I hate them both with a passion

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but it's light, fluffy, white rain that collects on the ground." I fired back. He huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, snow is amazing!" Elsa exclaimed as she ran to look out the window with me.

"Don't forget about ice hockey." Jack added. We don't have a ice hockey team since most of the schools in our state don't offer it, otherwise Jack would be the star player. Jack goes to a hockey league in a bigger town about 45 minutes away during the winter usually after basketball practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

"And ice skating! I wish we offered that as a sport. I would totally rule!" Elsa cheered.

"Let's play a game." Eugene randomly said.

"Okay. What kind of game?" Anna asked.

"It will be kind of like truth or dare. So here's how you play, you can either call out someone personally or do the whole group. You ask a question and we have to answer. No chickens or lying. If you're caught lying, everyone decides a consequence. Alright?" Eugene asked.

"So how do we get to ask the questions?" Hiccup asked.

"We go clockwise and if you call on someone, then they get to ask a question and we move on from there." Eugene informed.

"So what you're saying is that if I didn't want you to ask a question, I could just skip over you and ask Elsa a question?" I asked.

"I guess, because then it would be Jack's turn." Eugene shrugged.

"Okay, let's play." Jack cheered. We all sat in a circle on the living room floor.

"I'll start!" Anna screamed as she rose her hand. "What is everyone's favorite season?" Anna questioned.

"Winter." Kristoff replied.

"Summer!" I cheered.

"I don't know, I guess Summer." Eugene chuckled.

"Winter." Elsa giggled.

"Winter!" Jack smiled.

"Fall." Merida said confidently.

"Fall or Summer. Both are okay." Hiccup said.

"And I like Spring!" Anna announced.

"Okay, if you guys had to pick between letting Tonya or Hans in the group, who would you pick. No offense Anna." Kristoff said.

"I don't care. I'm still going to date him." Anna smiled.

"Okay, this is a tough one. I'd probably pick Hans." I answered.

"Why?" Everyone asked.

"Because I can't stand Tonya. In case you guys forget, we had a fight." I said.

"I'd probably pick Hans. I mean, I hate them both, but I've never liked Tonya." Eugene said.

"Tonya. I have this gut feeling that Hans is this evil jerk." Elsa ranted.

"I'd pick Hans! Goodbye Tonya!" Jack yelled as he waved at an imaginary person.

"Tonya. I don't trust that ugly Hans." Merida grumbled.

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