Chapter Six-Chloe

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After Ally ran out, Cheren tried to follow her, but I grab his arm stopping him. “Let her be alone for a little bit.” I say. He listens to me, but very reluctantly. Both of us have been through a lot today.

“She’s right,” Danni says from behind me. “Besides, you can’t go around outside looking like that.” She adds gesturing to his eye.

“Fine, but after that, I’m going to find her.” Danni goes downstairs with Camdyn and Cheren closely following behind her.

I turn to Ian, “Are you alright?”

“Fine other than some scratches here and there.” He replies simply. I walk into the study to see how much damage there is. It isn’t too bad, books strewn across the floor, the window and case are broken of course, and some of the furniture is moved a little bit. Nothing that can’t be fixed. I go to pick up some books off the ground, that way Danni doesn’t have to be burdened with too much to do.

“You help too.” I say turning to Ian. He’s leaning against the doorway with his eyes closed.

“If you insist.” He says. I glare at him for a few seconds, and then realize someone is standing in the doorway.

“Do you know where she went?” Cheren asks me. He seems truly worried for her. I wonder if it was just that he was he protector, but then again so are Camdyn and Danni.

“Try the beach. That’s where I would go.” I reply. When I can’t clear my head that’s where I go. It’s quiet and peaceful out there, so nothing bothers me. Except for Ian, every once in a while.

Cheren walks out of the room swiftly, and I go to go pick up some more. Soon the room is done. At least, what we could pick up. I go downstairs to tell Danni that all she would have to do is get the window fixed. She seems a little relieved, but I can tell in her eyes she’s stressed and puzzled about something. I guess I would be too, if I were her.

I walk across the giant green yard with Ian by my side. “When Ally gets back Danni, Camdyn, Cheren, and I need to go tell Lucifer what happened. Ally will come to your house and stay here with you while we’re gone. We’ll make sure the house is secure before we leave. You should be alright though for the time being.”

“What!?” I panic, stopping my pacing and waiting for him to answer. “I don’t want to be left alone! Not after what happened yesterday and today!”

Ian looks at me and puts his hands on my shoulders. “You will be perfectly fine Chloe. If we knew you wouldn’t, one of us would stay with you guys, but you don’t need us to.” Ian says reassuringly.

“Fine, but if anything happens I’m blaming you guys for leaving us alone.” I say turning my head at him.

“I guess we would deserve that.” He says plainly. “When Ally is ready we’ll all be over. Okay?” I nod my head in assurance and walk into my overly-large house and walk into the kitchen, realizing that I’m hungry. I grab stuff out of the fridge to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As I finish it, I walk upstairs to my room and plop down on my bed. I’m tired from yesterday and today. I didn’t get much sleep last night because I ended up dreaming of creepy lizard men who tried to choke me to death. Coincidence? I think not. I sigh and look up at my ceiling, realizing I’m falling asleep. I try my hardest not to, but I end up slipping under.

I wake up to the sound of a doorbell ringing over and over again. Crap, I completely forgot that they were coming; it just left my mind as I fell asleep. I’m coming I’m coming. I think. It rings constantly until I show up at the door. I see Ally, Ian, Danni, Camdyn, and Cheren waiting outside the door. I unlock it and open it swiftly.

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