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Down at a remote village on a large island of the sea known as the New World, a ship was docked that was starting make people nervous...

It was a pirate ship.. and for a pirate ship, it really didn't look all too terrifying. But the Jolly Roger flag it bore was already enough to let people know, that whomever owned her.. was wanted for crimes against the government.

A grinning skull with a straw hat.. on a massive ship with a strange booster-rocket like end, and a smiling lion for a prow..

Her name, was the Thousand Sunny, and she was the proudest seaworthy vessel ever to sail the Grand Line. She could survive a whirlpool, sink to the bottom of the ocean, and still be intact enough to sail.. her weapons systems were top grade.. in some cases even more powerful than the weapons Academy City possessed.

However, there was something different about her now.. a strange new edition had been added to her hull.. on the strange dial that usually held a set of Docking Numbers, there was a new symbol.. a prancing Fairy... and the same symbol was branded on the middle sail of the ship.

That was also because this wasn't just a Pirate Ship.. it was also a mobile Guild Hall.. the first Wizard and Esper guild of it's kind to enter this dimension..

But they weren't here to take a job..

They were looking for something..

And causing quite a bit of chaos in the process..

Their name.. was Fairy Tail.. and honestly, chaos was their specialty. So they were probably the perfect pirates..

"BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" An entire building exploded into flames... as two individuals exited, the flames.. carrying massive sacks of food over their heads.

One of them, was a hulking individual with blue hair, sunglasses, and two ginormous robotic arms, and he wore an aloha shirt and speedo-like pants.

Cyborg Franky, AKA the shipwright of the Thousand Sunny.

And the other one, needs no introduction for you loyal readers..


"Oh they surrendered!!?" Natsu exclaimed. "I didn't hear anything to be honest, I was too busy staring at the shiny guy!!"

"WELL NOW THE SHINEY GUY IS SUUUUUPPPERRRR coming after us!!" Franky yelled. "Come on!! We need to get back to the ship!!!"

"But I don't wanna!!" Natsu yelled. "I hate transportation!!!"

"The Sunny isn't just transportation!! She's the ship that'll sail the world!!!" Franky exclaimed

"SHEEEEENNN!!!"  A gleam suddenly appeared in the sky as a massive individual crashed down in front of Natsu and Franky, creating a massive cloud of smoke.

"Looks like we'll have to fight anyways!" Said Franky putting down the sacks of food.

"OOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!" Natsu's eyes sparkled. "SO SHINEY!!!!!"

"GONG GONG!!!" yelled the new arrival. He had a large bearded face with giant shiny gold teeth, however, his entire torso was one massive brass gong, with a Japanese kanji symbol on it that simply said "Gong". Both his arms had mallets for hands.. and his feet were short stubby and muscular.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail: The Diablo Saga, Book 6,  InfamyWhere stories live. Discover now