Chapter 14: Why Is It Always Me?

Start from the beginning

But now, here it is, the killer of the whole demon race,


I  could kill him with just one blast..... But that would mean my own demise and lost of a powerful ally. Yes I said it ally....... I might be able to get on his good side but having him totally under my control is impossible..... IMPOSSIBLE!

This kid, this child is so determined to become something even us demons want to become.......


I know all, and yet he has beaten me at my own deals. I know all of what he thinks..... I know he wants to be a god even if he's acting modest and saying what I want to hear. Its like he knows his destiny......

I need to revise and redo my plan...... Its not going as I thought it would. He is gaining strength by the hour and I'm only fueling it. Maybe... if I toy enough with his mind I can get enough of his sanity out and insanity in...... And I know brother is planning the same. Its the only way to win.

But also the hardest. I'm gambling not only myself but every living thing too. I won't have a world to control if he extinguishes it both spiritually and physical.

This might be my last chance to complete control, not just the release of my worlds prison, but the control of Heaven, Hell and the infinite dimensions! Then NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!! An evil grin swipes clean through Bills face.

This might be
          my hardest
                   game yet....


-T.S. P.O.V.-

T.S. stares down at his hands and decides to continue forward with his plan. He looks at his hands staring right at Dipper and Bill like its a satellite. They are at the back part to what seems to be the boys home. Bill drops him on the stairs and zaps away.

Now is the perfect time to commence. I enter the mind of Dipper to see all his hopes, fears and everything else humans have in there tiny minds. I need to find him before he wakes.

I head towards his dreaming part of his mind to find him shooting rocks with fire blasts. Likes he's dreaming to be a demon. By Golly Jones..... He's already wanting to be one of us.

Easier for me to control. A creepy smile plasters his face before interrupting Dippers dream.
"Why hello young boy! Now by Jones where did you learn to do that!?" He changes his grin to a kind one. Of course fake but who cares.

Dipper still in his cocky and dream self walks up to him smiling joyfully.
"Well you see mister I'm aAAaaaaAaaaaAaaAAA ULTIMATE DEMON! PROTECTOR OF EARTH AND SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGE!" His smile still on but fear crept in. He's already thinking of being a god... But as a savior. Hahahahaha! His mental laugh broke out to a chuckle. "My my we got a special one here. Well my name is Strange. What's your name?" 

Better this way than the hard way. "My names Dipper"
"Well then Dipper my boy, you have a talent and I got a deal. Wanna at least hear me out buddy?" I kept my smile on. He shook his head saying, "Why not"

We started to walk in his dream woods. "So kid you have a nak at this talent of yours! And I want to make you even more powerful! Hey saying that how bout you shot that rock over there.

Dipper shakes his head, and shoots it with the flick of his finger. He kept his poker face on. "Fascinating...... Kid I have a daring deal to offer now, and I know you'll like it!"

He looks at me. Deciding whether he should or not.... "What? You scared?" He immediately looks at me with his cocky grin. "Not at all. A deals you want the power I get. So wants the rules to this deal.... I aint that stupid. Spill and we make this deal happen."

Well he is really cocky and not to mention gambling his own life here but lucky for me he was outside his demon protected home and was asleep. "Well here's the thing. For you to get powerful I need to give you MY power, and for me to do that I need to well sorta...... Naw never mind you'll never do it......" I look down acting like its to risky for him.

"What do you mean? What is is!? I can handle it!" He flares his hands up and crosses his arms. He fell just for my trap. Hahahahahahaha!

"Well you see I need to transfer my power through your mind and soul, but it takes time and I need to possess you. But I doubt youll-"
"DEAL! I'm not scared! Power is what I want any way! Its a deal!" He aggressively puts his hand into mine shaking and I shake my hand immediatly entering his soul and taking control of his body.

Now I can use his body any time I want whenever I want. Hehe hehe haha haha! Score for me! I push his soul out of his body and take control. I open my eyes to see the sun blaring into my pupils. I look down to see I have taken possession of his body. I see Dipper awake looking at 'me' and himself.

"Chill child. Its me T.S. and you made a deal with me just moments ago in your mind."
"What..... No.... This can't be......" This boy must be confused. I snicker at him. It was him who accepted the deal. I'm only taking advantage of it.

-Dippers P.O.V.-

He said he's T.S. ....... That means he's my father. Oh, My ,Gosh..... My other dad is right here, possessing my  body. Weird way to meet but better this way than never.

But why is her possessing my body? He says I made a deal with him but I don't recall anything nor remember coming back to the shack.......  Was I that tired to have not remembered anything......

Maybe he will answer my questions! "I can read your mind human, and yes maybe some of your questions, go right ahead ask"

Wow, invasion of privacy, really, please? Does every demon do that or are they forced to hear everyone's thoughts..... Wow now that I think about it, it sounds like torture....
"So let me start off with why are you possessing my body?"
"Ah, yes well see you made a deal with me in your recent dream...." He has his poker face on while he leans against the shack. He stares at me with my eyes only now there purple....

"And who are you? You said your T.S. but last I checked T.S. is a Cipher-"
"And who told you that?!" His poker face gone replaced with a angry much more frightening face.
"Well, no one in particular but they also said that...... Your my dad...."

Silence. All that hit me was silence...... He stares at me more and looks away putting his face in his hands. Then he looks at me and says, "Yes I'm your father but that doesn't mean anything. I'm still a demon in your body about to ruin your life. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

WHAT DID HE SAY?!! No..... This can't be happening again.... And this time Mabel isn't here to save me... Mabel..... I've been a jerk to her and now he most likely going to make it worse.
"Do you remember I can read thoughts so thanks for the ideas!" He runs into the shack sticking his middle fingers up.

Just by this I know its gonna be way worse then what Bill did...... And I can't fix this mistake. Damn IT! Why is it always me!?

Wonders what's gonna happen next.... Doesn't look good at all for dipper
What's mabel doing? Who knows
(1792 words)
Until next time my triangle doritos!


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