Chapter Nine-Allyson

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Ever since we left this morning, it’s been an awkward drive. Almost no one spoke, but when they did it was either about the weather or where we were. We had some unexpected stops, because of Danni’s car sickness. I wondered why we even drove. Danni said so we can sight see, I just think she’s scared of planes.

We’ve been on the road for a day now, and almost everyone is asleep. I had to move to the passenger seat so Danni and Chloe could lie out on the back seat, and Belial and Camdyn could sleep comfortably in the middle two seats and Ian was laying on the floor. Cheren stares out at the dark road lit by the headlights. I look awkwardly out my window trying to avoid contact with him. Ever since yesterday he’s been acting weird.

“Why aren’t you asleep yet?” He asks with dullness in his voice. I can tell he doesn’t want to talk, but I don’t think he understands that I don’t either.

“I have to make sure you stay up and don’t kill us all.” I state matter-of-factly. He rolls his eyes, but he stays quiet. I know it’s awkward, but I just don’t want to sit here in silence. “So why are we driving anyway? Wouldn’t it have been so much easier to fly?”

“Yeah it would’ve been, a lot easier actually, but we have to drive because of you two.” For some reason I’m offended by his comment. One because he said it in a whiney kind of voice, and two he makes it sound like it’s all our fault.

“Wait a minute.” I say turning to look at him. His hair is all messy and he doesn’t look tired at all. Only annoyed. “You can’t blame this on us, we didn’t even say anything about how we were traveling.”

“That’s not what I mean.” He looks at me from the corner of his eye and sighs. “Danni insisted on driving so we could stop at random open spaces to practice on your guys’ powers and crap. I wasn’t blaming anything on you.” He says this a lot softer and kinder than his other words were.

“Oh, sorry, I guess.” I turn back around and watch all the trees pass by out the window. I touch the opal ring on my finger, and play with it admiring it’s appearance in the dark light.

“Where did you get that from? I realized you never take it off.” I don’t look up at him, but keep my eyes on the ring.

“Yeah it’s kind of special to me. The last thing I have left of my mom. Same with this necklace, except it’s from my friend. He left it in the envelope when he wrote me the letter telling me he was leaving and I’d probably never see him again.” I pull the key necklace from out underneath my shirt to show him.

“Who is this guy that you keep bringing up? He sounds like a horrible guy.” He mummer under his breath. I can’t help but to glare him a bit.

“He wasn’t at all. He was my only friend up in England. We were both outcasts because of our appearances. He taught me a lot too. I’ll never forget him and the things that he’s helped me through.” I look up at Cheren and he looks like he could honestly care less. “Well you asked so I explained. Sorry if it bored you.”

“It didn’t. It just made me jealous.” I sit there and try to figure out what that means. “I-I mean that it makes me wanna make up for his mistake. Teach you more than he did, and make you forget about what he did.”

“Thanks I guess. Can I ask why though?” He thinks about it for a moment. concentrating on the dark road. 

“Because it’s my job to make your life safe and livable without any regrets.” He sighs. “It’s my job. And out of curiosity, what’s going on between you and that Belial kid? You know we can’t fully trust him just yet.” I blush when he asks.

“Nothing is going on between us!” I say a bit too loud. Camdyn shifts in his seat behind us. I look behind me and see that he’s still asleep. I turn back to Cheren and speak in a softer voice. “I just met him. He seems trustable, and he’s just nice. Nothing is going on. I don’t really have an interest in anyone right now, nor do I have the time to even think about it.”

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