Chapter Two-Chloe

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Comments will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!:) -nhweb15

The music pulses through me, on the sandy Californian beach. It was a warm and humid night, but it was perfect for a beach party. I usually got invited to all of them, and I never turned down an invitation. That would only ruin my rep. Going into high school would be all about stuff like this. I mean, of course there are classes, but they’ve always been a breeze for me.

“We should leave soon. It’s getting late.” Ian says scaring the crap out of me. Ian was always by me. It’s sort of stalker-like and annoying, but there are times when I do enjoy his company.

“Can you stop doing that!?” I ask irritated. I didn’t want to leave. Me leaving from a party would definitely ruin the night.

“Doing what? Coming up behind you without noticing? It means I’m doing my job.” He says casually.

“I don’t care. Just stop. I don’t want to leave either. If you want to go then fine, I’ll just get a ride home with someone else. I’m sure anyone here would be happy to help.” I reply.

“Fine then. I’ll stay.”

“You don’t have to.” Then I say under my breath, “It would make my night a lot better.”

“I told your parents that I would bring you home. They trust me and I just can’t let them down.” He replies making sure I understand why he wouldn’t ever leave me alone.

“Whatever.” I say and push my way through the thick crowd hoping to lose Ian. My plan didn’t work though. He kept following me as he usually did.

I turn around swiftly and yell at Ian, “Leave me alone! I’m sick of you following me around all the time!” A crowd starts to form around us with confused looks in their eyes.

“Fine. Then I’ll be leaving, which means you are too.” He replies coolly and grabs my wrist. I look at him in disbelief.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” I scream at him.

“Taking you home like your parents asked me to.” He says with the calmness he always has. I grumble in response. I couldn’t shake his grip no matter how strong I was, and I have to admit, I am pretty strong. It was sort of unnatural, but yet completely natural. It just came to me.

Ian dragged me to his old beat up car and made sure I got in the car. He relocked it to ensure that I wouldn’t get out while he was getting in as well. It takes him a few tries to start the beat up and rusty old Ford compact car. I look over at him with something my friends call my ‘death glare’. Ian has pale blonde hair that cuts across the top right half of his face, almost completely covering his right eye. He has dark blue eyes, almost the color of the Pacific Ocean at night.

The ride back was at least a half hour. It’s going to be a quiet half hour at this. I’m incredibly mad at him right now, and when I was mad at someone, I stayed like that. I wasn’t one to usually hold grudges, but what he did was unacceptable. I look out the window to the ocean, because that’s most of what was around here.

The ride ends up being as long as I had thought. Long and quiet. I get out and slam the door impeccably hard. Ian always hated it when I did that, and tonight I mean it.

“I’m home!” I scream when I enter my house. It’s a huge house, and I like it. It has a nice pool outback, and my room is quite big. Most of the houses here look alike, so it’s hard to tell one from another. Sometimes even the people look alike. Luckily, that isn’t my family and our neighbors. I trudge up the stairs still steaming from what happened, and walk into the room at the end of the hall. My room. It always relaxes me a little bit to be in here. The floor is a dark oak, and the walls black, with teal and deep purple dots sponged across the walls. I go and plop down onto my bed and lay down. It’s about ten o’clock.

“How was the party darling?” My mom says as she pokes her head in my room.

“I never want to be near Ian again. He’s so obnoxious. He made us leave. I can’t believe him.” I reply like a whining child.

“I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.” She says quietly and walks back out saying a good night as she went. I completely disagree with her though, and it just made my night worse. Aren’t moms supposed to tell you that you’re right? Guess not.

I grab a tank top and some shorts out of my black dresser. I walk into my bathroom that’s connected to the side of my room and change. I look at myself in my full-length mirror before I walk out. My pale blonde hair is completely natural, though it looks nothing like it. My golden eyes are the color of the sun setting at night, and they stand out on my not so tanned skin. I never tan easily, but I don’t mind much. I don’t feel like I’m special, but apparently I am. Everyone adores me, but I’ve never really done anything to win them over. It comes naturally, like everything else.

On the middle of my back I have a small tattoo of black wings. I have no idea how it got there, but it’s always been there. I asked my mom about it, and she said it was there when I was born, like something of an unnatural birthmark. I like it though. It makes me feel like I do have one thing special about me. I guess I’m pretty in some ways, but my personality is pretty demanding.

I walk out of the bathroom and log onto my personal laptop. I check my email, and chat with some friends about the party I got dragged away from, and then get off. My friends always ask about why Ian was always following me around. Even I don’t have an answer for that. I simply reply, with an, I have no idea, but it needs to stop. They went along with it.

Ian is my long time neighbor. He’s just always been around for some reason. My parents were like in love with him, which is creepy in so many ways, but I’ve only ever thought he was annoying. They always make sure he’s around when I go out. I’m never allowed to go to a friend’s house for a long period of time, and he’s always there when I leave. Sometimes he’s a pleasure to have around and we get along great. Most of the time though, is like tonight, when we don’t get along. He usually wins all of the fights we have. He’s older than me by a year, but that usually doesn’t affect anything. It bugs me when he’s around. Like, in an annoying older brother sort of way. He’s just always protective of me when he’s around.

I’m starting to get tired and my eyes are closing. I start humming a slow song to myself to help me sleep. I’d always loved to sing. I just didn’t do it in front of people, so not many people know it. My song slows down and I slowly drift off into unconsciousness.

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