Chapter 74 - Pray For Me.

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Jessica's P.O.V

Rick drove a lot slower than he did than on the way over here having Lila and Ariana. I couldn't wait to get back to Alexandria. Maggie was gonna be over the moon see them. About an hour into the drive the twins were already sleeping. Carl had taken plenty of pictures already and soon Daryl stood up from his seat and came over sitting by me on the couch. Carl was with Ariana in the car seat we brought shoving blankets on the sides because she was so small she needed a boost. He sat her seat on the table holding her car seat keeping her from sliding off and then I held Lila in my arms on the couch.

"We'll be back soon. Maybe an hour?" He said watching me hold my now sleeping child.

"How are we gonna do this?" I asked Daryl kinda nervous. We weren't ready to have twins. Alexandria wasn't ready for us to have twins.
I wasn't ready.
"You'll be fine. Your already a great mother to Ethan so whatcha worried about?" He asked

"Just, ugh I don't know how we are going to do it. Me and Carl are only teenagers. Well, probably teenagers that is. And I mean we worked fine together with Ethan but now with him and a set of twins. Life is gonna get very hectic at the Grimes household from now on." I said earning a chuckle from Daryl. "Woulda been nice if she stayed. Mom. Coulda helped with the twins." I said not making eye contact watching my baby sleep.

"She protected you and Alexandria. You know she had to leave with him." He said

"I know, I just wish she would have seen them. I mean it's been like nine months since she left and I miss her everyday. Do you?" I asked and he tensed.

"I was kinda over her leaving Jess. She left a while ago and I had already been through the coping process. Once she came back, honestly I knew it wouldn't last. Sorry." He said

"Yeah, I guess it's a good thing we didn't get too attached. I just wish I would've known more about her. All I know is her name and what happened after me." I sighed

"Well what do you wanna know?" He asked moving his body towards me facing my direction. I started asking tuns of questions and before I knew it we were pulling up to Alexandria. I was still very sore having had the c-section lucky to still be here. Rick pulled the RV right in front of our house so we didn't have to walk to far. He let everyone else out before at the front. Tara gave me a few tips before leaving. Rick took Lila from me holding her as Daryl helped me down the stairs and Carl picked up Ariana in the car seat. Me and Daryl walked in first and I see Maggie already sitting in the couch.

"Jess! Where's the baby?! Why are you limping?! Where's Carl!? How'd it go!?" She starts with all the questions trying to stand up

"Maggie, sit down." I said laughing slightly.

"Ok where's the baby!?" She asked excited

"Just let me tell you a few things first." I said as Daryl helped me sit down on the couch.  He sat me down and stood by the door. It was next to the living room so he could still see us.

"Please stay calm before I tell you this." I said

"Did it die?!" She asked frantic

"No no no. She's ok." I said

"It's a girl!" She smiled and I nodded.

"Well about that..." I said and looked over at Daryl giving him a nod to get Rick who was waiting outside with Lila. Rick walked in with my small baby and gave a warm smile to Maggie and I.

"This is Lila. Lila Rose." I said as Rick handed her the baby. She held Lila as she slowly woke up in Maggie's arms.

"She's beautiful Jess but where's Carl?" She asked

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