Wayne Enterprises [part one] [One Shot]

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[Requested by patfoot_moony_prongs]

This literally took ages to write. Part two should be up later today or tomorrow. It was my first time writing the reader as Bruce Wayne's daughter.


"Ms. Wayne," the voice of your father's butler, Alfred, spoke from the other side of your bedroom door. "The car is waiting for you outside."

You smiled as you finished pulling a brush through your tangled hair. You made your way to the tall window, where you could oversee the entire front property. The familiar vehicle was stopped, and in it, a flash of orange hair.

"Thank you, Alfred," you said. You tossed your brush onto your desk and grabbed your purse. Taking a quick glance in the mirror to make sure your lipstick looked good, you quickly exited your room. Your legs moved quickly as you silently prayed to avoid your Dad.

Of course you couldn't.

"Hey, where you off to?" he asked as he stepped out of his room, a newspaper in hand.

"Just going out with a friend," you lied.

"A friend, yeah?"

You nodded and smiled. "That's what I said."

He watched you carefully as he nodded. You slipped your flats on and turned towards the door. Alfred opened it for you. "You're dressed pretty nice to just be going out with a friend."

"Bye, Dad," you replied.

He reached out and grabbed your arm. His eyes were serious, his smile gone. "You're going out with Lex Luthor again," he said.

You sighed. "Dad."

"I told you not to. Didn't I tell you that he is probably just dating you because of me? We wants our companies to work together. And I... I don't trust him."

You shook your head. "Well, do you trust me?" He nodded. "And I trust him. So you shouldn't act like this. I'm well old enough to make my own decisions. I think you're forgetting that I'm an adult."

He clenched his teeth. "There's no reason he would date you besides your last name," he growled. Hurt hit you hard, and you tried not to show it.

"Great, Dad. Thanks." You jerked your arm away and stormed out, ignoring the solemn look on Alfred's face. As you approached Lex's car, he opened the door and stepped out.

"Boy, is it great to see you," he said happily. The sadness left you immediately at the sound of his voice. He walked to the front of the car and planted a light kiss on your lips. You smiled into it.

"I missed you," you told him. "Do we have plans for today?"

"Ah, yes! But they are all surprises! My lips are sealed, my dear!" He kissed you again and opened your door. You laughed as you climbed in. He shut your door and walked back around, offering a glance back at the window your father was watching out of.


"This is so nice," you murmured, watching the dark red wine swish around the elegant glass. The strong flavor made your mouth warm. You could feel the stains of it against your teeth.

"Mhm." You looked up to see him. You were seated on the soft white sofa, his arm encircled you and your legs were tangled together. He watched you carefully.

You felt it again. That familiar warm buzzing that was so different from the effect of the alcohol. The buzzing that erupted from your chest every time Lex looked at you. As his finger brushed across your jawline, you bit your lip. His eyes were frozen onto your mouth. Slowly, he leaned in to capture your lips with his.

The kiss was slow and soft, electrified by the taste of red wine. He sighed against your mouth as his hand moved to rest at the back of your neck. You held onto the front of his suit with one hand, the other holding your wine against your chest.

When he pulled back and brushed his nose against yours, you froze. This was so right. Everything about this was perfect. Your father was wrong, this was real. Lex had to feel the same. No one else had ever kissed you like that before. You couldn't keep it in.

"I love you," you blurted out softly.

His fingers froze in your hair. You watched his face carefully as he pulled away, his eyes confused and shocked. He tore his gaze from yours and stared at his glass of wine. With a nervous laugh escaping his lips, he moved to the farthest end of the sofa. "Um... this... this isn't what you think," he said, "And, uh, I don't..."

"What do you mean?" you asked, your hopes falling.

"Mm... this is temporary," he spoke slowly, and each word felt like a blast of cold in your chest. "We are temporary."

You blinked. Suddenly, it all made sense. "Temporary until my Dad decides to work with you, right?" He watched you. You roughly shoved your glass into his hands and stood up. "Goodbye, Lex."

"___," he said, a tinge of regret in his voice. "Mm, wait, stop!"

You ignored him. You quickly made your escape from his office, your heels clicking against the hallway floor. For a minute, you feared they would snap. Mercy shot you a concerned look as you brushed past her. That's when you felt the tears on your cheeks.

You called for a taxi and arrived back home late. Alfred opened the door for you. A kind smile appeared on his face and then quickly vanished. His eyes widened at the sight of your puffy and red face. "My goodness, Ms. Wayne, are you all right?"

You ignored him and walked to your room. Your Dad stood by the fireplace of one of the many family rooms with a glass of bourbon in his hand. He turned towards you, probably ready to apologize. When he realized that you were crying, he set the glass down onto the coffee table. "___," he said, his jaw clenched. You choked on a sob. He turned red and walked forward, his hands clenched into tight fists. "What happened? Did he hurt you?" He grabbed your shoulders to keep you still as you tried to move away. "___!"

"No!" you screamed, squeezing your eyes shut. "No! You were right, okay? I am nothing but your daughter, and there is nothing worthy except for my name." You pushed him back and walked away, new tears streaming down your face.

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now