Chapter 41 - You Did What?

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~1 month time skip~

Jessica's P.O.V

It's been about a month and a half since we came to Alexandria. Or at least I think so anyway. Ever since that night of the party things have been weird. I avoid Ron as much as possible but his little brother seems alright. About three weeks later I suddenly threw up. I didn't know why, just figured I got a stomach bug. I got some Advil from Denise the doctor. The other Doctor apparently went crazy so they locked him up somewhere. I personally didn't care so I didn't get involved. I start getting sick more and more. It's driving me crazy so I think the worst and go to Maggie.

"Maggie, can we talk?" I asked her as I stood at her house front door.

"Sure what's up?"

"Is anyone here?" I asked

"Nope everyone's out." She said

"Good." I said walking inside.

"Something wrong?" She asked

"I don't know." I admit sitting down in her dining room as she pulls a chair next to me.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone." I say

"Sure." She replied

"Ok so you remember that party about a moth ago Dianne threw? And Carl pushed Ron for kissing me?" I asked

"That's why he pushed him?" Maggie asked

"Yeah." I said and continue

"So that night me and Carl, well, we kinda sorta did stuff. And thangs." I stuttered

"Oh." She replied

"It's been about a month and I've been throwing up a lot lately and haven't told Carl. I came to you because I need you to get me a pregnancy test. I don't want to mention anything if I'm not. But if I am I have to know now." I said and she nodded

"I'll go see Denise and try to slip one without her knowing." She said as I stood up.

"Thanks Maggie." I said leaving.

"Hey Jess!" Maggie calls out before I leave.

"You do realize Darryl's gonna kill you and Carl when he finds out y'all had sex right?" She said  

"One obstacle at a time Maggie." I said shutting the door. I went back over to my house and get ready for "class" With Carl. He was still sleeping and I snuck over since we didn't have to be there until later since everyone also had jobs. We've been going to school every once and a while but it's literally third grade shit. I go inside and find him awake in the kitchen.

"Hey." I replied coming in.

"Hey." He said while pouring a bowl of cereal.

"Do we have to go to school today?" I asked sitting in the dining room as he joined me with his breakfast.

"I actually talked to my dad about it and he said we don't have too anymore, if you don't want to." He said

"Thank god." I breath out heavy

"Why?" He asked

"Because it's really annoying every time I get there Ron is always tryna apologize about the kiss and its really annoying. I try to avoid him but he obviously doesn't see that." I said

"Oh true. Well what do you want to do today?" He asked

"Well we have to teach our class later at like 4:30 and its 10 right now so we have like all day." I said

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