Beauty [One Shot]

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Requested by Lucinda2015.


You hummed in contentment as you flipped through the pages of the fashion magazine left on one of waiting room tables. You were here to visit your boyfriend, Lex Luthor, but he was at a meeting at the moment. That was fine; you never minded waiting.

The fashion magazine held little interest to you. You were never one for fashion; a simple dress on the sale rack was okay with you. And although Lex adorned you with many expensive gifts all of the time, he never expected you to look like one of these models. He somehow found it acceptable that you looked average, even in his high status. You were you, and he loved that.

The front door opened and in stepped your boyfriend. He stopped and placed his hands on his hips, a giant grin spread across his face. "Ah, there you are!" You stood up and made your way over to him. He put his hands on your hips.

"Hey," you breathed. "You were at a meeting?"

"I was, yes," he said. "Mm--- come with me to my office and I'll tell you about it!"

"All right," you said. You took his hand in yours.

"So what have you been up to, my dear?" he questioned.

"I came to talk to you, actually," you told him.

"Mmm-hm? Then talk to me."

"I, uh, was invited to Superman's trial tomorrow morning. I wasn't expecting it, but it happened. Lex, I'll finally get a good story in. Maybe they'll even hire me at the Daily Planet---"

"No," Lex snapped. He dragged you to a stop and placed his hands on your shoulders. "You're not going, ___."

"What?" you asked. You shook your head. "Lex---"

"Just trust me," he pleaded, his blue eyes sad. "You cannot go."

"You can't keep me from doing things!" you said.

"I know. I know." He paused and sighed shortly, his eyes dropping down to the floor. "Um--- I know that, but ---please."

"Okay," you breathed.

Lex squeezed your shoulders and leaned forward, pressing his lips to your forehead. You were confused as he let them linger here. Then he stepped away and started to walk off.

All you could think was one thing---

You were going to that trial.


You were running late, all thanks to the lost taxi driver that Lex had called for you. You ended up getting out of the slow moving car and jog there yourself. You had to sprint to the courthouse; people were already protesting outside. You quickly entered the building and started towards the doors.

You had just reached them when there was a rumble, followed by a loud explosion and a blast of fiery heat. You were shot backwards, your head hitting some surface. You couldn't see, couldn't hear--- you could only feel.

You could feel each hair on your face burning. Every hair on your cheek, above your lip, your eyebrows and eyelashes--- you could feel each strand of hair prominently. A part on top of your head was sizzling and searing. You tried to cry out for help, but you couldn't find your voice.

Please help.

The voices were like ghosts.

"Will she be okay?"

Even the most familiar sounds seemed alien to you. The person that belonged to that voice meant something to you. But who was it?

"She'll survive, that much we know. There's no telling how many damages we'll have to deal with whenever she wakes."

Were they talking about you? You felt exhausted. The voices disappeared.


You woke up to an uncomfortable tingling all over your body. A gasp of pain burst from your closed lips, as if you had been holding it in forever. Your eyes popped open and you moved just a little.

That alone made a blinding pain rock through your body. Your vision was red; the tears even hurt.

"Don't move," someone pleaded.

You looked over and saw the orange hair. The face that it framed was sad. He leaned closer and stretched his hand out, but he never touched you, as if he didn't want to hurt you, although the pain you were in was far too much to get any worse.

"Lex," you whined.

"Yeah," he said. "Don't move, okay? You'll make it worse. I need you to stay still. What do you need--- water? Medicine? Another sheet--- or do you need that one off of you?"

You barely heard him. Your eyes were travelling down your arms. A dozen wires were hooked to you, but even worse was the red and blistered skin.


Your voice cracked as you spoke. "Oh gosh, what happened to me?"

That was when he broke. "It's all my fault." He dropped his face into his hands. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault. No. No. I told you not to come!" He suddenly jumped up and leaned forward. His eyes were wild and angry. "Why did you come?"

"Lex," you whispered, "I didn't know!"

"You shouldn't have come! You weren't supposed to be there!"

You flinched. "You're scaring me!" Something inside of Lex snapped. He stopped and moved back. His eyes were frozen on yours as he took in your fear. Tears streamed down your face as he looked away. "What do you mean, I wasn't supposed to be there?"

He remained silent as you choked on your tears.

"Oh gosh, Lex, you knew that---"

"You weren't supposed to be there," he cried brokenly.

You didn't want to know how he knew. It was enough that he knew to begin with. You felt as if you knew your boyfriend enough to know that he wasn't a murderer.

And now he had to deal with the fact that he did this to you. That was enough to make you sick.

"I'm sorry," he cried. He gently grabbed your hand and kissed your skin--- the part that wasn't burned ---and kept his lips against it. "I did this to you. I promise, I'll pay for this all, I'll take care of you---"

You felt a bunch of emotions--- sadness, regret, anger, blinding fury. You calmed yourself down to ask very simply, "What about you?"

He looked up. "What about me?"

Your voice broke, but you forced a smile onto your face. "Look at me, Lex. I'm... I'm---"

He shook his head and moved closer to you. "No. No, no, no, no. Babe, why are you worrying about how you look?"

"I never looked beautiful to begin with, but gosh, look at me now."

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, ___. I couldn't imagine thinking otherwise about you. No matter what, you're perfect." He leaned forward and gently captured your lips in a soft kiss. "I'm so sorry..."

"I love you, Lex," you said. "And I forgive you." You squeezed his hand, grateful that your fingers weren't burned and you could still touch him.

"Ah, I was hoping you would."

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now