;Part 5;

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-Part 5-

OMO, OMO, OMO. You repeated to yourself in your head, still frozen, under the fansigh table, as you kept staring at the process. Your hands were still on Taehyung's zipper, starting to feel dizzy with all of the screams and noise from the fans above/behind you. Jimin kept unzipping, really slowly, until he reached to the bottom of the zip. His bulk, still under his boxers, was resting just on top of where the zip ended. He started to slowly slide his left hand under his boxers, pulling his boxers down as he did that. He stopped and pull out quickly just when his manhood was half-revealed from the pulling down, and a second after that, you heard a big clap sound above. Wait....did he just high-five one of the fans with his hand that just went...

But no-one gave time for you to think. You were mentally-sandwiched by Tae and Jimin, as Tae was still lightly kicking you in frustration and Jimin, on the other hand (or the other bread of the sandwich) started to pull his boxers down again. You were panicking so much. Ugh...What do I do? You tried to ignore Jimin as you quickly pulled the rest of Tae's zippers down in a swift, followed by his boxers, making him lift his butt for a second so you can pull them down completely. Tae just pretended he was adjusting himself, so no one noticed this process. V felt his chills as he started to form goose bumps on his legs.

So there he was, talking to fans, pulling an adorable v-smile at times, signing their paper, high fiving. But really, under the table he was practically half naked with his dick out. If one of his crazy-addicted fans randomly decided to lift the table cloth up, they will have a VERY happy time. You slowly drifted your towards Taehyung, but stopped before you even started touching him, when Jimin's voice in your flashback echoed annoyingly in your head.

"...I'll tell everyone if you don't give me a blowjob or something"

"...I'll tell everyone if you don't"

"...I'll tell everyone..."


Concerned by his earlier words, you turned towards Jimin. You had just noticed that he was in the exact same stage as Taehyung, practically half naked under the table. I should probably finish Jimin's business first, and then take time for your boyfriend, you thought. You gave V a tight hug on his legs, until he felt empty with you slowly leaving Taehyung and moving towards Jimin. You took a deep breath.

Let's do this.

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