Chapter 7: Meet Up

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"Do I have to go Daddy?" I asked my father.

"Yes I want you to go my love." He said.

"But what if something happens?" I asked.

"Like anyone is going to mess with you." He said.

"What you think I can't protect you with the rest of us?" My brother asked coming into the kitchen.

"I never said that." I said. Blake picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to his room.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Come here." He commanded. I walked over to his bed and sat on his lap.

"Do you think I would ever let anything bad happen to you?" He asked.

"No." I said then looked down for making him think I doubted him.

"Hey look at me I'm not mad at you." He said.

"You know I like to make you happy and pleasure you." He said before he started to trail opened mouth kisses down my neck. He kissed my sweet spot then started sucking on it harshly.

The club was loud and dark and a bunch of people grinding on each other, making out, and some even having sex. I didn't like that. It made me uncomfortable.

We sat in the VIP section because of who we were. At least we were away from all those other people.

Somebody else walked into the club with a group of people behind him. They all sat in the VIP section and started talking. The one with the messy brown hair looked up at me and quickly looked back down.

"Why are you staring at that boy over there?" Cleo whispered in my ear.

"He's cute." I whispered.

"You mean he's sexy, that's what you call a guy who looks like that." She said as she laughed.

"Okay he's sexy." I confessed.

"Oh the truth comes out." Cleo said as she laughed. "Is he making you wet?"

"Cleo." I yelled punching her arm playfully.

"Oh come on is he?" She said. I didn't answer. "Is he?" She asked again. "He is!" She gasped out.

"Oh shut up." I said.

"Dude are you okay?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said.

"Your staring at that girl like all you want to do is make her scream out your name all day in pleasure." He said.

"She's sexy, I give her that but I would never fall in love with her." I said.

"You know your just like your dad." Rachel said.

"How?" I asked.

"Your dad rejected love for the longest time and then he saw your mom and he couldn't not love her." She said.

"Did you ever think in the world that there are more important things than money, power, and sex?" Riley asked.

"What's more powerful than power?" I asked.

"Love, without it you wouldn't be here, your dad wouldn't care about you at all, and your mom would probably be dead by now." He said.

"But I don't love anybody but my parents that much." I said.

"Okay let's go outside for a minute." Rachel said. I got up along with Rachel and Riley and we all walked outside.

"Okay now what?" I asked. Rachel pulled out both of her guns and dropped them to the ground.

"I don't have any weapons shoot me." She said.

"Why would I shoot you your my friend?" I asked.

"Because you don't love me so that means you don't care about me." She said. "It doesn't matter if get hurt."

"I can't." I said.

"Exactly." She said. "I'm gonna go inside now."

Riley stayed outside and walked over to me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Admit it." Riley commanded.

"Admit what?" I asked confused.

"That girl in the club, even though you have never talked to her that you want her." She said.

"Okay I do." I confessed.

"See now if you want her you can have her she's yours to have and to keep." She said. "What do you already know about her?"

I sighed then said, "Her names Bella she's 16, she likes red, black, light pink, and white. She's innocent but not as innocent as Sarah. Also by the looks of her face she did not want to be in that club."

"You guys wanna go chill out outside?" Blake asked. "It's getting boring in here."

We all nodded and got up to go outside.

I was on my phone outside when we heard somebody walking up to us.

"Hello." They said. I looked up and saw him. It was the cute boy.

"Who the hell are you?" Blake asked annoyed.

"I'm Rebel and you might want to show me some respect boy." He snapped. Blake pulled out his gun and pointed it at Rebel.

"Really is that how you wanna play it?" Rebel asked. The people behind him all both pulled out two guns each. Except for one girl she had brown hair, she looked to innocent to be here. "Put them away its cool."

"So here's what's gonna happen, your gonna pass out along with the rest of your friends and we're going to take your little sister." He said. Next thing I know arms wrapped around my waist before darkness consumed me as I fell into somebody's arms.

I woke up in a dark room and looked at the person in front of me.

"Why the hell did you kidnap me?!" I yelled.

"I need information and your probably the easiest person to get it out of." He said.

"I thought you were a hot guy but really your just a psychopath!" I snapped.

"Oh come on you have to understand why I did what I did." He said.

"No I don't please do tell." I said sarcastically.

"Okay well I want you." He said.

The Gang Leader's RivalryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora