Mistakes [One Shot]

Start from the beginning

"How could you be so selfish?"

Lex placed his hands on his hips. Slowly, he turned to glance at you. His tongue slid across his bottom lip nervously.

You scoffed and whirled around on your heels, moving as quickly as you could to get out of here and away from him.

Over the next few months, your relationship with Lex became cold and distant. Conversations were few, physical contact close to none, and he seemed to scowl at your growing belly. He was full of hate every time he saw you. How could he hate something that was miraculously made out of a part of him and a part of you?

It broke your heart. Your baby, so happy and beautiful, was ignored by his father. The day you found out that you were carrying a son was the day Lex disappeared for three days. He came back drunk without a single explanation.

You blocked the pain by focusing on your son. You sang to him, read to him, organized his nursery every day, and went to doctor appointment after doctor appointment. You wanted the best for him. If he wasn't going to have the best father, he was certainly going to have a good mother.

Lex, although never speaking a word about his son, ordered the nursery to be painted a pale blue. He bought a crib and countless maternity dresses for you. Somedays, he would compliment how wonderful you looked in them. Those were the days you thought he would change. But his eyes would flash a dark, miserable shadow, and he would turn away.

Today, you walked into the nursery to find Lex standing there, his eyes on the mobile above the crib. His fingers reached out and brushed against the plush stars that dangled. It was so odd to see him there. He rarely even looked at the nursery.

"Lex," you whispered, crossing your arms. They rested against the bump of your large stomach. "What are you doing?"

He simply raised a glass to his lips. You grimaced at the brown liquid inside. He was probably drunk. You looked away and stepped inside, going to your son's dresser.

"Please don't drink in here," you pleaded quietly. "The least you can do is keep that out of here."

"The least I can do," he repeated angrily. He chuckled darkly and took another swig.

"Yes," you said. "It's the least you can do." He hummed as he swallowed, wincing at the alcohol. Tears filled your eyes. "Lex, this is a baby's room. I don't want my baby---"

"Your baby?" he scoffed, stepping towards you. "Don't pretend that I'm not its father!"

You glared at him. "It? It! Lex, where have you been? This baby boy is growing inside of me and you've been spending all of your money and time on drinking away our liquor cabinet. I've been staying up with nausea, getting ready for the baby, dealing with depression because of all the hormones, going to doctors appointments alone, and living through the worst pains. And you--- you can only think about yourself."

Lex's jaw clenched. He stepped forward and grabbed your shoulders roughly. "You think you can talk to me like that? Hm? Hm! You--- you think---"

You yelped in pain. His hands squeezed your shoulders tightly. "Lex! Lex, stop! You're hurting me!" You jerked and kicked at him. "Lex---!"

You finally knocked one of his hands away. The bottle in his hands fell to the carpet; the brown spilled onto the cream colored carpet. You jerked out of his angry hold, tears flooding down your face.

The anger in Lex's face was soon replaced with regret. Your chest heaved with panicked breaths. The baby must've known something was wrong; he kicked roughly and your stomach fluttered.

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now