A Love Like Theirs

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who cries their eyes out when they watch Up

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Colin's POV

I wake up to the sound of a blender grinding something up. Remembering I slept in Jen's trailer, I assume she's making a health shake or something with loads of protein. I've never understood how she can eat so healthy with something called pizza just across the street.

It's like going to a buffet and heading straight to the salad bar and only eating a salad. No dessert. Oh and a water. Not even soda or sweet tea, just water.

I convinced her to get a slice of apple pie once when we went to dinner after filming and she said she had to go home and 'work it off'. I'd wish she'd loosen up cause she doesn't have any meat on her bones, just muscle. But I also think it's great that she's so committed.

Jared wouldn't stop teasing her that she might fall under a sleeping curse if she ate it, we all laughed at that. I've just learned that looking at the nutrition facts on stuff only makes you feel worse.

"Don't worry I'll just give you true love's kiss when you face plant into the pie" Jared joked. "And if that doesn't work Colin will cause your true love was god approved."

It seems like every CSer on social media is saying CS is god approved and won't stop blabbing about it, don't get me wrong I love my fans.

I squint because the sun outside is blindingly bright but my eyes become adjusted as I move to sit up and stretch my back out. The blender cuts off and I see a peach colored frothy liquid in it. Jen grabs two chilled glasses out of the refrigerator and pours the liquid into them.

"Good morning captain" she said acknowledging she knew I was awake.

"Good morning Swan. Now what is it you've prepared for me?" I say attempting Hook's accent but failing. Why is my voice always deeper in the morning.

She just grins and hands me a glass.

"Peach protein shake with diced up peaches and Greek yogurt. Oh and kale."

She said the last part a tad too late because I was already talking a swig. I swallowed hard and to my surprise I liked it.

"Andddd? What do you think?"

"It's bloody amazing." She giggled. God I love when I make her smile. She deserves to be happy.

After we've chugged our shakes it dawns on me what day it is.

"Do you have plans for today or are you free?" I say looking at her with pleading puppy dog eyes.

"Not really, I mean, I was just gonna have dinner with G-"

"Great!" I say cutting her off, I honestly don't care who she's going out to dinner with just as long as I get her the rest of the day.

"Well you seem excited. Got anything planned?"

"I was just thinking about the peach shakes and I remembered the peach festival is today! Have you ever been?" I say like a five year old who's begging his mum to take him somewhere.

"Yeah I have! I used to every year as a kid but recently I've been too busy to go... and no one ever asked to go with me"

"Why didn't you say so! Let's go!" I say hopping up and unzipping my bag which contains a fresh change of clothes I brought with me last night.

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