Chapter 1-3

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Killing Among Loved Ones:
Motive Life
Day and Night 3

It's been 3 days since we've been locked up in this school and some people are getting severely impatient. We all sat around the the table and discussed how to escape for today.

"The police! We've been gone for a few days now. They should be looking for us now" Hina said as some agreed with her. "72 hours..." Some girl with braids mumbled to herself. I never caught her name either.

"Toko Fukawa. That's her name" Chi whispered in my direction as my handbook updated the information.

Toko Fukawa
Ultimate Writing Prodigy
Birthday: March 3rd♓
Height: 5'4 [165cm]
Weight: 104Ibs [47kg]
Chest Size: 79cm
(Another person I've forgotten about. Whoops)

"Do you really think they will?" Junko...I think her name was, said in a pessimistic tone. "I think so!" Hina argued back as Monokuma appeared on top of my breakfast.

"The police won't be coming at all. Even if you do try to yell for help, no one will be able to hear or come for you" He explained before moving off my breakfast.

"I'm no longer hungry..." I sulked before he continued.

"That reminds me. It's boring in here. I'll be back" He vanished as we all looked at each other. Monokuma later came back with 16 different Monokumas. All looked just like him. They were holding a laptop with a disk on top.

"Go pick your laptop. It's in alphabetic order by last name" He said as we all walked over to find our laptop. Makoto handed me mine since his was next to mine. We grabbed the stuff and walked back to our seats. Earbuds were handed out to us as we entered the disk into the computer. As soon as we finished setting up, he motioned us to play the disc, and we did...

"Harlian! I'm so happy for you. You got in to Hope's Peak. Now you'll be following in your mother's footsteps!"

...Mon looks so happy...then Father comes onto the screen...and he was smiling as well.

"Unfortunately, your sister is getting ready for exams, so she won't be able to send you a congratulatory video...however! You two will be partners in crime for now on! Good luck in regionals!"

I'm so happy to see them happy over me...

But the screen changed to their workplace being torn apart. Two bloody bodies were hanging with a message on the floor.

"You're Next!"

I screamed and yanked the earbuds out of my ears, backing myself away from the computer.

"W-w-w-what the fuck h-h-h-happened to my f-f-family?! I have to get out!!!! I-I-I have to get out!" I screamed and ran into the kitchen and grabbed the nearest knife.

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