up the place!" Merle said
"Merle what the hell are we gonna use to blow up an entire town? Plus those people that live their did nothing to us, why should we punish a whole town for 1 asshole?" Jessica said back to Merle
"Why don't we wait for Glenn, Maggie, and Kirsten to get back. Then we talk." dad said and everyone nodded.
*1 hour later*
We were all sitting inside talking in our own little groups. Daryl was talking to Merle, Dad was with Carol, Beth was with Judith and I was with Jessica. She looked whiter than usual.
"Are you ok?" I asked her
"Just thinking." She replied but before I could say anything their was a loud boom outside shaking the prison.
"Shit!" Jessica yelled
"What the hell was that?" Rick asked and we all shrugged until Jessica looks at Merle and Daryl
"Dad." They say in unison and we all ran outside grabbing guns standing by the fence and I see Jessica's dad standing their by this huge tank. I look up and see the guard tower blown up and I see Hershel's crutches on the ground.
"Beth take Judith and go to a safe spot now!" I whisper yelled to her so she wouldn't see the tower blown up. She ran for a safe spot where, I don't know. I had my gun pointed right at this guy's head troughs the fence. We all did as Daryl gave us all more amo secretly so he wouldn't see. My dad went out to talk to him as my dad called to Jessica to go out with him. I was standing next to her and she looked at me.
"I love you." She said before walking to my dad and hers.
"No." I said grabbing her arm
"I'll be ok, I promise I'm not going anywhere." She said and I let go. She walked out standing next to my dad with her gun in her hand.
I couldn't hear what they were saying until he pointed a gun at her head.
•Rick, Jessica, and The governors Conversation• (btw if you haven't noticed the governor is Jessica, Merle, and Daryls dad and I'm just gonna say the governor for most of it cause it's shorter than writing Jessica's Dad.)
"I won't blow you all up on one condition." The governor said
"You give me Jessica." He said and Rick immediately spoke
"She's my daughter. I want her back."
"You don't give two shits about me, you just wanna kill me." Jessica said holding her gun tightly in her hands.
"Maybe I do, but I'm not leaving without you." He said
"I'm not going with you, this is my family now. Not you, you never cared about me. Rick has cared more for me than you have in my entire life." Jessica said with a tear sliding down her cheek.
"You come with me, or I blow up your family." The gov said pointing a gun at her. Jessica looked at Rick and then over to the fence where Carl was.
"I'm sorry." She whispered walking towards him.
"No." Rick said but she kept walking slowly.
Back to Carl's P.O.V
I saw Jessica walking towards him and I was panicking. Until my dad yelled something and Jessica threw herself on the ground.
"GET DOWN!" He yelled and we all started to fire. They shot back as did we. I killed like three people as I looked around for Jessica. I ran out looking for her and Michonne followed.
"What are you doing?" She yelled as we ran and shot.
"Looking for her and my dad!" I yelled shooting at people as we got behind this bus for protection. I look back and see everyone is gone. I didn't see Daryl, Beth, Carol, or anyone.
"Ok let's go but stay close to me." She said and we ran back out. There weren't many people left. I killed one that was coming from behind and Michonne took down most of the walkers that were around us form the outside. I was looking around and I couldn't see them.
Jessica's P.O.V
Once Rick yelled I immediately dropped to the ground as he fired his gun. I laid in the dirt shooting at people and walkers. After a little bit there wasn't much guns going off. I was pretty sure we killed them all and I started looking for Rick and Carl. I stand up and I see my dad punching Rick repeatedly and I ran to them. He was about to stab Rick until I ran up behind him tho wing him off of Rick. I pulled out my gun aiming it right at his face.
"You won't do it." He coughed as I held him down still pointing it at his face as Rick was coughing really bad trying to stand up.
"You ruined my life, blamed me for everything. I never thought I would have to do this but I have to. I'm not sorry." I said and pulled the trigger causing my gun to kick back slightly and I jut drop it and cry. I wasn't crying because I just killed my dad, I was crying because I saw everything I loved was gone. I feel something grab my tightly trying to get my attention.
"Jessica!" They yelled and as I focused again I could see it was Carl.
"Carl!" I yelled grabbing him tightly hugging him. After I let go I saw Michonne helping Rick.
"I saw what happened and I'm sorry." He said and I shook my head.
"Let's go." I said grabbing his hand seeing the walkers from the woods coming in. Rick was all messed up and had his arm around Michonne's neck so he could walk. He limped as me and Carl walked back up to the prison. I see Judith's blanket lying on the ground and Rick just starts to cry as did Carl. I held onto him as I noticed a walker coming close to us. He ran up to him shooting it. As it fell on the floor he kept shooting at it and I ran behind him as he fell to the ground and I held him from the back. He was crying and so was I.
"C-Carl we-we have to go." I stuttered helping him up fixing my crossbow and we ran away from the prison. We ran into the woods and started to walk. Carl was walking fast a head of all of us. Rick was limping and Michonne helped him and I tried to keep up with him.
"Carl." I called at him
"Carl!" I yelled and he turned around
"I know your pissed but we need to focus on finding everyone and shelter for now. It looks about 1 o'clock right now so we need to start looking for supplies." I said and he just looked down
"There's a small town close to here, been in it." Michonne said
"Then we go their, for now." I said and we walked to this town.

Daryl's P.O.V
After Rick started shooting I did too. I saw Jess jump to the ground and I shot at everyone. I saw Merle go down and I ran to him.
"I'm a goner little brother, just take care of yourself." Was the last thing he said to me before he took his gun and shot himself in front of me. Before I could react I heard Beth screaming. I ran to her and she was holding Judith.
"Come on!" I yelled and we ran away from the prison. Judith was crying and we kept running. I had my crossbow ready and we slowed down. We walked for a while and Beth got Judith to calm down. I was pissed off, angry, sad, and a hole bunch of other shit.
"We'll find em." She said but I kept walking. We found this funeral home and we went inside. I made sure it was clear and we found the kitchen. It was stocked.
"Someone's stash." I said grabbing a water bottle handing it to Beth still holding Judith.
"I call the pigs feet." I said grabbing the can
"Gross." She said and I just shrugged.
"I'm gonna find a place for Judith to sleep." She said and walked away. It was pretty late now since it took us a while to get here. I heard piano music and knew it was Beth. I went into this room where she had Judith in this basket and there was an empty casket.
"Sweet." I said climbing in
"What are you doing?" She whispered as I got comfortable
"This is the nicest bed I've ever had. Keep singing." I said and she turned back towards the piano.
"Ok." She said and started to play and sing. It relaxed me a little but, all I could think about was if Jessica was ok.

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