Control [one shot] [part two]

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Hey, guys. Anyone have any requests? I can't seem to think of anything or get inspired and I feel like I've covered mostly every request (EXCEPT FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE POSTED ON MY WALL/MESSAGED ME. I'll get your request done, it just takes a while because those left happen to be worthy of two or more parts).

PLEASE send in requests. I'm gonna watch Batman v Superman this weekend for inspiration, but I need some ideas. thanks xx



You tilted your head back as you choked down your first shot. It burned your throat. You winced and shivered at the bad taste.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Mollie cheered. "Want another? It's on me."

You placed the glass down and shook your head. "No. That was terrible, Mollie. How can you drink that?"

"It is bad, huh?" she asked, taking her second one. "But gosh, does it get you drunk."

You laughed. "But I don't want to get that drunk, Mollie."

"Figures," she muttered.

You sighed. The bartender walked by. Gnawing on your lip, you leaned over the bar. "Excuse me? Hi. Can I get another one of these shots?"


Lex's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he turned onto the freeway. He wondered what you were doing. Were you safe? Were you meeting up with someone? Did you have a way home?

The parking lot was filled when he pulled in. He parked in the back and quickly got out. Groups of middle aged men were hanging out by their trucks. Teenage girls snuck their way in, well aware of how the men were staring at them. A fight broke out just outside of the door. Lex quickly moved around them and went inside.

The music was loud and the lights were flashing. People were either dancing, kissing, drinking, or passed out on the floor. It was a mess. Lex searched for you at the bar. You weren't there.

A woman screamed as her boyfriend spilled his beer on her. He laughed loudly at her as she shot out of her seat, angrily yelling at him. Lex moved away to the dance floor to avoid her.

There, right in the middle of the dance floor, you were dancing. Your hair was wild and your lipstick was smudged, but you were laughing. Your hand was wrapped around a girl's tightly. He recognized the woman you were with as Mollie.

His face fell. You weren't in trouble at all. You didn't need him. Only he needed you. With a deep breath, he tore his eyes away from you. If he didn't want you to see him, he needed to go. Still, he could go for a drink.

He sat at the stool furthest from the drunk boyfriend and angry girlfriend covered in beer and ordered a bourbon. The music got louder when he was over here. The bourbon tasted good on his tongue and felt amazing when it numbed his thoughts.

"I said to leave me alone!"

Lex turned his head. For a brief second, he assumed that you were shouting at him for being here. Maybe you did know that he was following you. Instead, he saw you being pushed up against the wall by a man. He was kissing you and you were pushing him away.

Lex quickly pulled out his phone and dialed. He held it up to his ear. When it was picked up, he said, "I need you to come in and take care of someone for me." He hung up.

Lex took another drink as the doors flew open and in stepped his biggest "workers" that he used for his dirty work against framing Superman. They quickly found the man with you and tore him from you.

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ