Bonus chapter bitches!

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Okay, so maybe I lied, the epilogue wasn't the last chapter. Please don't throw stones at me!

Take my peace offering.

Here's a bonus chapter.


I watched as the steam rose from the frying pan, stirring in figure eights so the sauce wouldn't burn. I was making chicken fettuccine because it was Cooper's favourite and he had been nagging me for days.

I smiled as I heard him yelling at the TV through the wall. "No Dora! Swiper's gonna get ya!"

I never knew watching Dora could become so intense. He was generally a happy little person, but he just got so angry at Dora. I mean, to be honest she is kinda dumb, and clearly has poor eyesight because she never sees Swiper until he's almost swiped whatever she has that isn't supposed to be swiped.

I heard the pitter patter of little feet on the hardwood floor, and then I felt something attach itself to my leg. I looked down to see Cooper grinning up at me with rosy cheeks, his chubby little arms wrapped around one of my legs.

"Hey bud," I greeted, reaching down to ruffle his hair.

"Cooper," he corrected.

"Ah, sorry. Hey Cooper," I rephrased, smiling at his antics.

He squeezed my leg tighter. "Mama."

The front door clicked open, and Cooper's eyes widened. He heard it too.

"Who's that?" I asked, pretending as though I didn't know. In fact I did know, the 'intruder' was whistling Hey Jude.

Cooper untangled his arms from my leg, wobbling to the end of the kitchen and peering around the corner.

"DADA!" He screeched, disappearing from my view as he flew at his father, his dark curls bouncing about as he moved.

"Hey kiddo," Ryan said, chucking at his enthusiasm.

"Cooper," he corrected once again.

"Right, sorry Cooper," he laughed as they entered the kitchen. Ryan put Cooper down and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"What's for dinner, it smells amazing," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Well I promised Cooper we'd have his favourite remember?"

"Ah, so we're having ch-"

"Chicken!" Cooper interrupted, jumping up and down with excitement.

Is anyone else's child obsessed with chicken, or is it just mine? I blame Ryan, he taught Cooper how to say chicken, and now he won't stop saying it, or eating it. I guess it could be worse. He could be addicted to candy or something.

"Chicken, chicken, chicken!" He chanted, running back to the living room on his stubby little legs.

He had even taken to calling my baby bump chicken, and told me he wanted chicken instead of a birthday cake for his next birthday.

"I guess that's what you get when you're related to Evan and Caleb," Ryan said, watching as Cooper disappeared.

"He was doomed from the start," I replied, continuing to stir the fettuccine. A sudden burst of pain in my lower abdomen caused me to gasp, dropping the wooden spoon with a clatter.

Ryan protectively put his hands on my belly. "Are you okay?"

Sighed, shaking it off and picking up the wooden spoon. "I'm fine."

I clenched my teeth as I felt the same pain again.

"No you're not," he decided, brushing the hair off my face, and reaching around me to turn off the stove top. Looks like Cooper wouldn't be getting any chicken after all. Ryan steered me into the dining room and sat me down on a chair.

Covered In InkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon