Scared [one shot]

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Logged on wattpad today to see that this book is ranking at #412 in fanfiction! It was at #932 just YESTERDAY. Thank you so, so much! I don't deserve the amount of love and support I get from you all. ♡♡

Requested by anyasimon63

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Requested by anyasimon63


"You're kidding me, Lex! Please, please tell me that you're kidding." You shook your head at your boyfriend. "There's no way I'm going up in a helicopter!"

He had pulled you away from work and dragged you to the roof for a "romantic surprise" of some kind. How a helicopter ride was romantic was beyond you. There was no way you would go in that thing. You could barely handle being up on the rooftop; getting on a helicopter just seemed like a crazy idea.

"And why not?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips. "It's safe, has seatbelts, doors that lock, and even a parachute in case things really do go south!" He laughed.

Your face paled. Feeling a little sick, you hugged your arms close to you. "No," you said. "No way, I'm too scared."

"___," he said. "You said you always wanted to try one. And, aha! Here is your chance!"

You shook your head. "I'm... I'm sorry, Lex. I can't do it." Ashamed, you turned away. Lex watched you leave the rooftop and head towards the staircase.


You still felt the gnawing guilt as you brewed yourself a cup of coffee in the break room. You chewed on your lip. What was wrong with you? Lex had taken time out of his day to make sure a helicopter was up there waiting for you. He had remembered when you last talked about wanting to ride one; that was at least three months ago.

You sighed and grabbed your cup, dumped a cup of half and half and a couple packets of sugar in it, and left. Your eyes stayed on your phone as you walked down the hall. Your office was just by the basketball court.

"Oh! ___, ___!" Lex called. You looked up to see him running towards you. He tossed a basketball off to the side and brushed his hair back, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. "Hey. I wanted to, uh, talk to you. You just ran off earlier."

You sighed. "Sorry. I just... I am really, really sorry."

His eyebrows pulled together. "Hm? What for?" Someone called his name and tossed him a towel. He held up his hand in thanks and grinned.

"I just feel bad," you said.

Lex wasn't listening. He was laughing at something someone else said across the room. You sighed and turned to go. Lex caught you by your arm.

"Babe! Sorry," he said. "I'm listening, really. Why do you feel bad?"

"Because you took time out of your day to let me try riding on a helicopter," you said, laughing a little. "And I was too scared."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I am not mad, sweetie. I just wanted to spend time with you. I know that I have not been the best boyfriend with all the work I have been doing."

"Yeah, whatever," you scoffed. You blushed and looked down. "You know... I want to try it. The helicopter. I'm just scared, but I can do it."

"Are you sure? I promise, it isn't scary."

"I'm sure." You smiled.


"Ready?" Lex asked as he slid into the seat next to you. He handed you a pair of headphones. Your hands shook as you put them on. Anxiety made your stomach hurt.

You slowly nodded. Hair got in your face. Your fingers trembled too badly to brush it back. Lex frowned and pushed it back for you. His hands captured yours and he squeezed them. "I'm okay," you breathed.

He nodded and kissed your forehead. He kept his hand around yours as the helicopter lifted off of the roof. You bit your lip as it rocked back and forth. Your stomach felt a little queasy at first, but after a moment, it was okay.

You looked out the glass window and grinned. The buildings that usually towered over everything couldn't reach you. You could see everything from the park to the highways. It was a perfect array of greens and greys and blues.

"Wow," you breathed.

Lex moved closer to you. "You like it?"

"Yeah," you answered. "I didn't know that Metropolis could actually look pretty."

He laughed. You slowly moved until your back leaned into him. He wrapped an arm around you and kissed the top of your head. "Hm. I'm glad you like it."

"I'm glad I let you drag me on here," you said truthfully. He laughed again. "It really is fun."

"Ah, what did I tell you? Not scary at all!"

"It is scary," you said. "But I didn't grow up with a helicopter in my backyard like you did, Mr. Luthor."

His phone buzzed. He reached into his pocket and saw the message. With a light hum, he leaned forward and mumbled something to the pilot. Half a second later, you were going to land on the roof.

"Is something wrong?" you asked.

"No," he said. "I just have a meeting with Senator Finch in twenty minutes."


Lex sighed. "I hate to cut this short, sweetie. I really do." The helicopter landed and he removed his headset. As he brushed his hair back into place, you moved yourself away from him. "You're not mad, are you?"

"No," you said. And you weren't. You were just disappointed. "I'll just miss you."

He smiled. "I'll miss you, too." He carefully cupped your face with one hand and pulled your lips to his. You kissed him gently, savoring this moment before he was swept up with work again. "I promise, as soon as I'm not busy, we'll get right back on and spend all day in here."

You laughed. "All right." You took his hand. He helped you out of the helicopter. When your feet were flat on the floor, you took a deep breath. "I love you."

"Hm. I love you, too," he said. He gave you another peck on the lips and pulled back. You smiled as he poked the tip of your nose. "I'll see you for dinner." He spun around on his heels and headed out.

This time, you watched him go. Instead of shame, you felt a feeling of accomplishment and a new overwhelming feeling of love towards Lex Luthor.

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now