Chapter 17 - The New Girl

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Carl's P.O.V
I wasn't not ok with bringing back this girl to our camp. After Randall, how's my dad gonna react to this? We got back to camp and I saw Daryl was back and he was talking to my dad, well more looks like yelling. Once we got back everyone starred at us. We all got off the horse and everyone was starring.
"Guys, this is Kirsten." Jessica said motions to her. Nobody said anything. Daryl and my dad didn't say anything.
"I asked the questions." Jessica said until Daryl finally did something
"What the hell were you thinking!" He yelled at Jessica
"Excuse me?" She snapped back
"You just go off and not tell me? You could have been hurt!"
"But I wasn't Daryl!"
"And you! You let her what the hell kinda parent are you?" He yelled at Dad and mom but in.
"Daryl you better stop right there!"
"No better than you being pregnant in the middle of the fucking apocalypse!" He yelled and then everyone's mouth dropped as did mine.
"Your pregnant?" I was shocked
"Carl, baby." She called after me and I just ran. I dropped my bag and ran.I didn't know where to but I ran. I found a spot and slammed myself on the ground. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew who it was
"Jess, I wanna be alone."
"I know but I'm not gonna let you." She said back.
"Carl, I know you don't really wanna hear this right now but I'm sorry." She said sitting next to me.
"I know." I said back
"Look, I'll leave you alone. But you have to promise me something." She said
"Whatever happens to your mom, don't blame that baby." She said and I was speechless. Why would she care?
"Why do you care?"
"Because I love you and I don't want you making some dumbass mistake blaming that baby."
"Like your dad?" I asked and she tensed a little bit
"Yes, after me not only was I a girl, but she died during child birth and I don't want you to blame that baby for whatever happens to your mom." She said and I pulled her in for a hug
"I promise." I said quietly as I felt a tear drop on my face. I looked up and wiped away her tear.
"You know I love you. But could I just have time to think?" I asked trying to be nice not hurting her feelings.
"Sure." She said, got up and left.

Kirsten's P.O.V
So I've been with this group for 5 minutes and apparently someone's pregnant and to the looks of it this Carl guy was that lady's son. This leader guy came up to me as I fixed my backpack.
"Sup." I said back
"I'm Rick Grimes." He said sticking his hand out for me to shake but I ignored
"Listen cowboy, I know I'm new here but it's not hard to tell your groups got problems to work out so I'm gonna go." I said about to walk away until the girl stopped me.
"Your not leaving." She said grabbing my arm
"And who the hells gonna stop me?"
"Sure as hell won't be me. But you look terrible at least eat something." She said and I agreed. I was pretty hungry so I didn't object.
I followed her inside this house and their was a blond girl standing in the kitchen.
"Beth could you get her a plate?" She asked this blond girl who I'm guessing name is Beth.
"No problem." She said and the girl who brought me in left.
"Here ya go." She said handing me a plate.
"Thanks." I said going back outside to this group finding a log sitting on it.

Rick's P.O.V
I tried to stay as calm as possible with this new girl and Carl there when Daryl yelled out Lori was pregnant. Once they both left I ran over to Lori.
"Your pregnant!"
"Rick I'm sorry." Was all she said. She reached for my arm but I moved away. I stormed off looking for Carl.
"Jessica!" I yelled trying to find her knowing she would know where his is
"What Rick?"
"Where's Carl."
"He wants to be left alone." She said
"Jessica, Carl's my son."
"Rick, Carl's my boyfriend." She mocked me back and I crossed my arms
"Listen Rick just give him time to relax then talk to him." She said and walked away to Daryl talking to him. Even though she was only like 16 I think she was right. I needed to cool down too or I might freak. My mind was jumbled with thoughts. How the hell am I supposed to have a baby in this world. I'm already worried about Carl and Lori now a baby? I couldn't think straight.

Daryl's P.O.V
I just blurted out to the entire camp Lori was pregnant. How did I find out? Well Glenn and Dale aren't good at whispering. After I blew up, Carl ran somewhere and Jessica followed him. Rick yelled at Lori and the new girl just stood there. Until Jess came back and brought her inside. Not a minute later she came back out. Rick talked to her for a minute and she came over to me.
"Wanna tell me what the hell that was about?" She asked
"Jess, it's not my fault Lori hasn't told everyone yet."
"Ok, but that doesn't give you the right to shout it to the entire group especially when we have someone new!" She yelled back
"Whatever." I said and started to walk away
"No." She said grabbing my arm.
"Your not leaving me again." She replied and I stopped.

Third Person P.O.V -3 months later-
Lori was very pregnant and Hershel aloud the group to stay. With her being pregnant he really didn't have a choice. It's been so cold outside they all moved into the house. Lori and Rick have Hershel's bed and everyone else is just kind spread out through the house. Everyone was talking to each other now and getting along. Kirsten was getting along as well, she mostly talked to Jessica and Maggie. Rick was still kinda pissed at Lori. But Carl was warming up to the idea of being a brother. But one night Carl decided to leave the house and Rick followed him. He caught up with Carl and they just talked for a little bit. Until Rick noticed something.
"Carl, run!" He whispered and they ran back to the house.
"Walkers! We have to get back to mom and the others!" Carl nodded but they got cut off by walkers.
"Shit!" Rick yelled
"This way!" Rick yelled to Carl leading him in the barn.
"What about everyone else?!"
"I think they've figured it out." Rick said looking back seeing everyone running outside to the cars grabbing guns.
"We have to get back to them and now!"
"Wait I have an idea!" They poured gasoline all over the walkers trying to get them in the barn.
"Carl when I say you drop the lighter." Rick said handing Carl a lighter. After Rick poured the gas he opened the doors causing them to swarm inside.
"NOW!" He yelled and Carl dropped the lighter. They jumped out of the barn running back to the house. Patricia, Beth, Lori and T-dog ran for the truck. Until the walkers got Patricia, the walkers pilled on her and Lori had to pull Beth away. They made it to the truck until they saw Carol fighting off 5 walkers. Andrea stepped in front of her and Carol ran for help. Glenn and Maggie got in a car with Kirsten and Jess. Daryl was on his bike looking for Jessica until he saw he get in a car and he knew she was safe. He was driving around shooting walkers outside the fence until he saw Carol screaming.
"Get on!" He yelled and she jumped on the back with him.
"GO! GO!" She yelled and he hit the gas driving away. Maggie drove and Glenn, Jessica, and Kirsten were shooting walkers out the window.
"Keep it steady!" Jessica yelled shooting down the walkers
"I'm trying!" Maggie yelled slamming into walkers letting out s scream.
"We haven't even made a dent and were half way outta amo!"  T dog yelled through the cars at Maggie and Glenn. But they both got cut off and left each other. Carl and Rick found Hershel shooting at walkers.
"HERSHEL COME ON!" Rick yelled at him but he didn't listen.
Rick dragged him into a car with Carl. They started the engine and drove off.
"Did you see mom?" Rick asked but Carl shook his head
"Hershel did you see them are they ok?"
"NO RICK! I didn't see them!" Hershel yelled back. And Carl sank in his chair. They decided to drive back to the highway. Figure everyone might go there if their lucky. They drove in silence.

Jessica's P.O.V
Maggie drove away from the farm. Away from what we though was safe is now gone.
"Go to the highway." Glenn said to Maggie.
"No, we keep going. There's no way they'll be there." She said back.
"Let me drive."
"Maggie, stop the car!" Glenn yelled at her. She stopped the car with me and Kirsten in the back. They got out and switched places with Glenn driving now.
"We go back to the highway. See if their there. If not we go through the cars look for supplies and leave." Glenn said
"And go where?" I snapped back.
"I don't know." Glenn said and I slumped in my seat. Maggie was crying and Kirsten just sat their.

The Mistake Or Miracle? *Completed* जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें