Will You Be My Princess? (KNJ of BTS)

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Namjoon Royalty!AU

Loosely based off an otome game I play. Enjoy Part 2 of my Namjoon Royalty AU! Sorry that it's a bit short. (This is a continuation of You Again)


Breakfast is extremely awkward. The dining hall's long table is seating only four people: you, Namjoon, and his two brothers, Tae and Seokjin. The only conversation that arose was of Tae's excitement for the day to come and Seokjin's polite questioning.

When breakfast concluded, Tae immediately pulled you outside the castle to his car. Of course, you two were accompanied by Park Jimin, Tae's bodyguard and best friend.

After a long two days of your "Special Cool Places Tour from the awesome Kim Taehyung," you were exhausted. Tae was really a ball full of energy and it was hard to keep up with the man, even with Jimin trying to keep the man in check.

You had finished getting ready for bed and just before you turn off your lights, a knock came at your door.

Assuming it was your fast friend coming to tell you about some oddity, you say "What is it, Tae?" as you pull the door open.

Your eyes widen in surprise when it's not Tae at the door, but Namjoon instead.

"Were you expecting someone?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh heavens no. I thought it was Tae with another weird fact he forgot to share with me on our way down to my room earlier," you answer with a light wave of your hand.

You notice his jaw clench for a split second before his face transforms into his usual light demeanor. "Can I come in and talk to you? he asks politely. You open the door wider before heading back into your room and sitting on the couch.

Namjoon closes the door behind him and awkwardly seats himself next to you.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" you ask him.

"Honestly, me leaving. And how you've been doing without me," he says hesitantly with drooping shoulders. You narrow your eyes in suspicion.

Honestly, you were a wreck. You were hurt. You were trying to move on and fate would have it that you were to be face to face with him again. But you weren't going to tell him any of that.

"Fine," you answer curtly. "I've coped."

"Well, I haven't been," he speaks up. "I've been a mess without you. It was the stupidest thing I've ever done."

An uncomfortable silence falls between you two. You see Namjoon subtly bouncing his leg, giving away his nervousness.

"Then why did you leave?" you ask softly.

"I only left because I had to. My parents summoned me back. To find a bride."

Your eyes widen and you feel like death has a grip on your heart, squeezing it just enough for pain to blossom within your chest.

"Oh, wow. Have you found the lucky girl yet?" you choke out.

"Yeah, I have," he answers softly and you feel like air has been sucked out of your lungs.

"O-oh. W-what's she like?" you stutter out.

"She's sweet. She hates burdening others with her problems. She is artistic. She is the kind of person that will help everyone before helping herself. She loves animals and children. She'll never turn anyone down, in fear of hurting their feelings. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," he begins to list and you just feel your chest constrict even more.

"And most importantly, she's right in front of me," Namjoon adds, staring at you tenderly. He gets down on one knee, pulling a small box from his pocket.

Namjoon holds the small box open while saying, "I loved you from the minute I met you, especially after how red you turned when you noticed I was only in a towel. I still love you even after an entire year apart from you. I can't forget our three years together. I know what I did to you was shitty and I don't deserve such a girl as wonderful as you are, but, Y/N, would you do me the honor and please be my princess? From now until forever?"

You glanced from the simple band with a slightly large rock to his face. You scan Namjoon's face for any sign of humor or insincerity. After scrutinizing, you could tell that he had meant it with all his heart.

Tearfully, you whisper, "Kim Namjoon, I would love to."

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