You walked over to Graham and said, "I'd tell you to go to the Nether, but what do you know? You live here. How fitting. We. Are. DONE." He opened his mouth, but you left before he could speak.

~Magma Cube~

Magnus was setting up another prank. Unfortunately, he forgot you were coming over to help him. You stepped out of the portal as soon as he placed the pressure plate. A piston pulled the block from under you and you fell into a pitfall that was about 20 blocks deep. (I did this to troll my friend, and she was PISSED. It was worth it though, she had like, 20 diamonds on her.) Luckily, you had feather fall boots on, so it didn't hurt as much as it would normally. It was still bad though.

You looked up and Magnus was looking down on you. You started to cry. You were heart broken. Thanks to your pessimistic thinking, you thought he deliberately tried to prank you.

"Magnus, why?", you sobbed.

"Wait, no, (Y/N), it's not-"

"Just leave me alone.", you said in a low voice. Magnus opened, then closed his mouth, and walked away.

~Blaze~ (Warning- Some swearing ahead. Again.)

You were with Blake, sitting beneath a ledge and making out. He started to kiss you on the cheek, trailing down to your jawline, then to your neck. He tried to find your sweet spot and trailed his hands up your shirt. You pushed them away, however.

"Blake, no.", you said, suppressing any moans.

"Come on babe~. You know ya wanna~." He tried to pull your shirt up again.

You pushed him away. "Blake, no. I'm not ready."

"Come on, please?", he pleaded.

"I said, NO!", you yelled angrily. You got up and pushed him away.

"I knew it. You are the same as all those other men."

Blake looked at you, scared. "N-No, I'm-"

"YES! You are! You never really loved me, did you? You just wanted to have sex with me and then leave me, right?!"

"Wha- No!"

"Yes, you were, weren't you?! Well, too bad! I'm done with you! Go have sex with some slut, you man-whore!" You ran off, tears of rage flowing down your cheeks.

(I was tempted to put "fuqboi" since Jay from the Kubz Scouts is THAT DUDE!, but this was more fitting. Also, I bet you expected Blake to cheat, right? Well, I'm not that predictable.)

~Wither Skeleton~ (This one's kinda long... And kinda gory. So, beware.)

You got into a fight with Wilton. He said that you were a terrible fighter and sucked at self defense. You told him that not everyone is perfect and left to go cool down. Once you were feeling better, you went to go apologize. When you got there, you saw him sword fighting another girl. You weren't worried though. You assumed she was just a friend.

That was until, Wilton grabbed her hand, she spun into his arms and kissed him. They pulled away and Wilton smirked.

"At least I have a girlfriend who can actually fight.", he said, still smirking.

"You sure she won't find out?", you heard her say. You already guessed that she was talking about you.

"I already know.", you said, voice venomous, eyes clouded with rage. They both turned to face you and saw you leaning against the wall, arms crossed and sword in hand. You slowly walked over, head hanging, maniacal giggles leaving your lips. If your head was up, they would be able to see the Nether fire ablaze in your eyes. Your sword's blade dragged across the ground, making a horrible screeching noise. You giggled even louder, pupils dilated.

Each slow step by slow step, you got closer to the two. Finally, you slowed to a halt. You were right in front of them. Your giggles turned into an insane laugh. You lifted your head up to reveal that all your sanity had left. Your head twitched and your mouth was curved into a psychotic smile.

You grabbed Wilton by the shirt and kicked him to the ground. He groaned in pain. The girl gasped and tried to attack you. You grabbed her wrist, and with one slash of your sword, you decapitated her. Her body and head fell to the ground and you climbed on top of her. You continue to stab her in her chest, until she went up in a puff of smoke.

Wilton had already gotten up and grabbed your wrists. You turned and looked at him. You managed to break free and slam him against the wall nearby. The "thud" resonated throughout the area. You creeped up to him, and for the first time, you could see fear in his eyes. It didn't matter to you. Every ounce of normal had left you. You slashed at his stomach, tearing his shirt and creating a deep gash, which was bleeding.

You walked up to him and held his neck. You leaned against him, pushing your sword against his throat. You leaned forward some more, and kissed him, slitting his throat at the same time. The cut was deep, but not enough to kill him. Blood poured from his neck. You stepped back to admire what you had done to your former lover.

You twitched madly and laughed crazily once more before saying, "Ya know darling, I could just end you right here, but what's the fun in that?" He groaned and held his stomach, legs wobbling.

"You need to be punished for what you did, sweetie~. You broke my heart. You broke my mind. And so from now on, for every single second of your life, I will spend my own life torturing YOU, trying to break YOU and make the rest of your days a living hell!", you said menacingly.

"Hehehe... You're just lucky I went easy on ya today. Be ready for what I have in store for ya and the Nether I will unleash on ya in the future." You giggled even more psychotic than before. "But, I'll have to say goodbye for now, darling~. And when you die, if there is a place you can go to when you die since you live in the Nether already, we can be roomies in that hell. See ya my love~!"

You walked away, leaving Wilton on the ground, bleeding and coughing up blood.

((A/N) Well, looks like reader-chan got a little yandere at Wilton's scenario, wouldn't you say~? *lightly giggles insanely* Well, he should know better than to cheat, now shouldn't he? Poor guy... *giggles more* I tried to make it as yandere as possible, to make things... A little... Interesting. Hm, I've been meaning to make a yandere character~. Guess I got my wish.)

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