Chapter 69 - Who Are You?

Start from the beginning

"Let me explain. I know this may be crazy but it's all true. So when they thought I died at the hospital I didn't. They tried contacting your father but they didn't have his information. Philip always gave them Jason's because he hated giving people his information. So they called him and he took me back with him. He wouldn't let me go back to you guys because he said he loved me. That I was supposed to marry him, and not your father. So he basically trapped me in his place never letting me see you. I tried so hard to get back to you but it was too late. By the time the apocalypse happened I never thought I'd find you. I'm so sorry, Jessica." She said crying slightly. Me and everyone looked so shocked. Daryl and I share glances and return to our mother.

"It's ok mom. You didn't know me and Daryl were ok. It's not your fault." I said hugging her.

"Wait, where's Merle?" She asked

"Dead." I replied. She sighed but quickly changed the topic.

"How's your shoulder hon?" She asked Daryl.

"Fine." He grunts. I was surprised he wasn't as happy to see her like I was. I mean I never technically met my mom and now she's here.

What a dam night this has been.

"So are you staying with Neegan?" I asked not wanting to call him my uncle.

"Hell no! I'd love to come back with you guys if your ok with that?" She asked looking at Rick.

"You saved Glenns life. Saved all of ours, of course you can come back. I mean you are Daryl and Jesicas mother. We need some explaining on Daryls life." Rick smiles.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Carl asked standing up. We were all sitting in the RV and he practically drags me outside.

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Me!? What about you? You almost died." I said


"I'm actually freaking out on the inside but I'm trying to stay calm. After all I don't want anything to happen to the baby." I whisper the last part.

"Ok ok ok ok, I'm sorry. Just having all this shoved into your brain at once is kinda stressful." He said

"Your telling me." I said.

"You know we gotta tell her about Ethan." He said before we walk back in the RV.

"Not yet." I said as I opened the door.

"Let me talk to Neegan about me leaving. He's a tough son of a bitch to get through but I'll convince him." She said leaving kissing my head before.

"Now I know where you get your mouth!" Glenn speaks up.

"You almost died and your worried about my language!" I ask and we all laugh.

"Yes!" He replies and we all laugh. She comes back 10 minutes later and soon the cars around us disperse leaving.

"Let's go." She said. Abraham starts the car and Rick gets in the passengers seat again. Mom tells me all about what she did during the beginning of the apocalypse and shit like that.

"Hey mom, I have to show you something when we get back." I spoke up.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Something. Well, someone." I said. I look at Daryl and he nods knowing I meant Ethan.

"Ok, anything else you should tell me?" She asked. Not in a mean way, but in a let's catch up way.

"Um yeah." I said

"Well?" She asked

"Carl and I are married." I said and she gasped looking at me then Carl then back at me.

"Let me see the ring!" She smiled and I show her my finger with the ring. "Awh, it's beautiful." She said and I sigh in relief.

*back at Alexandria*

"So me and him have our own house." I said walking back with Carl and my mom to our house.

"Oh ok!" She replied as we all inside after dropping off our weapons. We get inside and she started at the house.

"Oh my lord Jessica it's beautiful!" She said walking around. After she finished looking around we all sit on the couch.

"You can stay in the guest bedroom." Carl saids handing her a glass of water.

"Why thank you. Now who do I get to meet?" She asked taking a sip of water.

"Carl, why don't you go get them." I ask. He nods getting up kissing my forehead.

"So who is this person?" She asked as he left.

"You'll see." I said. We wait in silence for Carl to get back with Ethan. The door soon opens and Carl steps inside with Ethan. He's sleeping I could tell and I jump up taking my baby.

"Awh who's this?" She asked as Carl out the diaper bag on the ground.

"He's um, my-our son." I stutter holding him. Her eyes go wide as she sees me hold him.

"Can I hold him?" She asked. I nod and hand her the baby. He wasn't really a baby but he was too me. He slowly wakes up and wiggles around in my moms arms.

"That's his room." I said pointing to the closed door.

"Can I take him to it?" She asked.

"Sure." I replied and she stands up taking him to his room. Carl comes over sitting where my mom used to and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine, I guess? It's just a lot to have your mom show up and save your ass from your own uncle." I sigh as he pulls me in for a hug.

"You trust her?" He asked

"I mean she's my mom, I would hope I can." I say quietly. He kisses my cheek just as my mom came out.

"Awh y'all are so cute!" She whispers.

"Thanks, want to go to bed?" I asked standing up.

"Yeah, goodnight hon." She smiles hugging me before walking into the guest room close to Ethan's. Me and Carl head up to our and change. After we get into bed my thoughts are just racing.

"Hey." Carl said snapping me out if it. "Thinking?" He asked.

"Yeah, just thinking." I reply. He pulls me close wrapping his arms around me as I rest my head on his chest.

"Get some sleep. Don't wanna stress you and the baby out." He said kissing my head.

"I know, good night. And thank you for being their for me." I said

"Well I mean, what else are husbands for?" He asked making me smile.

"This." I said lifting my head up kissing him on the lips. After our kiss I lay back down.

"Good night Jess." He breath out heavy till we both fall asleep.

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