Of Forts and Frustrations (OSH of EXO)

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Sehun scenario ft. Kai

Honestly, I had no idea where I was going with this one. I just wrote it in place of me actually going to the homecoming dance (because ew, people). So I'm sorry if it's bad. Enjoy!


"Yah! Oh Sehun!" you yell. You spot the tall boy all the way down the hall with his friends, pausing to glance at you. 

You stretch up, grabbing him by the ear, and proceed to drag him down the hallway.

"Ow, ow, ow!" He exclaims, drawing attention to the two of you.

You hear whispers all about you.

"They're at it again."

"Are they together?"

"Poor Sehun."

"What'd he do this time?"

You two pass by Xiumin and Luhan on your way and Sehun cries out, "Hyungs, save me!"

"Whatever you did, you probably deserve it," Luhan calls after the two of you.

Noisily making your way to an empty classroom, you shove him in and stand by the door.

You cross your arms and glare at the tall boy in front of you.

"What did I do now, shortie?" he asks innocently, which just makes you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion.

"Don't play dumb, Oh Sehun," you snap.

"Seriously, what did I do? I think I'm fairly innocent to whatever incident happened," he states, seemingly sincere.

"Wait, so you didn't make Jongin ask me to homecoming?" you ask.

"Wait, what now? Kai asked you to homecoming?"

"Uh, nope. Nothing, Never mind," you dodge his question, trying to escape out the door.

However, Sehun blocks the door and it's his turn to glare at you.

"Well, did you agree?" he inquires. "Because that would totally be breaking our tradition of going to all dances together and then having a sleepover after."

"Sehun, it would kind of be rude if I turned him down when I don't have an official date. Besides, it's not the end of the world if I go to one dance with another person, specifically your best friend. Anyway, we'll still do the sleepover. Nothing's going to change because of one feeble dance," You reassure him and then slip out of the door.

"But it will. Everything will change," Sehun whispers after you.

  #           #            #  

The dance was a blast, like usual. Even though, Jongin had asked you to the dance, you still hung out with your friends. The only thing that set this dance apart from the rest was the fact that you slow-danced with Jongin instead of Sehun.

You are getting into Sehun's car when a hand shoots out, holding the door before you manage to shut it.

Jongin's face appears in your line of sight. "I'll text you later?" he asks with a shy smile.

Of course you nod with a slight smile as he closes your door for you. You knew he was talking about setting up a meeting for the out-of-school project you two had in Lit.

Sehun frowns at the whole exchange, but immediately smiles when you turn to face him. He puts the car in reverse as soon as you buckle up and pulls away from the school.

"Are we going to make a couch fort today?" you ask when you two are stopped at a light.

"That's like asking if we've been friends since kindergarten," Sehun scoffs.

"No need for the sass, Hoon."

"There's always a need for the sass. And stop calling me Hoon."

#           #            #  

This week, you both unanimously agreed to marathon Marvel movies, which never boded well.

"No way! Captain America is better than Star-Lord!"

"You're just saying that because you think Chris Evans is hot!"

"Am not! And Chris Pratt is just as attractive as Chris Evans!"

You two both glare at each other. You glance away from his intense gaze and that's when he pins you down, tickling you.

"Sehun, stop," you wheeze out in between laughs.

"Stop what?" he teases, his hands starting to creep towards your most ticklish spot.

"Stop, I admit defeat! Star-Lord is better!" you yell in desperation and Sehun subsequently stops.

You stare into his eyes, finally realizing how close you two had become. Sehun slowly moves his face closer to yours and anticipating a kiss, your eyes flutter close. He was so close, you could feel his warm breath kissing your lips.

But nothing happens. You open your eyes and Sehun rolls off of you, clearly creating a distance in between the two of you that you weren't familiar with.

To know your childhood crush probably doesn't like you back made you feel pretty pathetic. It made you feel even worse when you begin to think that he probably thinks that almost kiss was just a fluke, that the act of kissing you was unfathomable.

Reluctantly, you accept the distance and bury yourself in the spare blanket in your little fort. Sehun had turned off the TV and an eerie silence fell upon you two.

Your phone vibrates and before you could grab it from No Man's Land within the tent, Sehun's hand quickly reaches out and snatches it.

"Hey! That's my phone!" you protest indignantly as he unlocks it. Not even bothering to fight back for your phone, you lie down and turn your back to your best friend, preparing yourself to drift into Dreamland.

"Why is Kim Jongin texting you about meeting tomorrow when it's 2 in the morning?" he asks after clearly having invaded your privacy.

"None of your business," you curtly answer.

"What? Are you mad at me or something?" he questions, annoyance clearly lacing his tone. You neglect to answer. "If anything, I should be the one frustrated with you," he mutters bitterly.

You sit up straight and glare at him. "Why? Is this about me going to the dance with Kai? Because that's real immature, Sehun."

"It's not about that!" he snaps. "I've been hinting at the fact that I like you, as more than friends, for more than 2 years and here you are, rubbing your relationship, or whatever you call it, with Kai, my best friend, and you don't even know how much it pains me that I can't kiss your perfect lips when they're right in front of me. That I'm forever considered the older brother to the girl I love," he reveals.

When Sehun shows signs that he is just going to continue his little pity fest, you quickly press your lips to his, leaving the boy in a stunned daze.

"Who said I didn't like you, Hoon?"

"B-but K-kai?" he stammers out.

"Boy, you can be such an idiot sometimes. We have an out-of-school Lit project we need to meet up for to work on tomorrow."

He stares at you, gaping. The continuously opening and closing of his mouth reminded you of a fish, which you had to stifle a laugh about.

"So..... how about park picnic and some soccer tomorrow?" he asks you quietly.

"Is this your way of asking for a date?" you tease him.

"Shut up. Yes or no.?

"I would love to go on a date with you. Also prepare yourself to be crushed in soccer."

"Don't push your luck, sweetie."

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