Chapter 5 - Clean up

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Third Person P.O.V

After the herd coming through that night everyone was helping clean up the next day. Everyone was in groups of two picking up the bodies. They all talked for a minute about Amy,
"That girls a ticking time bomb!" Daryl whisper shouts to Rick.
"Well what do you suggest we do?"
"Take the shot. Clean in the brain from here. Hell I can hit a turkey between the eyes this distance." Daryl said to Rick
"No for god sakes let her be." Lori said sitting back down with Carol.
They all exchange looks as Daryl scoffs and walks away.
"Wake up Jimbo we got work to do." Daryl said walking past Jim who was staring at the sky. T-dog had a giant fire going for the dead walkers. Daryl walked over to Morales helping him pick up one of the people lost dragging it near the fire.
"Woah, woah what are you doing? Our people go over there." Glenn said to Daryl and Morales.
"What the big deal their both infected anyway." Daryl said back
"WE DONT BURN THEM! We burry them. Now our people go in that pile!" Glenn yelled at Daryl
"You reap what you sow!" Daryl yelled as they dragged the body.
"Shut up man!" Morales yelled back as they walked away.
Y'all left my brother for dead! You had this coming!" Daryl yelled at everyone. Jessica heard him and she was pissed so she ran over to him.
"Hey, just because your in a pissy mood doesn't mean you can make everyone else feel like that too. Let's be honest Merle was an asshole and deserved it. He knows how to handle himself remember?" She said looking Daryl straight in the eyes. He just shrugged her off and kept getting bodies. They had groups they were working with...
The groups were
Rick and Shane
Jessica and Carl
Jackie and Jim
Carol and Lori were hanging clothes because they didn't want to be around that. Dale was keeping watch as always until Jackie screamed somethings and everyone panicked surrounding her and Jim.
This is the scene I am too lazy to write it so just watch it, I am not changing what happens from this clip. Just remember Carl is older and Jessica is there. Everything is exactly the same.

After the clip ends continue and Daryl throws down the pic axe....
"Daryl!" Jessica's runs after him trying to get his attention but he ignores her and goes in his tent. Carl grabs her arm,
"Jess, let him cool down." He said and she just nodded
"Come on, let's finish up." He said and they walked back over to a body dragging it to the burn pile. After everything was picked up they took their loved ones up to the holes Jim had dug earlier and buried them. After that they all went back down down starting to pack for the CDC since this place was no longer safe anymore.

Jessica's P.O.V
We were basically all packed and ready to go to the CDC. I had my crossbow slung over my shoulder as did Daryl. I went over to Carl before he got in the car with his mom, dad, and Carol.
"Hey." He said back
"You ready?" He asked me
"Gotta be." I said smiling hugging him as I felt him tense a bit then relax.
"Well, I'll see you their." I said as he looked confused.
"Your not coming with me?"
"No, I'm going with Daryl." He looked a little said and I just smiled at him.
"Don't worry, we'll be right behind you guys." I said reassuring him and he perked up a little. I was about to turn around but he grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him. I was shocked a little but didn't fight. He pulled me closer and quickly kissed my cheek and jumped in the car. I could feel myself blush until Daryl called my name and I ran back over to him getting on the back of the motorcycle still blushing.
"You like him?" He asked me and I totally forgot he probably watched that.
"I don't know." He scoffs and starts the bike with the RV, T's truck, Shane's car, Ricks, then me and Daryl.
"Shut up." I say smiling playfully punching his arm.
About 2 hours later...
We've been driving for a while now but then Dale honked his horn signaling us all to stop. We all pulled over getting out going over to the RV as did everyone else till Jackie ran out crying a little.
"It's Jim, he not doing good." She said and Carol ran to comfort her as did Lori. Carl jumps out of the car and I get off the bike but Daryl just sits their.
"Hey." He said and I just smiled at him.
"What was that about?" I asked him
"That kiss..." He just looked down embarrassed and I just smiled. I pull his chin up so we are eye to eye and I kiss him. But not just on the cheek, on the lips. It was weird though, it was like our lips moved in sync and I liked it. I could feel him kissing me back. He put his arm around my wait pulling me closer. I never wanted it to end but he slowly started to pull away and I noticed Daryl and Lori were staring and I start to blush, hard.
"Fuck it." I said as Carl looked at me confused and I pull him in again closer kissing him with them watching.
"Wow." Is all he said pulling away and just smiling.
"Yeah, wow." I said back just smiling.
"Why did you do it again? I mean not that it was bad I just.." He was stuttering which made me laugh.
"Why not?" I said and he just smiled pulling me in again. And again our lips moved in sync until he pulled away after.
"Why?" I asked him
"Why not?" He said mimicking me and I just laughed.

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