Sick [One Shot]

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I wrote this for chrissiedooo, who didn't feel good today. I hope you feel better soon! ♡


"Hey, babe. I can't make it to lunch today, okay? I'm sick. I'll see you... uh... soon. I love you."

You ended the voice message. Lex wouldn't be angry at you, but he'd probably be disappointed. The time you had with him had all but disappeared when he started researching Kryptonite. You had only seen him a handful of times this month. The lunch plans were all you had for a while.

You rolled over and groaned. Your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, your stomach grumbled and hurt. More than that, you felt terrible emotionally. That date with Lex was all you were looking forward to.

With a heavy sigh, you pulled your blanket up over your head and fell asleep.


You woke up to the feeling of a warm hand against your chilly arm. Eyelids fluttering open, you sighed and looked up. Lex was sitting at the side of your bed.

"Mm, sorry for waking you," he said softly.

You rubbed your eyes. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled and pulled your blanket up over your shoulders. "You called and left a message. I wanted to make sure you were all right. Besides, we can't let a little fever ruin a perfectly good date, can we, my dear?"

You smiled and moved over until your forehead rested against the side of his leg. He stroked your cheek, right over the trail of feverish blush. "But you'll get sick, Lex. I don't want to ruin your week."

"Hm. Well, if and when I do get sick, I'll just have to get you to take care of me," he said. You laughed lightly.

"Yeah, okay," you shrugged. "That seems fair." You the erupted into a fit of shivers. Lex frowned and rubbed his hand up and down your arms.

"I'll make you some tea," he offered, getting up and quickly walking out. You curled up inside of your blankets and waited. You couldn't help but smile. He came back with a mug of black tea. "I, uh, put honey in it. Dad had this, uh, maid. She really just raised me after Mom left. If it wasn't for her constant mothering, I probably would have been dead, hm! Anyways, whenever I got sick, she would put honey in my tea."

You grinned and sat up. Lex handed you the mug and smiled, his eyes filled with complete care and happiness. "Thank you." You blew gently inside of the cup and carefully took a small sip. The tea was strong and warmed you up almost instantly. It was a tad too sweet, but you didn't want to tell him. This was probably the first time he had ever made something for someone. "Mm. Thank you, Lex."

He grinned. You took another sip as his hand skimmed up and down your arm. You opened your hand and let his fingertips graze your palm. You hummed happily and settled back against the pillows.

"I missed this," you whispered.

His eyebrows furrowed together. "Missed what, babe?"

"This," you said, capturing his fingers with yours. You squeezed them and smiled bashfully. "Us. Just... seeing you for long periods of time, getting to touch you, talk to you... even if I am completely miserable, this makes it all worth it."

He chuckled. "Hm, hm, hm. You are so silly." He poked the tip of your nose and shook his head. "I promise, my dear, soon I will have more time for you. You have no idea how bad it hurts to only see you a few times a month."

"How much longer of this?" you asked.

He shrugged. "If all goes as planned... just a few more months."

You frowned. Lex sighed and shifted. He leaned against the pile of pillows behind you and wrapped his arm around you. Your eyes closed as he kissed your hair. You let out a deep breath after a few minutes of cozy silence. "Is it bad that I hope you get sick just so we can spend more time together?"

Lex paused. "Hm. No, no it is not." He suddenly took your mug from you and set it on the nightstand.

"Lex?" He turned back towards you, smirking, and pressed you against the pillows until you were on your back. His blue eyes gleamed with mischief as he braced his hands on either side of your head. His body melted with yours. "What are you doing?" You giggled.

"You want me to get sick? Hm! Well, I want to kiss you. I guess we'll both be getting what we want, my dear." With that, he dipped his head down and smashed his lips against yours. You laughed as he kissed you, uncaring of the germs that were probably filling his mouth. You couldn't focus enough to stop him, either. There wasn't a moment ever in which you had loved him more.

You threw your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. All the while your head spun and your stomach flipped, but you weren't even sure if that was because of your fever or Lex kissing you. He kissed you over and over; each movement of his lips lasting in a long pause as he memorized the patterns of your chapped skin.

When he finally allowed you to breathe, he pulled back. You grinned as you let out a deep, gasping breath, your fingers tugging at his soft hair. He smiled hugely, his toungue dancing across his lips.

"Hm. You could have told me that there was too much honey in that tea," he said.

You laughed. "Sorry."

He moved off of you and collapsed beside you. You turned onto your side and scooted over until you were pressed against him. His chin rested on the top of your head. Closing your eyes, a wave of exhaustion came over you.

"Promise you'll be here when I wake up," you said.

"I will be," he said.

You shook your head. "Promise."

He laughed and kissed your head. "I promise, my dear. Sleep." You felt his breath against your hair. "I love you."

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now