Chapter 30: The End

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4 years later
"Rebel somebody wants a hug from their daddy." Bella called from across the hall.

I got out of bed and walked across the hall where she was standing in front of the bedroom across the hall. I kissed her forehead before walking into the room where my son and daughter where.

They ran up to me and hugged my ankles tightly.

"Hi Daddy!" They yelled happily.

Cassie being 3 was my little princess and Ryan being 4 brought joy to my life. Along with Bella of course.

"Hi my loves." I said smiling down at them. "How did you guys sleep?"

"Good daddy." They both said. They always spoke together. They were so adorable.

"I guess mommy doesn't get in on the family hug does she?" Bella asked walking into the room.

"No you can join." I said. Bella came over and picked up Cassie from around my leg while I picked up Ryan.

"Can grandparents join too?" My dad asked appearing at the door with my mom, Damon, and Ella.

"Sure." We said as they walked over and got in on the hug.

"We love you guys." I said.

"Good because we love you too." Michael said.

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