You Again (KNJ of BTS)

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Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) Royalty!AU (ft. Jackson and Taehyung)

A/N: Part of this was loosely based off an otome game I play. I hope you enjoy reading!


It all happened in a blur.

Your roommate transferring colleges, leaving you with a stranger for a new roommate. A stranger who happened to be the opposite gender from you. At first you thought it'd be awkward. Slowly, you two had warmed up to each other; changing from strangers to friends, to best friends, and even into a steady relationship. But then one day, he just disappeared.

You admit, it stung. A lot. It stung that he left without saying a goodbye in person. It stung that a half sheet of paper was only memento, his last goodbye.It stung that he didn't even leave a trace of his existence; as if he were just some sort of figment in your imagination.

You knew you had to pick up the pieces of your shattered soul and glue them back together. Deep down, you knew why you didn't bother doing so. You knew you longed for him to come back, to come heal your wounded spirit. But you also knew he wasn't coming back.

So, you grudgingly pulled yourself out of bed to get ready for class.

  #           #            #  

A year had gone by. You had drastically improved yourself. It was as if you were a rose in full bloom. You managed to pull up your GPA. You made up all your work for all your classes. Even making new friends. By this point, you had locked all your emotions into a chest and threw it into the abyss of your soul.

You were finally happy.

But you knew it would happen soon. It always did.

The moment when the universe decides to pull the rug out from underneath you.

Sadly, the moment came sooner than you had hoped.

  #           #           #  

You were scrolling through countless pages, in hopes to find the perfect internship. Jackson, your roommate, had just come back from picking up the mail downstairs.

Jackson was the best friend you could never replace. He was in your econ class and relentlessly tried to become your friend. Boy, were you glad he did. You eventually spilled your situation to him, getting a very enraged and worried Jackson. But you were glad he cared enough to react. He has been your strongest support and was always there for you through thick and thin.

"Hey, you got this fancy envelope thing in the mail," Jackson calls from the kitchen. "Do you want me to open it for you?" he asks while sinking down on the couch next to you.

"Sure," you answer him, gently closing your laptop.

Jackson tears open the envelope and pulls out a letter with beautiful script.

Both of you carefully read its contents, gasping at the same time.

|To Miss Y/N, we cordially invite you to visit our island nation for a week. The flight plan will be a private plane and your lodging will be at one of our finest residences. All expenses are prepaid. Please contact our offices at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx to confirm or decline our offer.|

Jackson looks at you in expectancy, "You are going to accept this offer, right?"

"Jackson, I've barely gotten my life back together. How am I supposed to survive going to a foreign country for a week?" you ask him exasperatedly.

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