Coffee Shop Startup (MJU of BAP)

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Moon Jongup scenario (AH BAP this nerd is so awkward I thought he fit into this scenario perfectly)

Day 3 of 25: Awkward Encounters

Sorry, this is pretty short. I've been going through some friend drama and school is stressing me out. I don't even know if you read this, but enjoy the scenario! I might be spamming sometime soon because I'm behind in my "25 Days of Writing" so be prepared.


Another day in the office, you sigh. Office, meaning doing your homework in your usual cafe.

You sit down after picking up your vanilla macchiato and open up your laptop, starting it up.

While waiting for your laptop to finish processing, you stand up to get some sort of food to accompany your coffee.

On the way to the counter, you notice that your boots' laces were untied, you bend down to tie them.

You stand back up after finishing, straightening out your clothes, when a man bumps into you, spilling his bubble tea all over you.

"I'm so sorry!" the stranger loudly apologizes, grabbing a bunch of napkins and trying to help you dry off.

You laugh, gently grasping his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

You watch as the panicky expression slowly washes of his face and is replaced by one of confusion.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry about it. It'll come out in the wash," you reassure him. He eyes you doubtfully, but lowers his hand away from your collar.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes sheepishly.

"It's okay," you smile at him.

  #           #            #  

The next day, you were waiting patiently for your drink to be made at the counter when you see someone slide up and lean on the counter arrogantly out of the corner of your eye.

"Hey babe," he says and you glance at him.

You hate to admit, he is kind of good looking. Who are you kidding, he looks as if he walked straight off the runway.

"If you were ground coffee, you'd be espresso. 'Cause girl, you're so fine, " he says with a cheeky wink.

You stare at him in a bored silence. Did he really think that would impress you?

"Himchan!" you hear a distressed voice call from behind you.

You turn to see who it is. Your eyes land on a male frantically rushing over to pull his friend away.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes and that's when it registers.

He was the same man from yesterday. His eyes comically widens when he recognizes you and ducks behind his friend, eliciting a laugh from you.

"I see we meet again," you laugh out, grabbing your coffee and heading out the cafe.

  #           #            #  

The following week you were overloaded with work and decided that going to the cafe was the most beneficial to your productivity.

You sip on your coffee, mentally going over your assignments. When your laptop finally boots up, you immediately start typing up your essay. You look up briefly to make eye contact with a familiar man.

His name is Moon Jongup. Besides the fact that he is also a student at your college, that's about all you know about him. And that he was handsome yet awkward.

His eyes widen comically at the sight of you and he whips his head away. You stifle a giggle at how awkward he is.

You continue typing your essay, stopping to finish your coffee. When you glance up, you make eye contact again with Jongup before he quickly looks down at his own laptop.

When you get back up to refill your coffee, you bump into Jongup.

"Oh my, I'm so so sorry," he apologizes profusely.

"It's okay, you're adorable. It makes everything fine," you reply with a bright smile. You pick up your cup of coffee and head back to your table, leaving a bright red Jongup behind you.

  #           #            #  

After an hour or two, you grab your cup to take another sip when you realize that it is empty. Before you can get up to order your fourth cup of coffee, another cup is placed on your table.

You stare at the barista in confusion.

"It's from the gentleman with the dyed hair over there on his laptop," she answers your look of confusion and walks away.

You notice the yellow sticky note on the side of the cup. You carefully peel it off the cup and read over the neatly written note.

"Hey, I think you're really pretty and maybe we can catch a break from these mid-terms. Text me?"

You giggle and pull out your phone.

"Well, if we both survive these mid-terms, maybe we could hang out," you text him. You glance up from your computer and watch as his cheeks slowly turn to a dark shade of pink.

You get up to return the two cups and you shut down your laptop, placing it into your bag. Before you leave, you look over and make eye contact with Jongup. This time, you both shyly look away.

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