The Start of Us (KTH of BTS)

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Taehyung (V) Internet Friend!AU.

Based off a special someone I know that magically wormed his way into my heart. Also, please imagine that you live in the USA, specifically New Jersey, and he lives on the west coast.


|It all started with a phone call to a friend across the country.|

"Hello?" A low, husky voice answers. Your eyes widen. This is definitely not your friend. Last time you checked, your friend had a clear, higher pitched voice. "Can I help you?" He asks curiously.

"I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong number," you reply awkwardly.

When you're about to hang up, the male interjects, "Wait, Jersey. Are you looking for Minhee?"

You pause and hesitantly continue, "Yes, and who may you be?"

"I'm her older brother. My name's Taehyung. Nice to meet you."

"Hi. Oh, okay. Cool. I have the right number so... Bye," you say bluntly and then hang up.

|Then he contacted you.|

Him: Hey, Jersey. Gotta a question.

You: Shoot.

Him: I never got your name. What is it?

You: My name? It's Y/N.

Him: Y/N? That's got a nice ring to it.

|One week....|

Him: hey Y/N.

You: Yes, Taehyung?

Him: Just cos I'm older than you doesn't mean you have to be so formal....

You: I'll call you Tae then. Kay?

Him: Why Tae?

You: Well, you don't have a nickname, according to your sister, and it has a nice ring to it.

|...turned into a month...|

You: have you ever thought about the future?

Him: sorta, I just wanna perform and travel. Career-wise? Not a bit.

You: maybe what's best for us now is just to focus on living for ourselves in the present.

Him: Living in the present? Why? I would rather relive the moments I spend talking to you.

|...which eventually lead to six months.|

You: hey Tae?

Him: yeah?

You: I've never seen your face.

Him: hold on

Him: just a moment


Incoming Call- TaeTae


|Of course you accepted the FaceTime call.

You would be insane if you didn't.|

The screen lights up, revealing a dull light shining on a teenage boy. A boy with dazzling features. Bright orange hair. Blinding smile. His whole aura glowed, making Taehyung seem like he was ethereal, almost if he was going to fade into the heavens.

"Hey! Hey! Can you see me?" He questions while excitably waving his arms in front of the camera.

"Yeah," you respond airily. And he looks more attractive than you ever imagined. Tae looked like the definition of perfection in your eyes.

Taehyung stares at you for a long while before concluding, "Hm, you're a lot cuter than how Minhee described."

You feel your face instantly heat up as you stare at his cute grin.

"I could say the same about you," you mutter quietly, not expecting him to hear you.

But sadly, fate is not on your side as this boy has ears of a hawk.

"Aw, thanks. You're so adorable," he says after a low chuckle.

"Hang up, okay? It's almost 2 in the morning and you have school tomorrow," he quietly chides you.

"I could say the same to you. It's almost 11," You tiredly mumble, "and I don't want to hang up just yet. I don't want this to end. Seeing your face, I mean."

"Then I'll call you tomorrow. Okay? I promise," he pleads.

You ponder over your choice before hesitantly responding, "Okay. Good night, Tae."

Taehyung's smiling at the camera softly and smoothly says, "Night night little one."

"There's only a 9 month difference between us," you weakly protest.

He lets out a loud laugh. "Then, good night, my sweet Y/N," he bids.

|And he kept his promise, continuing to call and text you in his free time.|

"Hey honey!" he greets you with a dazzling smile. You glance at the scenery behind him. Trees, concrete ground below, school bell in the background.

"Tae..." you start. "Are you skipping class again?" You ask warily as you strip off your winter coat.

"Nah, my lunch got changed so I'm going to eat on the roof with the guys," he reassures you. "How was school today? Are you tired? You should nap before you start your homework, you're probably exhausted."

"I'm fine," you try to convince him as you let out a big yawn.

Taehyung pointedly glares at you. "Lie down, I'll sing you a song that my friends wrote recently."

You resign and crawl under your warm covers, propping your phone against one of your decorative pillows. His smooth voice starts singing "Hold Me Tight", gently lulling you to sleep.

You: Hey, how was the rest of your school day?

Him: The guys teased me for being whipped. Again. But otherwise boring. I couldn't see your pretty face.

You: Haha, nice try. Flattery gets you nowhere, pretty boy.

Him: You think I'm good looking?

You: Maybe. On occasion. When you're lucky.

Him: But I still am good looking.

You: Your ego is larger than the sun.

|You two eventually fall into a routine. The first and last thing of the day you see is one another. Months pass and suddenly it's his birthday.|

You: I didn't know what to get you, so I drew a picture of my bias. Consider it a gift.

Him: Oh well, it's the thought that counts. I just wish we could celebrate together in person.

You: I know, same. I wonder what it would be like if you lived here in Jersey with me. Would we have ended up dating?

Him: Are you confessing your undying love to me, Ms. Y/L/N?

Him: Cos you know.... I like you and all of your quirkiness.

You: You wish.

Him: Oh.

You: Okay, maybe, just maybe, I like you too.

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