Love [One Shot]

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Requested by evieevelyn & ainesfm.

Thank you for sending in such amazing requests, guys. I'll be posting them every few days [with a few of my own ideas in between, probably] and I'll always accept more.


[This is long as heck. I got super carried away but Lex Luthor weddings are so freaking beautiful]


Lex Luthor paced the floor of his father's office as he waited for the clock to read noon. Currently, the clock was at eleven forty-seven. In thirteen minutes, he would walk down that aisle and patiently wait for you to follow.

He'd been waiting for this day for months. Although he never planned to fall in love with you or marry you, he couldn't imagine a better thing to happen in his life. His life, that had always been a lonely one despite the riches, would soon be shared with you.

He adored your kind soul, your fearless spirit, your acceptance of whatever Lex was. His past, you had said, did not at all define who he was. It took him a while to believe that himself.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Lex said, keeping his eyes on the window. He knew that it would be someone to deliver the news that he already knew.

The door opened and in stepped one of his housemaids. "Mr. Luthor, you have ten minutes."

"Thank you, Mrs. Miller," he said politely. He smiled at her, and she practically swooned. It wasn't his physical appearance that made the ladies want him, it was his financial status. Lex just looked like money. He looked like a young guy without a care in the world. And that just intrigued them.

But never you. You were intrigued by himself as a whole. His looks, his knowledge, his voice, his laugh, everything.

Before Mrs. Miller shut the doors, Lex looked back. "Um... Mrs. Miller? How is she?"

She smiled sweetly. "She's all ready, Mr. Luthor. And she is so, so beautiful."

Lex smirked and looked down at the blue stress ball that he was absentmindedly squeezing. No matter what, he still felt tightly wound up in anxiety. He nodded. "Thank you, Mrs. Miller." The housemaid left promptly.

As soon as she was gone, Lex walked to his desk and poured himself a half glass of his father's strongest liquor.


Both hands on the clock finally hit the long awaited twelve. In two minutes, you would be walking down the aisle. For now, you stand as perfectly still as you can as your gown designer, Sasha, fixes up bits and pieces.

She adjusts the tool around the ends of your sleeve. Her fingertips are warm against your cool skin. She was a very stern lady, but Lex wanted the best for you. You kept your eyes on her fake eyelashes and wondered how the weight of them didn't force her eyes closed.

"You're shaking," she said through her thick Russian accent.

You willed yourself to stop. "Sorry."

Her lips curled up into a small smile. "Do not worry, my dear. I do not say this to many of my clients, and do not assume that I say this because of the large paycheck I am to receive tonight, but you are truly one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen. And your fiancé... he loves you endlessly. I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you."

You smiled. "Thank you."

"Now. It is about time!" She grabbed your arms and carefully pushed you to stand in front of the full length mirror. Your eyes widened at the sight of the reflection.

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now