It's Back

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ROSIE!!! I jump up and give her a hug,

I'm so glad she is okay. She walks in, and she seems mad. She pulls in Gabriele by the arm. Her arms are tied behind her back. Both Luke and I look at each other then look at Rosie as she throws Gabby to the floor. She's pretty banged up. Well really the both are but Gabby more than Rosie. Luke asks what happened and Rosie tells us that Gabby is the reason that's the Organization found us. Luke stands up and grabs Gabrielle by the arms and lifts her up. "WHY!" he yells

She begins to say that she joined after he left and that way she was able to watch every move they made. She's the reason that he got put in my team in the first place. The more she continues to talk the more I get agitated. I push Luke out of the way and put my hands around Gabrielle's throat. "YOU BITCH!" I yell at her and she begins to laugh as her face turn purple. Luke pulls me off of her. He holds me close to him for a minute, but I don't take my eyes off of her. While she's coughing, she is giving me an evil smile. I've seen that smile before. That's when she tilts her head to the left and Luke lets go of me and I go up and Punch her as hard as I can and she doesn't budge still having that evil smile on her face. She then tilts her head to the right and her face grows into an even bigger smile grows on her face. Her arms are now suddenly free and her face tilts upside down. She laughs evilly and turns into a creature that I've only seen once before. She is the figure that broke all of my friends necks after the fire. She is the one who drug me back into the tunnels. This is her fault. The look of fear runs over Rosaline's face and Luke pulls me closer to him. Gabrielle or the Figure vanishes as she's disappears through the wall. The secret is out.


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