You coming to the game tonight?

She hummed, in response. Alex texted him back.

Won't miss it for the world.

She placed her phone back inside her pocket and arrived to first period, history. "No like creepy stalker weird." Emma continues. "He said how we pretend to have perfect lives online on instagram and facebook." She finishes. "Who still uses facebook?" Alex let out a laugh over that. "Never was a fan of facebook anyways." Alex continues. "Probably just Jake being a douche." Riley replied.

Considering the only person Alex had in her class who she actually enjoyed their presence is Brooke. She begins to explain what happened last night with Jake. "We just kissed. I'm not sure. I told him it was nothing, that we were just in the moment." Alex looked down at her long painted finger nails. "Do you have feelings for him?" Brooke asks. "He's my best friend Brooke. Nothing is going to happen between us right now, I have too much on my mind. Considering my psycho ex boyfriend arrived in Lakewood a couple of days ago." she answers in a lower tone not wanting to people to listen in to their conversation.

"Wait what?" Brooke looks surprised and worried. "He came to your party yesterday, had a little chat." She rolled her eyes. "I swear you should have a reality show; toxic ex comes back to get his good girl gone bad, with her best friend getting hot and heavy with a murderer on the loose." Alex giggled over her remark.

"With some scandalous sex even better." Alex added. The duo both laughed.


"Alright guys, phones down." Mr. Branson announces. "But the Brandon James GIF put us on the map, Mr. B. We got like seven of the top ten trending hashtags right now." Jake defends. Alex furrowed her eyebrows, turning around giving him a look. "Sick." she shook my head. "Maybe you should focus more on your studies and less on Lakewood's web buzz." Mr. Branson scowls.

"Who can resist the murder selfie?" Jake asks. "Which is what the killer is counting on." Noah challenged. Alex can already see the excitement on this kid's face for one of his lectures. "Alright, Will Graham. What is the killer's design?" Mr. Branson questions Noah.

"Murder's a lonely game, you know. Say you're the killer, okay? You sneak into Nina's house you skulk around and scare her and then you kill her. Boom! But then what? You take a victory lap around the pool? You just stand there, watching the blood spread out in the water, thinking your crazy guy thoughts?" Noah starts.

"Creepy monologue alert." Brooke comments.

"So maybe it's no good if he's the only one watching. Social media is at it's hight point now." Alex mentions, looking at Noah. "Exactly, it's the age of instagram, youtube, and tumblr. We need to share the things we do or it's like it never happened." Noah continues away with his lecture.

Alex heard a chime from someone's phone. "Riley phones off." Mr. Branson warns. "Sorry, Mr. B. My friend from St. Mary's texted. A girl that goes there died." Riley explains.

"Who was it?"Alex asked. "How'd it happen?" Jake also asks, considering Jake has always been interested on the 'gory details' of deaths.

"Doesn't say." Riley replies. "I'm sorry to hear that Riley. Why don't we get back to- actually let's take a minute." Mr. Branson announces. Alex furrowed her eyebrows as Audrey just left the classroom with Emma following her.


"My friend Caden goes to St. Mary's. Apparently Rachel was just a train wreck looking for a station." Brooke explains. The four of the girls Brooke, Riley, Emma and Alex walked towards their lockers.

"Brooke, she just killed herself and it's because of me." Emma reminding them about the video of Audrey and Rachel. "It's not your fault Em, with or without you Nina would've filmed and posted the video." Alex tempted to make her feel better. "I just need a minute." and with that Emma was gone. Leaving Brooke, Riley and Alex staring at each other silently.

"You going to the game tonight?" Alex asked the two remaining friends. "Might as well, I surprisingly have nothing to do tonight." Brooke spoke. Since Brooke and Mr. Branson and now over since he cancelled their 'study sessions' for good.

Alex looked over at Riley for her response. "Yeah actually, I have this thing with Noah. Going to look at the stars at the football field." Alex smirked, then made some kissing noises. "Cute, real cute." she comment on Noah and Riley together.


"Welcome, everyone, to George Washington High School. Welcome to the visiting Stanton Bulldogs. Taking on your team Lakewood Lancers!"

"Sports ball, yay!" Alex can feel the sarcasm in Brooke's voice. she let out a chuckle. Alex saw Jake and Will talking, then looking back at the crowd. She gave him a smile, and he winked at her.

"I'm going to get some licorice whips. Be right back." Brooke informs the two. "Bring me some!" Alex yelled out to her. "Really?" Emma questions. Alex laughed as she continue to eat the rest of her popcorn. "So, what's going on with you and Jake? Brooke filled me in." Emma asks, smirking at Alex. "Nothing, we just kissed that's all. A kiss." she narrowed it down. It was just a kiss. "Mhm." She was squinting her eyes at her. "Whatever, Em." watching Jake and Will practice for the game.

"Good evening Lancer fans, welcome. It has been an emotional week for Lakewood with the loss of two lovely young souls in our community, Nina Patterson and Rachel Murray. Let's have a moment of silence." Mayor Maddox announces.

The game was nearly over. "Will Belmont for three!" and that is how we won the game. Everyone cheered. Alex clapped and screamed along with Emma. "Final score: 47-46 It's your Lakewood Lancers with he victory!" As Will ran over to Emma, Alex walked towards Jake. He had pure happiness on his face, which made her happy that he's happy. "You won!" Alex exclaimed, and Jake picked her up and spun her around then put her down. "You played a good game and you are very sweaty." Alex crinkled her nose, making a face.

"I kicked ass. Woo!" Jake screams out with the rest of the team. "I'm going to go home, call me later?" she suggested with a smile. He loves her smile. "Phone sex eh?" He also suggests. "Gross." she made a gagging sound.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Alex finished walking back looking at him.

"I'll see you."


NOTE: i am going to try to write this daily (which will fail obviously) but at least 3/4 times a week!! hope you enjoyed the third chapter! xo

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